Tonomy-Foundation / Tonomy-ID

Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private Antelope blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 1 forks source link

New account creation issuse in United Citizens Wallet - Captcha issue #995

Open vemakoti opened 1 month ago

vemakoti commented 1 month ago

Steps to replicate the issue

  1. Install the United Citizens Wallet mobile app from the app store
  2. Click on Create Account
  3. Give a username on the Create Username page
  4. Remember the passphrase in the "Create Passphrase"
  5. Click on the next button and follow the instructions
  6. Then, the terms and conditions page opened. Click on the "Accept" button
  7. Click on the check box" I am Human" on the Human Verification Page

What do you expect to happen?

Captcha image/text is shown

What happens

The next page is shown without the Captcha image/text is shown

Your environment