Tongsuo-Project / tongsuo-mini

Apache License 2.0
8 stars 6 forks source link

项目持续集成方案及实现 #29

Open chainsaid opened 1 year ago

chainsaid commented 1 year ago

参考Tongsuo项目,使用Github原生的Github Actions构建项目持续集成方案,方案包括但不限于:

chainsaid commented 1 year ago

Github Actions脚本开发,需要借助本地化部署,使用Act工具 进行本地调试与测试,然后推到github进行实际验证,避免调试过程中多次向github推送。

chainsaid commented 1 year ago

目前多硬件平台实现较好的嵌入式密码项目是WolfSSL wolfSSL is currently available for Win32/64, Linux, macOS, Solaris, ESP32, ESP8266, Threadx, VxWorks, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, embedded Linux, Yocto Project, OpenEmbedded, WinCE, Haiku, OpenWrt, iPhone, Android, Nintendo Wii and Gamecube through DevKitPro support, QNX, MontaVista, Tron variants, NonStop OS, OpenCL, Micrium's MicroC/OS-II, FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS, Freescale MQX, Nucleus, TinyOS, TI-RTOS, HP-UX, uTasker, uT-kernel, embOS, INtime, mbed, RIOT, CMSIS-RTOS, FROSTED, Green Hills INTEGRITY, Keil RTX, TOPPERS, PetaLinux, Apache Mynewt, and PikeOS.[6] 具体支持情况如下链接: 陆续调研其自动化测试方案,具体可以Zephyr嵌入式OS切入

InfoHunter commented 1 year ago
