ToniA / arduino-heatpumpir

An Arduino library to control split-unit heatpumps over Infrared
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Header Space and Mark Timings for Gree YAC #117

Open cmroche opened 3 years ago

cmroche commented 3 years ago

This references work done for #86 . I've been able to make this work in practice using an ESP8266 with an SHT30 temp sensor, pinging the heatpump approx every minute to update the temperature.

In doing this though I actually couldn't get it to work with the default provided timings.

Using IRrecvDumpV3 I did a differential comparison of the raw results from the YAC1FBF remote, and a test rig I built using arduino-heatpump to transmit (basically transmitting and demodulating on 1 halves of a breadboard). The results showed notably different timing resutls.

This is from the YAC1FBF remote

Timestamp : 000512.097
Library   : v2.7.15

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0xF6BD48CF (18 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[35] = {6032, 2964,  628, 602,  628, 1678,  628, 1676,  604, 578,  654, 1654,  652, 552,  656, 574,  604, 602,  656, 1676,  604, 578,  654, 1654,  626, 578,  654, 574,  630, 1676,  632, 548,  654, 1678,  630};  // UNKNOWN F6BD48CF


Potential Mark Candidates:
[6038, 690]
Potential Space Candidates:
[2982, 1646, 570]

Guessing encoding type:
Looks like it uses space encoding. Yay!

Guessing key value:
kHdrMark   = 6038
kHdrSpace  = 2982
kBitMark   = 666
kOneSpace  = 1635
kZeroSpace = 543

Decoding protocol based on analysis so far:

  Bits: 16
  Hex:  0xE8A5 (MSB first)
        0xA517 (LSB first)
  Dec:  59557 (MSB first)
        42263 (LSB first)
  Bin:  0b1110100010100101 (MSB first)
        0b1010010100010111 (LSB first)

But using arduino-heatpumpir I am getting these results (the results are highly repeatable over many samples, also ignore the JVC decoding, we're only interested in the RAW output):

Timestamp : 000024.020
Library   : v2.7.15

Protocol  : JVC
Code      : 0xC8A5 (16 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[35] = {9028, 3982,  666, 1574,  664, 1568,  664, 508,  664, 508,  664, 1568,  664, 508,  664, 508,  662, 514,  664, 1568,  662, 510,  662, 1568,  664, 508,  664, 508,  664, 1568,  666, 508,  664, 1568,  666};  // JVC C8A5
uint32_t address = 0x13;
uint32_t command = 0xA5;
uint64_t data = 0xC8A5;


Potential Mark Candidates:
[9024, 690]
Potential Space Candidates:
[3986, 1598, 542]

Guessing encoding type:
Looks like it uses space encoding. Yay!

Guessing key value:
kHdrMark   = 9024
kHdrSpace  = 3986
kBitMark   = 658
kOneSpace  = 1572
kZeroSpace = 516

Decoding protocol based on analysis so far:

  Bits: 16
  Hex:  0xC8A5 (MSB first)
        0xA513 (LSB first)
  Dec:  51365 (MSB first)
        42259 (LSB first)
  Bin:  0b1100100010100101 (MSB first)
        0b1010010100010011 (LSB first)

It's a big discrepency in kHdrMark and kHdrSPace between both samples.

When I make this change though to arduino-heatpumpir to more closely match my remote it suddenly started working.

Old timings:

// Gree timing constants
#define GREE_AIRCON1_HDR_MARK   9000
#define GREE_AIRCON1_HDR_SPACE  4000
#define GREE_AIRCON1_BIT_MARK   620
#define GREE_AIRCON1_ONE_SPACE  1600
#define GREE_AIRCON1_MSG_SPACE  19000

This is what I am using now:

#define GREE_AIRCON1_HDR_MARK   6000
#define GREE_AIRCON1_HDR_SPACE  3000
#define GREE_AIRCON1_BIT_MARK   650
#define GREE_AIRCON1_ONE_SPACE  1600
#define GREE_AIRCON1_MSG_SPACE  19000

However I only have 1 specific Gree device, so I'm wondering if this represents a change in Gree timing perhaps requiring us to treat this like a whole new protocol, or if the Gree timings are just wrong.

Juhani-H commented 3 years ago

I also have one "Gree" copy or compatible device ("Wilfa Lillehammer 10/9" marketed in Finland) and these are MY LIRC raw-mode decoded values, that i use to control my device.

So i think this is maybe some "new protocol".

HEAT19_fan2_ifeel1: 9064 | 4442 | 708 | 497 | 719 | 487 708 | 1599 | 708 | 1598 | 709 | 500 713 | 1598 | 700 | 503 | 708 | 499 705 | 1602 | 708 | 1596 | 713 | 497 708 | 497 | 710 | 499 | 704 | 500 707 | 500 | 706 | 500 | 705 | 499 683 | 522 | 708 | 498 | 707 | 500 706 | 514 | 693 | 1601 | 706 | 1601 707 | 501 | 705 | 499 | 708 | 499 707 | 499 | 710 | 498 | 707 | 1599 706 | 498 | 707 | 1604 | 706 | 493 714 | 499 | 708 | 1616 | 695 | 498 707 | 19902 |   |   |   |  

736 | 498 | 707 | 499 | 707 | 499 709 | 499 | 705 | 499 | 701 | 504 708 | 499 | 706 | 500 | 705 | 499 707 | 499 | 706 | 1600 | 705 | 502 705 | 500 | 713 | 495 | 707 | 1609 700 | 502 | 704 | 494 | 709 | 507 704 | 499 | 708 | 500 | 723 | 483 712 | 495 | 707 | 498 | 702 | 505 707 | 499 | 706 | 499 | 706 | 500 706 | 498 | 714 | 1591 | 704 | 505 707 | 1600 | 708 | 1608 | 702 | 199379

