ToogaInc / ToogaBooga

An open-source Realm of the Mad God Discord chat bot designed for advanced cross-verification, moderation, and raid management.
MIT License
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Various issues with RaidInstance, found in the error logs. #193

Closed ewang2002 closed 2 years ago

ewang2002 commented 2 years ago

These are some issues that I found in the logs for raids and headcounts. These all occurred around 1-4am today (June 30).

Issue 1
``` Response: Internal Server Error at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async RaidInstance.updateRaidPanel (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:1694:9) { code: 500, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/660347564767313952/messages/991988208206360627', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: [Array], username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ``` Line 1694 in RaidInstance.js corresponds to [this line](
Issue 2
``` Response: Gateway Time-out at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async RaidInstance.updateControlPanel (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:1674:9) { code: 504, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/687436051001638935/messages/991988181530591233', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: undefined, username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ``` Line 1674 in RaidInstance.js corresponds to [this line](
Issue 3 (Important)
``` Response: Internal Server Error at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async RaidInstance.endAfkCheck (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:647:9) { code: 500, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/687436051001638935/messages/991988181530591233', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: [Array], username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ``` Line 647 in RaidInstance.js corresponds to [this line]( This issue appears to be the reason why, sometimes, when the "Start Raid" button is pressed, the control panel embed doesn't update (so it looks like it's still in AFK check mode) but becomes unresponsive (because, in reality, the instance itself is in raid mode).

Issue 4
``` Response: Internal Server Error at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async HeadcountInstance.updateHeadcountPanel (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/out/instances/HeadcountInstance.js:705:9) { code: 500, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/660347564767313952/messages/991998354714271817', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: undefined, username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ``` Line 705 in HeadcountInstance.js corresponds to [this line](
Issue 5
``` Response: Internal Server Error at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async HeadcountInstance.updateControlPanel (/home/projects/discordbots/tooga/out/instances/HeadcountInstance.js:689:9) { code: 500, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/687436051001638935/messages/991998354202558474', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: undefined, username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ``` Line 689 in HeadcountInstance.js corresponds to [this line](

All of these look like internet issues, but let me know what you think.

nyapat commented 2 years ago

yeah, I don't think we can do anything code-wise to deal with 5XX responses

ewang2002 commented 2 years ago

That's what I thought. I moved the bot to google cloud compute for now, and let's see if anything changes.

ewang2002 commented 2 years ago

Update: errors still persist even on GCC (which I was expecting).

ewang2002 commented 2 years ago

Looking through the raid logs and the error logs, the error appears to be that the bot is unable to edit the messages for whatever reason.

ewang2002 commented 2 years ago
Error Logs (Pacific Time)
Note that these were all caught by the unhandled rejection event handler in `index.ts`. ``` [6/30/2022, 11:32:38 PM] Response: Bad Gateway at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async RaidInstance.updateControlPanel (/home/projects/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:1674:9) { code: 502, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/687436051001638935/messages/992311479107854336', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: undefined, username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ===================================== [6/30/2022, 11:32:38 PM] Response: Bad Gateway at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async RaidInstance.updateControlPanel (/home/projects/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:1674:9) { code: 502, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/687436051001638935/messages/992311479107854336', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: undefined, username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ===================================== [6/30/2022, 11:32:42 PM] Response: Bad Gateway at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:357:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async RaidInstance.updateRaidPanel (/home/projects/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:1694:9) { code: 502, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/660347564767313952/messages/992311479980269619', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: [Array], username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ===================================== [6/30/2022, 11:33:12 PM] HTTPError [AbortError]: The user aborted a request. at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:201:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async MessageManager.edit (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/MessageManager.js:132:15) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async RaidInstance.updateRaidPanel (/home/projects/tooga/out/instances/RaidInstance.js:1694:9) { code: 500, method: 'patch', path: '/channels/660347564767313952/messages/992311479980269619', requestData: { json: { content: undefined, tts: false, nonce: undefined, embeds: [Array], components: [Array], username: undefined, avatar_url: undefined, allowed_mentions: undefined, flags: 0, message_reference: undefined, attachments: undefined, sticker_ids: undefined }, files: [] } } ===================================== [6/30/2022, 11:33:49 PM] HTTPError [AbortError]: The user aborted a request. at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:201:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async ChannelManager.fetch (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/ChannelManager.js:115:18) at async onInteractionEvent (/home/projects/tooga/out/events/InteractionEvent.js:140:29) { code: 500, method: 'get', path: '/channels/660347564767313952', requestData: { json: undefined, files: [] } } ===================================== [6/30/2022, 11:33:55 PM] HTTPError [AbortError]: The user aborted a request. at RequestHandler.execute (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:201:15) at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async RequestHandler.push (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:51:14) at async ButtonInteraction.reply (/home/projects/tooga/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/interfaces/InteractionResponses.js:103:5) { code: 500, method: 'post', path: '/interactions/992316985398542348/a50ZXJhY3Rpb246TkyMzE2OTMzk4NTQyMzQ4OmVTd1pEUEtRbW1nTHI1SJmWWlGaHB6QTZLNHJ6VzlWV2RW5sMVTFJQUqOFlTcWU2hmUDAyUWtkRHp2SmFtMjNEZU9KZEtHk9XlhYZTB4Sm5TbU1KRDl6WlRPbm9HYkxMHdDbGRFcXl21CURIY09PHdZa0Qx/callback', requestData: { json: { type: 4, data: [Object] }, files: [] } } ```
Raid logs (GMT)
And the raid logs from the raid that occurred around the same time. ``` ================= LOG INFORMATION ================= [6:11:36] πŸ”‘ Broadleaf (204747022635368451) confirmed that they have Patreon (EARLY_LOCATION). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:36] πŸ”€ Broadleaf (204747022635368451) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:37] πŸ”‘ ItsWayne (199351430694436864) confirmed that they have Wine Cellar Incantation (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:37] πŸ”€ ItsWayne (199351430694436864) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:38] πŸ”‘ Leaq | Apexili (160875761136304128) confirmed that they have Nitro (EARLY_LOCATION). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:38] πŸ”‘ Odarucu (248503467402985473) confirmed that they have Shield Rune (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:38] πŸ”€ Leaq | Apexili (160875761136304128) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:39] πŸ”€ Odarucu (248503467402985473) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:40] πŸ”‘ MRsimo (715927197944250399) confirmed that they have Helm Rune (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:40] πŸ”€ MRsimo (715927197944250399) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:40] πŸ”‘ Bobarmypog (641713393765580841) confirmed that they have Wine Cellar Incantation (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:40] πŸ”€ Bobarmypog (641713393765580841) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:41] πŸ”‘ IvyJam (950113313885388821) confirmed that they have DPS (4/4) Wizard (CLASS). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:42] πŸ”€ IvyJam (950113313885388821) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:47] πŸ”‘ Dutycaller (459152182973825024) confirmed that they have Nitro (EARLY_LOCATION). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:48] πŸ”€ Dutycaller (459152182973825024) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:50] πŸ”€ =PaulTrash (180086245416894464) has switched voice channels. From: Dungeoneer Club (902407647297417217) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:51] πŸ”€ %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has switched voice channels. From: Dungeoneer Club (902407647297417217) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:52] πŸ”‘ Zachwizftw. (149264397607501824) confirmed that they have Helm Rune (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:52] πŸ”€ Zachwizftw. (149264397607501824) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:52] πŸ”€ ;Hugw (212998789982715905) has switched voice channels. From: Dungeoneer Club (902407647297417217) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:11:53] πŸ”‘ Kyliemckev. (221014702371635201) confirmed that they have Armor Break (STATUS_EFFECT). Modifiers: `[]` [6:11:55] πŸ”€ Kyliemckev. (221014702371635201) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:03] πŸ”‘ Agumpyy (389576278665199628) confirmed that they have Shield