ToniA / arduino-heatpumpir

An Arduino library to control split-unit heatpumps over Infrared
GNU General Public License v2.0
389 stars 141 forks source link

Midea > celsius vs fahrenheit #91

Open ameoba32 opened 4 years ago

ameoba32 commented 4 years ago

Great library!! It works finally!!! Thank you!

Minor thing: command control?cmd=heatpumpir,midea,1,2,0,26,6,0 sets AC to display 80F at the device, not to 26C.

I think some bit is not set up on the IR packet. How can I debug it using my remote?


ToniA commented 4 years ago

You're welcome :) For debugging, I have used this ( to read the IR remote commands. So you'd need to check out what are the differences between the signal the library sends, and the signal from the real remote.

ameoba32 commented 4 years ago

Thanks! It looks "Raw-IR-decoder-for-Arduino" does not work on NodeMcu.. I have device in reboot loop. Tried to fix it but not sure why.

But I found another program, called "IRrecvDumpV2" from IRremoteESP8266 library and it works and outputs raw data.

But here I am bit confused :) On AC remote it outputs "Encoding : MIDEA". BUT when I use "heatpumpir,midea,1,2,0,26,6,0" it outputs "Encoding : COOLIX" Weird.

# Real AC remote
Timestamp : 000076.541
Library   : v2.6.6
Encoding  : MIDEA
Code      : A1A346FFFF6A (48 bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power: On, Mode: 3 (Heat), Celsius: On, Temp: 23C/73F, Fan: 4 (UNKNOWN), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off
Raw Timing[199]:
   +  4420, -  4362,    +   568, -  1584,    +   566, -   508,    +   594, -  1556, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   566, -   508,    +   566, -   508,    +   568, -   506, 
   +   568, -  1582,    +   568, -  1582,    +   568, -   506,    +   568, -  1582, 
   +   568, -   508,    +   562, -   512,    +   566, -   508,    +   568, -  1582, 
   +   564, -  1584,    +   566, -   508,    +   568, -  1582,    +   564, -   510, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   566, -   508,    +   564, -  1584,    +   566, -  1584, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   568, -  1582,    +   566, -  1582,    +   566, -  1584, 
   +   566, -  1584,    +   566, -  1584,    +   568, -  1582,    +   568, -  1582, 
   +   568, -  1582,    +   562, -  1588,    +   564, -  1584,    +   570, -  1582, 
   +   566, -  1584,    +   568, -  1582,    +   568, -  1582,    +   570, -  1580, 
   +   564, -  1584,    +   566, -   510,    +   566, -  1582,    +   566, -  1586, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   568, -  1582,    +   566, -   508,    +   566, -  1584, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   566, -  5178,    +  4420, -  4364,    +   568, -   508, 
   +   568, -  1580,    +   566, -   508,    +   566, -  1582,    +   568, -  1582, 
   +   568, -  1584,    +   568, -  1582,    +   564, -   508,    +   568, -   506, 
   +   564, -  1572,    +   582, -   506,    +   568, -  1580,    +   566, -  1584, 
   +   566, -  1584,    +   568, -   506,    +   570, -   504,    +   570, -  1580, 
   +   568, -   506,    +   568, -  1582,    +   568, -  1582,    +   570, -  1580, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   564, -   510,    +   564, -  1584,    +   568, -   508, 
   +   564, -   510,    +   568, -   506,    +   564, -   512,    +   562, -   510, 
   +   566, -   508,    +   568, -   506,    +   564, -   510,    +   568, -   506, 
   +   564, -   508,    +   566, -   508,    +   568, -   506,    +   568, -   508, 
   +   564, -   510,    +   566, -   510,    +   564, -   508,    +   564, -  1584, 
   +   568, -   508,    +   568, -   506,    +   568, -  1582,    +   566, -   508, 
   +   568, -  1580,    +   568, -   508,    +   568, -  1584,    +   538

uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4362,  568, 1584,  566, 508,  594, 1556,  566, 508,  566, 508,  566, 508,  568, 506,  568, 1582,  568, 1582,  568, 506,  568, 1582,  568, 508,  562, 512,  566, 508,  568, 1582,  564, 1584,  566, 508,  568, 1582,  564, 510,  566, 508,  566, 508,  564, 1584,  566, 1584,  566, 508,  568, 1582,  566, 1582,  566, 1584,  566, 1584,  566, 1584,  568, 1582,  568, 1582,  568, 1582,  562, 1588,  564, 1584,  570, 1582,  566, 1584,  568, 1582,  568, 1582,  570, 1580,  564, 1584,  566, 510,  566, 1582,  566, 1586,  566, 508,  568, 1582,  566, 508,  566, 1584,  566, 508,  566, 5178,  4420, 4364,  568, 508,  568, 1580,  566, 508,  566, 1582,  568, 1582,  568, 1584,  568, 1582,  564, 508,  568, 506,  564, 1572,  582, 506,  568, 1580,  566, 1584,  566, 1584,  568, 506,  570, 504,  570, 1580,  568, 506,  568, 1582,  568, 1582,  570, 1580,  566, 508,  564, 510,  564, 1584,  568, 508,  564, 510,  568, 506,  564, 512,  562, 510,  566, 508,  568, 506,  564, 510,  568, 506,  564, 508,  566, 508,  568, 506,  568, 508,  564, 510,  566, 510,  564, 508,  564, 1584,  568, 508,  568, 506,  568, 1582,  566, 508,  568, 1580,  568, 508,  568, 1584,  538};  // MIDEA A1A346FFFF6A
uint64_t data = 0xA1A346FFFF6A;

