Toni-SM / libiiwa

Scalable cross-platform multi-control framework for KUKA LBR iiwa cobots (Python - ROS - ROS2)
MIT License
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Communication error: timeout reached :0 milloseconds #4

Open mistimohan opened 1 year ago

mistimohan commented 1 year ago


Hi, we have followed all your instruction step by step for setting up the Libiiwa package. when we start connect to the project in teach pendant we didnt hear any sound of brakes unlocking . then we opened a new terminal and launched "roslaunch libiiwa_ros default.launch".

Problem 1: In new termainal we ran direct command "rostopic pub -1 /iiwa/command/joint sensor_msgs/JointState "{name: ['iiwa_joint_1', 'iiwa_joint_2', 'iiwa_joint_3', 'iiwa_joint_4', 'iiwa_joint_5', 'iiwa_joint_6', 'iiwa_joint_7'], position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2]}", then sound of brake unlocking was released and it did move but still we got error in terminal "failed to command position to [0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.2] and error.NO_ERROR". Again we gave new position and we didn't get that error and the joints are moving .


Problem 2: We tried to control the Cartesian pose and we got error that process has died and we had to restart the whole.

Problem 3: We tried using using "roslaunch iiwa14_moveit_config real.launch" and we where getting an error in teach pendant that "Communication error: timeout reached :0 milloseconds" when we are trying to click plan and execute in rviz. problem_error3 error (copy)

Steps to reproduce

1.Select libiiwa project from teach pendant 2.we launch "roslaunch libiiwa_ros default.launch" 3.we click run in teach pendant and we get the following " connection from" which is our ip address of sunrise workstation. 4.roslaunch iiwa14_moveit_config real.launch 5.rotate joint 7 in rviz by few degrees and click "plan and execute" button.

Setup information

Describe the characteristic of your setup:


qwertyuiop789456 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Toni-SM , recently even i found out about the package and facing the similar issues as posted above. Any solution to solve it would be great.

Toni-SM commented 1 year ago

Hi @mistimohan and @qwertyuiop789456

Sorry for late response, I'm visiting my native country where I only have limited internet access.

I have fixed the issue related to the FollowJointTrajectory logging methods. Please, use the libiiwa_ros package and the file from the repository rather than the released files (I will update release files when I get back home).

Regarding robot control issues, if the robot is in manual mode (T1/T2), please make sure that enabling switches are operated in order to be able to jog the manipulator. Also, if possible, enable verbose output in the ROS launch