Rune (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:12:04] πŸ”‘ BlackRozwn (232311691923292172) confirmed that they have Tome of the Mushroom Tribes (ITEM). Modifiers: `[]` [6:12:04] πŸ”€ Agumpyy (389576278665199628) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:04] πŸ”€ BlackRozwn (232311691923292172) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:06] 🎧 BlackRozwn (232311691923292172) is now deafened. [6:12:09] πŸ—ΊοΈ Location changed to: usw4 hobbit [6:12:12] πŸ”‘ Ximidt (577610998681174017) confirmed that they have Marble Seal (ITEM). Modifiers: `[]` [6:12:12] πŸ”€ Hotle (133781496627593216) has switched voice channels. From: Dungeoneer Club (902407647297417217) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:12] πŸ”€ Ximidt (577610998681174017) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:15] πŸ”€ .Eclipse (193988283645034496) has switched voice channels. From: Dungeoneer Club (902407647297417217) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:18] πŸ”€ !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) has switched voice channels. From: Dungeoneer Club (902407647297417217) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:12:28] πŸ”‘ =PaulTrash (180086245416894464) confirmed that they have Tome of the Mushroom Tribes (ITEM). Modifiers: `[]` [6:12:47] 🎧 Ximidt (577610998681174017) is now deafened. [6:12:47] πŸ”‘ YourMoomy (727430146264399954) confirmed that they have Sword Rune (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:12:48] πŸ”€ YourMoomy (727430146264399954) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:13:04] πŸ‘€ Leaq | Apexili (160875761136304128) has left the raid VC. [6:14:16] AFK check has been started. [6:14:23] βœ… Luigime (319697256049541121) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] βœ… GolemK (555469021907124224) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] πŸ”€ TfRoyal (457836941887537162) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:23] βœ… JGGJR (349370585652002816) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] βœ… Jekuttaja (228931349866610689) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] βœ… LemonMD (262824394424975360) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] βœ… GodPandas (220690042182565890) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] βœ… CrazyPult (214506461269590016) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:23] βœ… PastoPack (568228258290597890) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:24] βœ… Seadot . (645852154493665280) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:24] βœ… HekaBoi (599936446140514305) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:24] βœ… FortyBalls (337793753047629824) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:24] βœ… TomHotshot (305189083909586946) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:24] πŸ”€ WulfDrake (691169109584642058) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:25] βœ… XKX (973078600884584488) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:25] πŸ”€ Marvincmrs (178610071276617730) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:25] πŸ”€ Fixety (363637041994530818) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:25] βœ… Abstergoo (234402116800741377) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:26] βœ… Tonari. (716887446519939122) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:27] βœ… Zethers (300465857006665729) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:28] βœ… DizzyYo (164228162824306692) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:28] βœ… HimitsuShi (247326704500998145) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:28] βœ… Tidnabbruh (238744957412835329) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:29] πŸ”€ Jscats (679327565944586271) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:30] πŸ”€ Poisonson (691456930945695825) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:32] βœ… IIHotaki (538842116152098816) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:35] βœ… IlPizzalI (539264637724524545) has joined the raid VC. [6:14:44] πŸ”€ Portalik (398471871328157696) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:14:57] βœ… Dexshen (751185654188343458) has joined the raid VC. [6:15:00] πŸ“Ί %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has started streaming. [6:15:01] βœ… Akiline (446142550869278741) has joined the raid VC. [6:15:02] βœ… Mituoli (742082126295334922) has joined the raid VC. [6:15:07] βœ… Misery (193412343416225792) has joined the raid VC. [6:15:22] βœ… Xdecadez (979946705741037599) has joined the raid VC. [6:15:24] βœ… MissQuinn (650797307205386274) has joined the raid VC. [6:15:29] βœ… LAMELOBAL (420419019410243584) has joined the raid VC. [6:16:02] βœ… MaxNone (204056997018992640) has joined the raid VC. [6:16:12] πŸ”‘ LemonMD (262824394424975360) confirmed that they have Curse (STATUS_EFFECT). Modifiers: `[]` [6:16:25] βœ… kanyay (724129036942573629) has joined the raid VC. [6:17:04] 🎧 TfRoyal (457836941887537162) is now deafened. [6:17:12] βœ… Carrotsuwu (704244622037221446) has joined the raid VC. [6:17:20] πŸ‘€ Jscats (679327565944586271) has left the raid VC. [6:17:38] πŸ‘€ Carrotsuwu (704244622037221446) has left the raid VC. [6:17:38] πŸ”€ KAKURA (324415436219482123) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:17:43] βœ… Mamnam (196026907618312201) has joined the raid VC. [6:17:53] βœ… Rmit. (676670050567979008) has joined the raid VC. [6:18:06] πŸ”‘ Rmit. (676670050567979008) confirmed that they have Trickster (CLASS). Modifiers: `[]` [6:18:18] βœ… Tygh (525675612522807297) has joined the raid VC. [6:18:29] 🎧 BlackRozwn (232311691923292172) is no longer deafened. [6:18:43] βœ… Medyczny (395595529737732117) has joined the raid VC. [6:18:50] πŸ‘€ !