6087 | 2935 | 706 | 497 | 709 | 499 707 | 499 | 708 | 1600 | 707 | 1600 706 | 493 | 712 | 499 | 707 | 499 708 | 1601 | 709 | 500 | 706 | 1593 714 | 497 | 708 | 498 | 707 | 1604 707 | 498 | 707 | 1596 | 712 |  

Somewhere(on the internet) i found this value list, Type: Gree35_67AC / Altname: CUSTOM23 / Header: 9000 / HeaderSpace: 4500 / Mark0: 600 / Mark1: 600 / Space0: 600 / Space1: 1690 / Carrier: 38000 / Delta: 200 / Syntax: HB035TB032T,HB035T / Marks: 600,600,9000,600,0,0,0,0 / Spaces: 1690,600,4500,0,0,0,0,0

All other (functions) will work on "default" values, however i can't turn my device OFF, some in this library there is somerthing wrong with that.

cmroche commented 3 years ago

Just to clarify, the sequence you posted is coming from your remote right? What is "LIRC decoded values" (I'm not sure what LIRC means in this context).

cmroche commented 3 years ago

@Juhani-H Ping ^^

Juhani-H commented 3 years ago

Hi, yes sequence is coming from remote (YAN-?1F1?). Lirc decoded values i mean that these are the raw measured values (no decoding used, only measure time between pulses), device that i used was Raspberry Pi2 + "LIRC"-program,

So in my data it shows that values should be around:

define GREE_AIRCON1_HDR_MARK 9051 - 9071 avg. 9060

define GREE_AIRCON1_HDR_SPACE 4000 4420 - 4482 avg. 4450

define GREE_AIRCON1_BIT_MARK 700-720 avg.710

define GREE_AIRCON1_ONE_SPACE 1598 - 1642 avg. 1615

define GREE_AIRCON1_ZERO_SPACE 497 -527 avg. 500

define GREE_AIRCON1_MSG_SPACE 19898 - 19925 avg. 19909

cmroche commented 3 years ago


I think this explains what is happening. The main message and the IFeel message, even if sent in sequence are acting like two completely different protocols, with their own HDR_MARK and HDR_SPACE timings. If you keep decoding you will notice about every 5 minutes the remote resends a much smaller messages similar to just this, which uses 6000 for HDR_MARK, and 3000 for HDR_SPACE. Trying to use the 9000 and 4000 defaults for this message will cause it not the be readable by the AC.

6087 | 2935 | 706 | 497 | 709 | 499
707 | 499 | 708 | 1600 | 707 | 1600
706 | 493 | 712 | 499 | 707 | 499
708 | 1601 | 709 | 500 | 706 | 1593
714 | 497 | 708 | 498 | 707 | 1604
707 | 498 | 707 | 1596 | 712 |  

The default values of 9000 and 4000 will work for the main state message, and align with the values lirc computed for you.

Juhani-H commented 3 years ago

Wow, i just found that your right, last section that my first posted sequence is actually IFeel part.. because if i look without IFeel function, that 6000 ---> part is missing..

Probably my receiver didn't get complete message (IFeel-part), only part of that.. because my all timings that has IFeel ON are like this.. 6088 2929 713 1600 708 500 706 499 717 1586 712 1600 706 499 708 497 709 499 706 1596 713 500 707 1601 707 499 706 499 708 1593 713 498 708 1614 695

Any info about how to decode the IFeel sequence? or where is the CLOCK/TIME signal? (or is it only in REMOTE, so AC doesnt get it).

But still almost all functions are working with default values, but OFF and "WINTER" mode doesn't work.. But if i sent those with Raspberry and IR-led those work..

Any clues why it wont work..?

      name OFF
 9055     4446      679      536      694      500
  709     1601      705      505      705      497
  706      498      707      498      707      544
  678     1585      709      497      708     1599
  707      499      706      494      715      500
  707      513      693      499      708      499
  708      499      707      501      702      506
  707      499      707     1600      706      500
  710      498      706      501      701      505
  707      497      708      499      708     1600
  701      507      705     1594      715      498
  707      500      707     1603      707      499
  708    19903

  733      503      708      501      706      499
  704      502      709      499      706      499
  709      497      707      499      708      494
  712      498      703      502      707      500
  707      526      682      495      710     1604
  702      500      717      493      708      499
  707      499      708      504      703      500
  708      498      680      527      707      499
  722      484      706      499      704      507
  705      497      708     1597      713     1597
  707     1616      692      499      707

and WINTERMODE.. name heat22_talviON 9081 4456 665 524 681 523 707 1600 683 1641 693 493 688 524 707 499 707 499 707 500 707 1601 703 1607 682 524 708 499 682 524 708 498 707 498 701 506 768 439 707 500 705 500 707 500 707 1597 712 1599 707 500 710 497 684 521 709 500 706 499 712 1598 706 500 683 1641 667 524 700 506 706 1599 708 498 708 19909

         737      497      707      497      724      483
         682      522      707      500      708      494
         713      497      708      498      708      500
         706      499      706     1596      678      524
         682      523      707      514      704     1606
         698      499      685      522      705      503
         681      524      684      537      692      498
         708      500      707      500      707      509
         709      488      697      509      707     1608
         704      500      682      522      708      493
         714      499      682      525      706   199383

        6079     2947      706     1596      686      522
         707      501      708     1601      706     1601
         709      497      682      523      703      495
         707     1600      706      499      708     1613
         703      498      704      503      705     1612
         679      523      709     1614      697