# heatpumpir,midea,1,2,0,26,6,0"
Timestamp : 000174.370
Library   : v2.6.6
Encoding  : COOLIX
Code      : B2BF5C (24 bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power: On, Mode: 3 (Heat), Fan: 5 (Auto), Temp: 23C, Zone Follow: Off, Sensor Temp: Ignored
Raw Timing[199]:
   +  4390, -  4304,    +   644, -  1552,    +   644, -   492,    +   618, -  1546, 
   +   666, -  1522,    +   644, -   490,    +   618, -   490,    +   618, -  1548, 
   +   690, -   422,    +   640, -   470,    +   640, -  1548,    +   642, -   466, 
   +   644, -   490,    +   642, -  1522,    +   644, -  1546,    +   640, -   464, 
   +   642, -  1550,    +   638, -  1548,    +   642, -   490,    +   618, -  1546, 
   +   646, -  1648,    +   522, -  1562,    +   644, -  1568,    +   618, -  1568, 
   +   618, -  1546,    +   644, -   492,    +   616, -  1546,    +   644, -   516, 
   +   590, -   494,    +   616, -   492,    +   616, -   490,    +   614, -   470, 
   +   642, -   468,    +   666, -   466,    +   618, -  1570,    +   620, -   464, 
   +   668, -  1520,    +   642, -  1546,    +   642, -  1546,    +   642, -   492, 
   +   618, -   490,    +   614, -  1548,    +   658, -   452,    +   640, -  1546, 
   +   642, -   468,    +   642, -   466,    +   644, -   464,    +   640, -  1546, 
   +   644, -  1544,    +   646, -  5088,    +  4440, -  4316,    +   616, -  1548, 
   +   644, -   488,    +   616, -  1546,    +   642, -  1572,    +   616, -   492, 
   +   618, -   466,    +   644, -  1548,    +   642, -   494,    +   618, -   492, 
   +   618, -  1546,    +   644, -   464,    +   642, -   466,    +   640, -  1548, 
   +   642, -  1548,    +   642, -   466,    +   642, -  1570,    +   616, -  1548, 
   +   646, -   460,    +   648, -  1568,    +   618, -  1570,    +   616, -  1548, 
   +   668, -  1522,    +   644, -  1570,    +   618, -  1572,    +   618, -   466, 
   +   640, -  1546,    +   642, -   466,    +   644, -   464,    +   644, -   490, 
   +   644, -   464,    +   618, -   490,    +   644, -   442,    +   640, -   468, 
   +   644, -  1542,    +   668, -   468,    +   614, -  1548,    +   642, -  1548, 
   +   638, -  1548,    +   642, -   490,    +   620, -   466,    +   642, -  1548, 
   +   642, -   490,    +   642, -  1520,    +   646, -   466,    +   638, -   466, 
   +   644, -   492,    +   640, -  1524,    +   636, -  1550,    +   644

uint16_t rawData[199] = {4390, 4304,  644, 1552,  644, 492,  618, 1546,  666, 1522,  644, 490,  618, 490,  618, 1548,  690, 422,  640, 470,  640, 1548,  642, 466,  644, 490,  642, 1522,  644, 1546,  640, 464,  642, 1550,  638, 1548,  642, 490,  618, 1546,  646, 1648,  522, 1562,  644, 1568,  618, 1568,  618, 1546,  644, 492,  616, 1546,  644, 516,  590, 494,  616, 492,  616, 490,  614, 470,  642, 468,  666, 466,  618, 1570,  620, 464,  668, 1520,  642, 1546,  642, 1546,  642, 492,  618, 490,  614, 1548,  658, 452,  640, 1546,  642, 468,  642, 466,  644, 464,  640, 1546,  644, 1544,  646, 5088,  4440, 4316,  616, 1548,  644, 488,  616, 1546,  642, 1572,  616, 492,  618, 466,  644, 1548,  642, 494,  618, 492,  618, 1546,  644, 464,  642, 466,  640, 1548,  642, 1548,  642, 466,  642, 1570,  616, 1548,  646, 460,  648, 1568,  618, 1570,  616, 1548,  668, 1522,  644, 1570,  618, 1572,  618, 466,  640, 1546,  642, 466,  644, 464,  644, 490,  644, 464,  618, 490,  644, 442,  640, 468,  644, 1542,  668, 468,  614, 1548,  642, 1548,  638, 1548,  642, 490,  620, 466,  642, 1548,  642, 490,  642, 1520,  646, 466,  638, 466,  644, 492,  640, 1524,  636, 1550,  644};  // COOLIX B2BF5C
uint64_t data = 0xB2BF5C;
ToniA commented 4 years ago

The plugin P035 also seems to support these devices, what if you try to use that one instead ("Communication - IR Transmit")?

One example of the command is this:

IRSENDAC, { 'protocol': 'WHIRLPOOL_AC', 'model': 2, 'power', 'he', 'mode' 'cool', 'Temp': 22, 'swingv' 'off', 'swingh' : 'off', 'light', 'on'}

ameoba32 commented 4 years ago

I found that IRremoteESP8266 library also supports a lot of AC. I tried MIDEA protocol and it works, shows correct temp in Celsius. So guess I'll switch to it and do wifi part myself, instead of easyspa.

Here is example.

Thank you for help!