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catkin_make not working when called from Roboware #52

Open alberto-tellaeche opened 6 years ago

alberto-tellaeche commented 6 years ago

Hi all; I have installed the latest Roboware version available (1.1.0), as a new IDE for ROS. Seems to detect my workspace and everything works just fine, except:

1.- When I try to build my packages using ROS->build menu command, I get the error "bash: catkin_make: command not found" . From terminal, it works ok. Any solution?

2.- The command "Debug-> Start debugging" gives the following error: " Failed to load MI Debugger: "/home/alberto/kinetic_ws/src/fegemu_demostrator/src/fegemu_demostrator.cpp": not in executable format: File format not recognized (from file-exec-and-symbols "/home/alberto/kinetic_ws/src/fegemu_demostrator/src/fegemu_demostrator.cpp")"

Can anyone help me with these two issues? Thank you in advance, Alberto

fredrich-leo commented 5 years ago

I'm stuck in the same problem, hope you guys can figure it out later. Enough of it V_V

Combinacijus commented 4 years ago

For some reason terminal which runs catkin_make haven't sourced ros setup file. It's strange because it was working before but after reinstalling Ubuntu it broke.

Workaround for _bash: catkinmake: command not found

  1. In Roboware Studio open any ROS workspace.
  2. At the top left corner to the right of drop down menu |Debug     \/| click a gear icon. It will open tasks.json file.
  3. In tasks.json file find "catkin_make". For debug configuration it will look like:
    "taskName": "Debug",
    "args": [
    "catkin_make -C ${workspaceRoot} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug"
  4. Prefix catkin_make with 'source ; ' and save the file. For me it looks like (note that I use ros melodic and it's installed in /opt directory): "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash; catkin_make -C ${workspaceRoot} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug"
  5. Repeat 3rd and 4th steps for other build configurations you want (Release, Debug (isolated), etc.).
  6. Press build icon and it should work.