Tonychen0227 / CPSC436

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Scrum Report: May 25 #7

Open Tonychen0227 opened 5 years ago

Tonychen0227 commented 5 years ago

Scrum reports left as comments

Tonychen0227 commented 5 years ago

Tony: Past two weeks: initialize git repo, work on the project proposal, write user page prototype, initialize meteor with react template, and set up mongoDB Next two weeks: Set up CRUD operations, issue planning, together with the team set up basketball APIs and the necessary website stuff Roadblocks from last two weeks: none

peterhan7 commented 5 years ago

Peter: Past two weeks: git repo set up, contributed to project proposal, set up zeplin project, designed a prototype(UI) using sketch.

Next two weeks: Make basic HTML and CSS using zeplin and sketch, find API for our data, issue planning, environment set up.

No Issue

blackalkane commented 5 years ago


  1. what you’ve worked on in the previous two weeks: discussed with teammates about the functionality of the project, worked on the project proposal, set up all the required software

  2. what you’ll be working on in the next two weeks: set up the website, APIs, and CRUD operations with teammates, find all the necessary NBA logos and images as our asserts.

  3. where you might have gotten stuck during the last two weeks.: while working on the prototype using Zeplin and Sketch, used a lot of time setting up and understanding the workflow.