TonicAI / condenser

Condenser is a database subsetting tool
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Multiple foreign keys issue #19

Closed dustinsmith1024 closed 3 years ago

dustinsmith1024 commented 3 years ago

Just trying this out for the first time. I have a table that has multiple foreign keys on id and uuid to the same target table.

The first ID related queries seem to work and then it fails while trying to do a select a subset based on the wrong key type. See the second/failed query.

Is there a way to break this foreign key? I am thinking about just dropping the uuid foreign key before running the tool. Messing with dependency breaks and fk_augmentation hasn't seemed to work at all.

Thanks for the help.

    SELECT "market_id" FROM "calc"."settings" WHERE ("market_id") NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "public"."market")
    Query completed in 0.0010530948638916016s
Beginning query @ 2021-01-14 21:14:09.559303:
    SELECT ty.typname
                        FROM pg_attribute att
                        JOIN pg_class cl ON cl.oid = att.attrelid
                        JOIN pg_type ty ON ty.oid = att.atttypid
                        JOIN pg_namespace ns ON ns.oid = cl.relnamespace
                        WHERE cl.relname = 'tonic_subset_59dd3165-8a06-4460-9b84-554f34af116a' AND att.attnum > 0 AND
                        NOT att.attisdropped
                        ORDER BY att.attnum;

    Query completed in 0.002404928207397461s
Beginning query @ 2021-01-14 21:14:09.561779:
    SELECT "market_uuid" FROM "calc"."settings" WHERE ("market_uuid") NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "public"."market")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 43, in <module>
  File "/Users/dustinsmith/Development/work/condenser/condenser/", line 84, in run_middle_out
    self.subset_downstream(t, relationships)
  File "/Users/dustinsmith/Development/work/condenser/condenser/", line 177, in subset_downstream
    self.__db_helper.copy_rows(self.__destination_conn, self.__destination_conn, q, temp_table)
  File "/Users/dustinsmith/Development/work/condenser/condenser/", line 36, in copy_rows
  File "/Users/dustinsmith/Development/work/condenser/condenser/", line 58, in execute
    retval = self.inner_cursor.execute(query)
psycopg2.errors.UndefinedFunction: operator does not exist: uuid = bigint
LINE 1: ...calc"."settings" WHERE ("market_uuid") NOT IN (SE...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
theaeolianmachine commented 3 years ago

Hi Dustin,

Are you writing your foreign keys from scratch in the FK Augmentation section? As I understand, calc.settings.market_id and calc.settings.market_uuid both point to, where is a bigint type. Do you do explicit type casts when normally querying between these columns? Since not all bigints can be proper UUID types in Postgres, we don't do an explicit cast here.

However, I would expect a dependency break (notably from calc.settings.market__uuid to to allow you to work around this. Would you mind sharing your configuration (connection details redacted?)

dustinsmith1024 commented 3 years ago

calc.settings.market_uuid does not point to it points to So no we don't have to do any typecasting because they are different links.

It seems like the tool is assuming UUID is linked to ID though.

theaeolianmachine commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, might be worth taking a look at your config and perhaps a schema dump of these two tables, something seems off.