Tonomy-Foundation / Tonomy-ID

Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private Antelope blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 1 forks source link

New Screen to generate ethereum key #1002

Closed sadiabbasi closed 1 month ago

sadiabbasi commented 1 month ago

Acceptance criteria:

As an existing user that already created an account before the EThereum feature was launched I need to enter my passphrase before I sign an Ethreum transaction So that my account can be created and i can sign Ethereum transactions

As an existing user that already created an account before the EThereum feature was launched I need to enter my passphrase So I can see my Ethereum account and balance on the User Home Screen

pavel-tonomy commented 1 month ago

Link to the design screens: