TooTallNate / Java-WebSocket

A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.
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Fix multiple issues related to reconnect #1367

Closed PhilipRoman closed 6 months ago

PhilipRoman commented 7 months ago

This fixes some issues regarding reconnect. Previously there was a massive thread leak caused by repeatedly reconnecting, this no longer happens (tested manually with VisualVM profiler). Also race conditions with null pointer exceptions in multiple places. No exceptions, leaked threads, deadlocks or other problems found after running 100000 iterations of reconnecting with various delays inbetween. No new test failures (I think one existing failure might be fixed but not sure yet)

To be honest this code is a multithreading nightmare but the general idea of this PR is to make sure that there may exist only one read/write thread per WebSocketClient and it can never be leaked due to "interrupt+join" combination before each reassignment.

I have also removed some unneeded assignments to null as they can cause a race condition where thread is set to null between if(thread != null) and thread.interrupt() - this problem cannot be solved simply by locking, as we can end up in a deadlock.

Please review and run your own test programs with this version @Xander-Polishchuk

Meanwhile I will also continue manual testing and maybe leave a stability test to run for several days

Fixes #1364