TooTallNate / ref-struct

Create ABI-compliant "struct" instances on top of Buffers
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Nested structures with array #31

Open KunalSaini opened 7 years ago

KunalSaini commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am using ref, ref-struct & ref-array to emulate following c structure

struct InnerStruct
  int *data;
  int *size;
  int allocatedSize;
  int numDimensions;
  unsigned char canFreeData;
typedef struct {
  emxArray_real_T *myProp;
} OuterStruct;

In my javascript , i am trying to create a object, set values and then read them back. However unable to do that for int *data and int *size

const ref = require('ref');
const StructTypeFactory = require('ref-struct');
const ArrayTypeFactory = require('ref-array');

const inttype =;
const booltype = ref.types.bool;
const IntArraytype = ArrayTypeFactory(inttype);

const innerStruct = StructTypeFactory({
  data: IntArraytype,
  size: IntArraytype,
  allocatedSize: inttype,
  numDimensions: inttype,
  canFreeData: booltype,

const outerStructure = StructTypeFactory();
outerStructure.defineProperty('myProp', ref.refType(innerStruct));

const instance = new outerStructure();
const myPropInst = new innerStruct({
  data: new IntArraytype([12, 34, 23, 45]),
  size: new IntArraytype([0, 4]),
  allocatedSize: 16,
  numDimensions: 1,
  canFreeData: true,

instance.myProp = myPropInst.ref();

console.dir(instance.myProp.deref().allocatedSize); //WORKS fine, return 16
console.dir(instance.myProp.deref().numDimensions); //WORKS fine, return 1
console.dir(instance.myProp.deref().canFreeData); //WORKS fine, return true
console.dir(instance.myProp.deref().data); //Does NOT give back the expected array [12, 34, 23, 45]
console.dir(instance.myProp.deref().size); //Does NOT give back the expected array [0, 4]

What am i missing here.