Tonterias2 / spingularchatsql6

Chat service created with Jhipster V6.1.0 and PostgreSQL
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JDL Changes v6.4.0 #19

Open Tonterias opened 5 years ago

Tonterias commented 5 years ago

OLD JDL. We need to create the new one for V6.3

entity ChatUser { creationDate Instant required, bannedUser Boolean, image ImageBlob }

entity ChatRoom { creationDate Instant required, roomName String minlength(2) maxlength(50) required, roomDescription String minlength(2) maxlength(250), privateRoom Boolean, image ImageBlob }

entity ChatRoomAllowedUser { creationDate Instant required, bannedUser Boolean, bannedDate Instant }

entity ChatMessage { messageSentAt String required, message String maxlength(65000) required, isReceived Boolean, isDelivered Boolean }

entity OffensiveMessage { creationDate Instant required, isOffensive Boolean }

entity ChatNotification { creationDate Instant required }

relationship OneToOne { ChatUser{user(id)} to User{chatUser(id)} }

// relationship ManyToMany { // }

relationship OneToMany { ChatUser{chatRoom(id)} to ChatRoom{chatUser(id)} ChatRoom{chatMessage(id)} to ChatMessage{chatRoom(id)} ChatRoom{chatRoomAllowedUser(id)} to ChatRoomAllowedUser{chatRoom(id)} ChatUser{chatMessage(id)} to ChatMessage{chatUser(id)} ChatUser{chatRoomAllowedUser(id)} to ChatRoomAllowedUser{chatUser(id)} ChatUser{offensiveMessage(id)} to OffensiveMessage{chatUser(id)} ChatMessage{chatNotification(id)} to ChatNotification{chatMessage(id)} ChatRoom{chatNotification(id)} to ChatNotification{chatRoom(id)} ChatMessage{offensiveMessage(id)} to OffensiveMessage{chatMessage(id)} }

relationship ManyToOne { ChatNotification{chatUser(id)} to ChatUser{chatNotification(id)} }

// Set pagination options paginate ChatMessage with infinite-scroll paginate ChatRoom, ChatRoomAllowedUser with pagination

// Use Data Transfert Objects (DTO) dto * with mapstruct

// Set service options to all except few service all with serviceImpl // except ,

// FILTERING: filter *

// Set an angular suffix // angularSuffix * with mySuffix

Tonterias commented 5 years ago

This could be some of the ENUM cases for a ChatNotification

Include NotificationReasons:


Tonterias commented 4 years ago

ChatInvitation { // Id (autogenerated) creationDate Instant acceptance Boolean denial Boolean acceptanceDenialDate Instant sender ChatUser receiver ChatUser room ChatRoom }

relationship OneToMany { ChatUser{chatInvitation (id)} to ChatInvitation {chatUser(id)} }

relationship ManyToOne { ChatNotification{chatInvitation (id)} to ChatInvitation {chatNotification(id)} }

Tonterias commented 4 years ago

entity ChatUser { creationDate Instant required, bannedUser Boolean }

entity ChatRoom { creationDate Instant required, roomName String minlength(2) maxlength(50) required, roomDescription String minlength(2) maxlength(250), privateRoom Boolean, image ImageBlob }

entity ChatRoomAllowedUser { creationDate Instant required, bannedUser Boolean, bannedDate Instant }

entity ChatMessage { messageSentAt String required, message String maxlength(65000) required, isReceived Boolean, isDelivered Boolean }

entity ChatOffensiveMessage { creationDate Instant required, isOffensive Boolean }

entity ChatNotification { creationDate Instant required, chatNotificationReason ChatNotificationReason }

entity ChatInvitation { creationDate Instant, acceptance Boolean, denial Boolean, acceptanceDenialDate Instant }

entity ChatPhoto { creationDate Instant required, image ImageBlob }


relationship OneToOne { ChatUser{user(id)} to User{chatUser(id)} ChatUser{chatPhoto(id)} to ChatPhoto{chatUser(id)} }

relationship ManyToMany { ChatNotification{chatInvitation (id)} to ChatInvitation {chatNotification(id)} }

relationship OneToMany { ChatUser{chatRoom(id)} to ChatRoom{chatUser(id)} ChatUser{sender(id)} to ChatInvitation{sender(id)} ChatUser{receiver(id)} to ChatInvitation{receiver(id)} ChatRoom{chatMessage(id)} to ChatMessage{chatRoom(id)} ChatRoom{chatRoomAllowedUser(id)} to ChatRoomAllowedUser{chatRoom(id)} ChatRoom{chatNotification(id)} to ChatNotification{chatRoom(id)} ChatRoom{chatInvitation(id)} to ChatInvitation{chatRoom(id)} ChatUser{chatMessage(id)} to ChatMessage{chatUser(id)} ChatUser{chatRoomAllowedUser(id)} to ChatRoomAllowedUser{chatUser(id)} ChatUser{chatOffensiveMessage(id)} to ChatOffensiveMessage{chatUser(id)} ChatMessage{chatNotification(id)} to ChatNotification{chatMessage(id)} ChatMessage{chatOffensiveMessage(id)} to ChatOffensiveMessage{chatMessage(id)} }

relationship ManyToOne { ChatNotification{chatUser(id)} to ChatUser{chatNotification(id)} }

// Set pagination options // paginate ChatMessage with infinite-scroll paginate all with pagination

// Use Data Transfert Objects (DTO) dto * with mapstruct

// Set service options to all except few service all with serviceImpl // except ,

// FILTERING: filter *

// Set an angular suffix // angularSuffix * with mySuffix