Tonkpils / snag

Automatic build tool for all your projects
MIT License
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Working directory spec #43

Open robertoandrade opened 8 years ago

robertoandrade commented 8 years ago

I was browsing through the README and wondering if there would be a way in the yml file to specify the working directory snag should watch in case I wanted to keep the .snag.yml defined somewhere else but specify either a particular subfolder I wanted to watch instead of exclude all the rest. Also in case it was relative (ie: ../directory) there woudn't be a way to do it via ignore.

Perhaps this is something I could pass in to the cli itself? path to the .snag file (and assume current directory as working one instead)?

I think it'd be cool to document somewhere all the options possible for the yml and the cli also as just simple "samples" don't cut it when you're looking for more advanced usecases?

Tonkpils commented 8 years ago

This may go hand in hand with the idea I had about running commands off the snag command without the need to have a .snag.yml file. I found myself wanting to run one or two commands without having to specify the file.

I think being able to specify the watch directory in the snag file would add a great deal of flexibility. I would like to see how we can approach this in a intuitive way.