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) has left the raid VC. [6:18:55] βœ… KenKanpeki (342433368727879690) has joined the raid VC. [6:19:27] πŸ‘€ KenKanpeki (342433368727879690) has left the raid VC. [6:19:28] βœ… KenKanpeki (342433368727879690) has joined the raid VC. [6:19:32] πŸ”‘ Ponerecipi | Dragoprism (120751205734416386) confirmed that they have Armor Break (STATUS_EFFECT). Modifiers: `[]` [6:19:32] πŸ”€ Ponerecipi | Dragoprism (120751205734416386) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:21:55] 🎧 Misery (193412343416225792) is now deafened. [6:21:57] πŸ‘€ Poisonson (691456930945695825) has left the raid VC. [6:21:58] 🎧 Fixety (363637041994530818) is now deafened. [6:22:00] 🎧 Marvincmrs (178610071276617730) is now deafened. [6:22:15] 🎧 Mamnam (196026907618312201) is now deafened. [6:22:27] πŸ‘€ Tidnabbruh (238744957412835329) has left the raid VC. [6:22:34] πŸ”€ YTadF (588973685965324288) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:22:42] πŸ‘€ LAMELOBAL (420419019410243584) has left the raid VC. [6:23:00] πŸ‘€ IIHotaki (538842116152098816) has left the raid VC. [6:23:04] 🎀 Hotle (133781496627593216) is now server muted. [6:23:17] βœ… PixelDani (231472860948856833) has joined the raid VC. [6:23:36] βœ… ikuma (451587223981260811) has joined the raid VC. [6:23:44] βœ… !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) has joined the raid VC. [6:23:48] πŸ”‘ FCL (287330238185340928) confirmed that they have Trickster (CLASS). Modifiers: `[]` [6:23:48] πŸ”€ FCL (287330238185340928) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:24:10] 🎧 Fixety (363637041994530818) is no longer deafened. [6:24:23] πŸ‘€ Rmit. (676670050567979008) has left the raid VC. [6:24:26] 🎧 Fixety (363637041994530818) is now deafened. [6:24:59] 🎧 Zethers (300465857006665729) is now deafened. [6:26:17] πŸ”‘ ikuma (451587223981260811) confirmed that they have Sword Rune (NM_KEY). Modifiers: `[]` [6:26:34] πŸ‘€ PixelDani (231472860948856833) has left the raid VC. [6:26:38] πŸ”‘ THEKINGDE (348844860394045452) confirmed that they have DPS (4/4) Wizard (CLASS). Modifiers: `[]` [6:26:38] πŸ”€ THEKINGDE (348844860394045452) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:26:39] 🎧 BlackRozwn (232311691923292172) is now deafened. [6:29:05] πŸ”€ sismy (160553161881419776) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:29:06] πŸ”€ ImYumeko (917474617227091979) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:29:36] πŸ‘€ kanyay (724129036942573629) has left the raid VC. [6:29:40] πŸ“Ί %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has stopped streaming. [6:29:40] 🎧 WulfDrake (691169109584642058) is now deafened. [6:29:43] πŸ“Ί %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has started streaming. [6:31:29] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is now deafened. [6:31:56] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is no longer deafened. [6:32:04] πŸ”€ Reandomdr (193436904191033344) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:33:22] πŸ‘€ Portalik (398471871328157696) has left the raid VC. [6:34:03] πŸ‘€ !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) has left the raid VC. [6:34:51] πŸ”‘ Loc (527098789249548289) confirmed that they have DPS (4/4) Wizard (CLASS). Modifiers: `[]` [6:35:02] πŸ”€ Loc (527098789249548289) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:35:11] πŸ‘€ Tygh (525675612522807297) has left the raid VC. [6:35:26] πŸ‘€ Loc (527098789249548289) has left the raid VC. [6:35:46] πŸ‘€ Bobarmypog (641713393765580841) has left the raid VC. [6:35:47] πŸ“Ί %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has stopped streaming. [6:35:51] πŸ“Ί %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has started streaming. [6:35:54] βœ… NalsonH (535421947543289856) has joined the raid VC. [6:36:52] πŸ“Ί =PaulTrash (180086245416894464) has started streaming. [6:37:03] πŸ“Ί =PaulTrash (180086245416894464) has stopped streaming. [6:38:41] πŸ‘€ NalsonH (535421947543289856) has left the raid VC. [6:38:44] πŸ“Ί %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has stopped streaming. [6:38:49] βœ… Efter (336372865094123522) has joined the raid VC. [6:39:14] βœ… !