TooTallNate / Java-WebSocket

A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.
MIT License
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Release a version with Java module support #1338

Closed anthonyvdotbe closed 11 months ago

anthonyvdotbe commented 11 months ago

This project was modularized via To enable dependents such as Playwright to complete their transition to Java modules as well, I'd like to ask releasing a new version of Java-WebSocket.

PhilipRoman commented 11 months ago

@marci4 I don't know how the release process works - is there anything blocking a new version? If there is anything I can help with, just tell me. I'll have some free time next week.

marci4 commented 11 months ago

@PhilipRoman I don't think so. I am uncertain how I can get a java 7 compatible binary with java module support. Do you have any insight on this for me?

Started #1339

anthonyvdotbe commented 11 months ago

@marci4 Everything except the module descriptor is compiled with --release 7. For the module descriptor this is --release 9. By using a multi-release JAR, the module descriptor ends up in the META-INF/versions/9 directory of the JAR. So Java SE 7/8 runtimes won't notice the module descriptor (since they don't look in the META-INF directory for class files) and will work as before. So doing a Maven build suffices to get a JAR which is compatible with any Java SE 7+ runtime and supports Java modules on any Java SE 9+ runtime.

marci4 commented 11 months ago

@anthonyvdotbe thank you for the explanation. I don't do any java in my day job, so I have no clue on these new changes.

Pushed a snapshot here

Could you take a look and just give me a short thumps up, if everything is as expected? Thank you.

anthonyvdotbe commented 11 months ago

@marci4 Everything is as expected, thanks 👍

jar.exe -d -f .\Java-WebSocket-1.5.4-20230714.160324-3.jar --release 9 shows the JAR is a proper Java module (output below) and e.g. javap -v .\org\java_websocket\client\DnsResolver.class shows that the class files are compiled against Java SE 7 (major version: 51)

releases: 9

org.java_websocket@1.5.4-SNAPSHOT jar:file:///C:/Users/antho/Downloads/./Java-WebSocket-1.5.4-20230714.160324-3.jar!/META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class
exports org.java_websocket
exports org.java_websocket.client
exports org.java_websocket.drafts
exports org.java_websocket.enums
exports org.java_websocket.exceptions
exports org.java_websocket.extensions
exports org.java_websocket.extensions.permessage_deflate
exports org.java_websocket.framing
exports org.java_websocket.handshake
exports org.java_websocket.interfaces
exports org.java_websocket.protocols
exports org.java_websocket.server
requires java.base mandated
requires org.slf4j transitive
contains org.java_websocket.util
marci4 commented 11 months ago

Fixed with #1339