Tonterias2 / spingularchatsql6

Chat service created with Jhipster V6.1.0 and PostgreSQL
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UI Flow Enhancement #12

Open cchunduri opened 5 years ago

cchunduri commented 5 years ago

At Present, after user login, the chat window is coming.


Tonterias commented 5 years ago

I think that is what we need. I would add that we need to explain things a little bit more (add some literature to it) and then this is the analysis that comes after the literature (storytelling).

Let me give an example... We would like to make a chat in Jhipster where the user can create Chatrooms and other user can be allowed to join them as ChatRoomAllowedUsers... And the you do this part where you break the whole thing in pieces.

Do you know what I mean? Look at the post We need to explain the whole thing a little bit before we get into explaining the details for the BackLog. That way, anyone will be able to follow the programming because the context is clear.

Until now it was easy because we are only 3 and we all know what is the basic idea behind a Chat, but as the move forward we will need to explain things a little bit more and make detailed requirements. We can even use images so everything is clear for the programmers.

We need to have a methodology! How would you do it if your company promotes you to this position? Would you make some research and try to follow a template of best practices? Which ones?

What do you think?

Tonterias commented 5 years ago

For example, are we sure about this?:

The user should not be able to see the other's chat rooms unless he has an invitation for those chat rooms.

In Gitter, you can see that there are ChatRooms about Jhipster if you search for them and then you can join them. How will they join it if they can not see it.

I think we have to make a distinction between public and private ChatRooms, right? We have a field on our ChatRoom to do that.... but we need the story telling so everyone can follow and find that may be we should let users search the ChatRooms, right?

cchunduri commented 5 years ago

For example, are we sure about this?:

The user should not be able to see the other's chat rooms unless he has an invitation for those chat rooms.

In Gitter, you can see that there are ChatRooms about Jhipster if you search for them and then you can join them. How will they join it if they can not see it.

I think we have to make a distinction between public and private ChatRooms, right? We have a field on our ChatRoom to do that.... but we need the story telling so everyone can follow and find that may be we should let users search the ChatRooms, right?

Yes, Mike, this is making sense to me. We can have both public chat-rooms and private chat rooms. Where public chat rooms will be visible to everyone and private chat rooms will be visible to those who have an invitation.

Tonterias commented 5 years ago

The point is how do you explain something so other people can look at it (read it or see images) and understand what to do, or find what is missing, or find a problem or a better way to do it before you start writing code?


Let's do it this way. My friend Jon asked me to make a chat like Slack. He wants me to be your programmer and you should prepare the erquirements and explain to me how you would do a Chat like Slack using Jhipster.

So the next day, I ask: What should I programm for our Chat? What do you want me to do?