ToniA / arduino-heatpumpir

An Arduino library to control split-unit heatpumps over Infrared
GNU General Public License v2.0
379 stars 134 forks source link

samsung windfree AC #77

Closed skorc99 closed 4 years ago

skorc99 commented 5 years ago


is plugin working with this type of AC? I tryed to add plugin to espeasy but no success..

Is *.bin file with plugin available?

ToniA commented 5 years ago

I have no idea if this particular model would work, but you could try it out. I have an ESPEasy binary with the plugin for ESP8266-based boards (like Wemos D1 Mini) here:

The library has support for some samsung models, see this:

skorc99 commented 4 years ago


i tested and it is working with windfree Ac -AR12 model. It is the same as "fjm".

Is it possible that you update firmware to the latest mega?


ToniA commented 4 years ago

This is now integrated into the official ESP Easy releases:

HeatpumpIR is included into the 'minimal IRext' image.

whatsupskip commented 4 years ago

Great to see.

skorc99 commented 4 years ago


yes it is latest but no support for temp sensors in this FW.. I need for dht11 or dht22...


ToniA commented 4 years ago

The problem was that with HeatpumpIR, the binary size was so large that OTA was not possible any more. The 'minimal IRext' image is a minimal image with most of the plugins removed.

I think we should make a change request to ESPEasy, to include some basic sensors into the 'minimal IRext'. DHT11 and DS18x20 at least.

skorc99 commented 4 years ago

I agree. IRplugin without temperature is not ok.

At least DHT11 and DS18x20.

skorc99 commented 4 years ago

Hello, with version mega-20180809 with HeatpumpIR P115 w/ Domoticz MQTT Plugin si working correctly but after 1h uptime i get error-MQTT.

3836263: DHT : Temperature: 24.00 3836263: DHT : Humidity: 56.00 3836268: Read settings: ControllerSettings index: 0 3836287: Domoticz: Sensortype: 2 idx: 259 values: 22.00;63.00;3 3836287: MQTT : {'idx':259,'RSSI':10,'nvalue':0,'svalue':'22.00;63.00;3'} 3836289: MQTT : publish failed 3836526: sendcontent free: 13936 chunk size:400 3836532: sendcontent free: 13264 chunk size:400 3836536: sendcontent free: 12808 chunk size:145 3836539: sendcontent free: 13480 chunk size:0 3837714: sendcontent free: 14152 chunk size:360 3837716: sendcontent free: 13480 chunk size:0 3841685: Memtrace^0: lowest: 10104 sendContentBlocking-> 10800 sendContentBlocking-> 11472 sendContentBlocking-> 10800 sendContentBlock 3841685: 1: lowest: 10128 PluginCall_s (46)-> 14912 parseTemplate-> 14936 parseTemplate3-> 14872 PluginCall_s (4)-> 14912 PluginCall_s 3841686: 2: lowest: 10128 PluginCall_s (4)-> 14912 PluginCall_s (46)-> 14912 handle_advanced-> 12848 sendHeaderBlocking-> 12832 sendWeb 3841686: WD : Uptime 64 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 15048 3841807: sendcontent free: 13936 chunk size:400 3842579: PluginStats P_47_Heatpump IR transmitter TEN_PER_SECOND Count: 283 Avg/min/max 4.04/2/27 usec 3842579: PluginStats P_47_Heatpump IR transmitter EVENT_OUT Count: 1 Avg/min/max 31.00/31/31 usec 3842580: PluginStats P_47_Heatpump IR transmitter FIFTY_PER_SECOND Count: 1405 Avg/min/max 10.11/2/35 usec 3842580: Load File stats: Count: 2 Avg/min/max 9918.00/2033/17803 usec 3842580: Plugin call 50 p/s stats: Count: 1405 Avg/min/max 962.11/838/1430 usec 3842581: Plugin call 10 p/s stats: Count: 283 Avg/min/max 875.33/838/1115 usec 3842581: Plugin call 10 p/s U stats: Count: 283 Avg/min/max 3343.12/2930/4036 usec 3842581: Plugin call 1 p/s stats: Count: 30 Avg/min/max 1508.10/1373/1888 usec 3842582: SensorSendTask() stats: Count: 1 Avg/min/max 54146.00/54146/54146 usec 3842582: sendData() stats: Count: 1 Avg/min/max 24246.00/24246/24246 usec 3842582: Compute formula stats: Count: 1 Avg/min/max 2625.00/2625/2625 usec 3842583: setNewTimerAt() stats: Count: 2063 Avg/min/max 136.04/116/237 usec 3842583: timeDiff() stats: Count: 1314892 - CPU cycles per call: 8.92 3842583: Scheduler stats: (called/tasks/max_length/idle%) 626419/1835/8/89.40

ToniA commented 4 years ago

I made PR to ESPEasy, this would include basic environmental sensors and switch input into the minimal_IRext_ESP8266_1M image. This way I hope you could use the latest ESPEasy images, and I hope the stability would be better as well.

skorc99 commented 4 years ago


release date for this update?


ToniA commented 4 years ago

It depends on the ESPEasy guys. But you could just clone my repo, checkout the master branch and compile on PlatformIO:

platformio run -e minimal_IRext_ESP8266_4M1M -t upload

skorc99 commented 4 years ago

I cloned compiled but i still get only your plugin - no temp plugin..

Plugins:⋄ 6 [Normal] [Minimal, IR with AC]
Build Time:⋄ Sep 22 2019 07:55:39
**Binary Filename:⋄ Self built!**
ToniA commented 4 years ago

Are you sure you built from this:, commit 6414bda ?

I just double-checked by uploading first the normal image, and then the irext one, and I have 11 plugins, including plugin 5 'Environment - DHT11/12/22 SONOFF2301/7021':

platformio run -e normal_ESP8266_4M1M -t upload platformio run -e minimal_IRext_ESP8266_4M1M -t upload

Plugin 34 'Environment - DHT12 (I2C)' is not included, would you need that one?

skorc99 commented 4 years ago

All ok now.

I will test now.

skorc99 commented 4 years ago

all ok. AC working Mqtt to domoticz working dht22 working

so far no crashes..

ToniA commented 4 years ago

Good to hear :) I'll close this issue now.