Tonexus / poe-scambot

A tool meant to quickly and efficiently search for items in Path of Exile via the stash tab API.
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no longer working #17

Closed kzargonaute closed 6 years ago

kzargonaute commented 6 years ago

This was working fantastic until a few days ago, where all of a sudden it stopped working whenever you press "Start". You get this error:

Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Downloads\poe-scambot-master (1)\poe-scambot-master\scambot.pyw", line 199, in start_parsing self.queue_parse_ids.put(requests.get(constants.NEXT_API).json()['nextChangeId']) KeyError: 'nextChangeId'

Was something changed in the API that made it so it no longer works?

Tonexus commented 6 years ago

It seems like the API has changed from using nextChangeId to next_change_id. I just pushed out a hotfix.