TooTallNate / proxy-agents

Node.js HTTP Proxy Agents Monorepo
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Fixing the patch for older agent-base versions #217

Open nkitsaini opened 11 months ago

nkitsaini commented 11 months ago

I've been recently trying to use openid-client npm package. And due to agent-base patch it fails to successfully call https.request. The agent-base version in my repo is older (4.3.0). It is a dependency of snyk which still has not yet upgraded to newer https-proxy-agent.

I know ideally I should upgrade to newer agent-base. But since I found few Gtihub Issues where people have run into this same problem, would you be open to releasing a v4.3.1 of agent-base (maybe a patch version for all versions that include patch-core.js) where the patch is compatible with node's https.request.

I'll be happy to raise a PR for code changes.

TooTallNate commented 11 months ago

Hmmm… I wouldn't necessarily be opposed, however doing so at this point seems like a lot of work. The code for that old version of agent-base does not even live in this repository at this point (after the monorepo refactor). It would be in the archived original repo.

Have you tried proposing a PR for snyk to update to the latest version?