Tonomy-Foundation / Tonomy-ID

Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private Antelope blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 1 forks source link

Animations to enhance security and privacy of app #769

Open theblockstalk opened 1 year ago

theblockstalk commented 1 year ago

Acceptance criteria

  1. create account: personal information is stored sovereignty and not in a database = hackers can't get your data, you are in control and can see when it is processed and shared
  2. create account: your password is not sent to a server = hackers can't falsely authorise from your account = you are safer
  3. login to Tonomy ID (same as #2)
  4. Login to app consent screen = you control your login, it is censorship resistant
  5. share data without consent screen = see #1
  6. sign transaction in app = you control your security sovereignty, signing a transaction is censorship resistant
  7. ...
theblockstalk commented 1 year ago

Feedback: To convince to a user (mainstream) need to explain to user how to explain how data stays safe. What does it offer compared to other products.