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) has joined the raid VC. [6:39:14] 🎧 MaxNone (204056997018992640) is now deafened. [6:39:29] 🎧 %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) is now deafened. [6:40:07] πŸ‘€ Efter (336372865094123522) has left the raid VC. [6:40:35] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is now deafened. [6:41:03] 🎧 Zethers (300465857006665729) is no longer deafened. [6:41:50] 🎧 MaxNone (204056997018992640) is no longer deafened. [6:42:52] πŸ‘€ sismy (160553161881419776) has left the raid VC. [6:43:24] πŸ‘€ HimitsuShi (247326704500998145) has left the raid VC. [6:43:31] πŸ‘€ Dutycaller (459152182973825024) has left the raid VC. [6:43:38] 🎧 Ximidt (577610998681174017) is no longer deafened. [6:43:43] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is no longer deafened. [6:43:51] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is now deafened. [6:44:17] βœ… QuteNxco (494560076678561802) has joined the raid VC. [6:44:19] 🎧 QuteNxco (494560076678561802) is now deafened. [6:44:42] 🎧 TfRoyal (457836941887537162) is no longer deafened. [6:46:01] πŸ‘€ Mituoli (742082126295334922) has left the raid VC. [6:46:05] πŸ‘€ Zachwizftw. (149264397607501824) has left the raid VC. [6:46:22] πŸ‘€ WulfDrake (691169109584642058) has left the raid VC. [6:46:30] 🎧 %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) is no longer deafened. [6:46:33] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is no longer deafened. [6:46:53] πŸ”€ Isucclol (351917984488620042) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:47:46] πŸ‘€ Isucclol (351917984488620042) has left the raid VC. [6:48:19] πŸ‘€ TfRoyal (457836941887537162) has left the raid VC. [6:48:48] βœ… KylaOwen (245055820683935755) has joined the raid VC. [6:48:52] πŸ”‘ KylaOwen (245055820683935755) confirmed that they have DPS (4/4) Wizard (CLASS). Modifiers: `[]` [6:49:00] βœ… mATANIJEL (455352727988338690) has joined the raid VC. [6:49:15] βœ… Kumia. (424622659360522241) has joined the raid VC. [6:49:20] πŸ‘€ MaxNone (204056997018992640) has left the raid VC. [6:49:26] βœ… OdeBoii (691941470839767061) has joined the raid VC. [6:49:29] πŸ‘€ KylaOwen (245055820683935755) has left the raid VC. [6:49:39] πŸ‘€ Kumia. (424622659360522241) has left the raid VC. [6:49:41] πŸ‘€ mATANIJEL (455352727988338690) has left the raid VC. [6:50:05] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is now deafened. [6:50:24] πŸ‘€ Ximidt (577610998681174017) has left the raid VC. [6:50:37] πŸ‘€ THEKINGDE (348844860394045452) has left the raid VC. [6:50:39] πŸ‘€ OdeBoii (691941470839767061) has left the raid VC. [6:50:42] πŸ‘€ YourMoomy (727430146264399954) has left the raid VC. [6:51:14] βœ… Twoatenine (343114699178770432) has joined the raid VC. [6:51:27] πŸ‘€ Twoatenine (343114699178770432) has left the raid VC. [6:51:49] βœ… YungCaspa (210579909733646336) has joined the raid VC. [6:51:56] πŸ‘€ YungCaspa (210579909733646336) has left the raid VC. [6:52:32] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:39] 🎧 Fixety (363637041994530818) is no longer deafened. [6:52:40] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:40] πŸ‘€ Fixety (363637041994530818) has left the raid VC. [6:52:41] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:41] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:42] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:43] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:44] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:46] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:47] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:48] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:48] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:49] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:50] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:52:51] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:52:51] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:20] πŸ”€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has switched voice channels. From: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) To: Lounge (660347818061332481) [6:53:23] 🎧 !ConsoleMC (332392016165994497) is no longer deafened. [6:53:24] πŸ”€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has switched voice channels. From: Lounge (660347818061332481) To: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) [6:53:32] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:33] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:34] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:35] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:36] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:36] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:37] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:38] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:45] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:45] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:46] πŸ‘€ Akiline (446142550869278741) has left the raid VC. [6:53:46] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:47] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:47] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:50] βœ… Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has joined the raid VC. [6:53:51] πŸ‘€ Flomotionn (361225901825982464) has left the raid VC. [6:53:56] βœ… Bombbitto (363813087591006208) has joined the raid VC. [6:54:22] βœ… SlXETYNINE. (264856963312123904) has joined the raid VC. [6:54:23] βœ… PixelDani (231472860948856833) has joined the raid VC. [6:54:35] πŸ‘€ PixelDani (231472860948856833) has left the raid VC. [6:54:38] πŸ‘€ SlXETYNINE. (264856963312123904) has left the raid VC. [6:55:07] βœ… ZeHzYy (333733142877831189) has joined the raid VC. [6:55:27] βœ… Deo (187109947446788096) has joined the raid VC. [6:55:32] πŸ‘€ DizzyYo (164228162824306692) has left the raid VC. [6:55:33] βœ… Zachwizftw. (149264397607501824) has joined the raid VC. [6:55:35] 🎀 Hotle (133781496627593216) is no longer server muted. [6:55:39] 🎀 Hotle (133781496627593216) is now server muted. [6:55:51] πŸ”€ Zachwizftw. (149264397607501824) has switched voice channels. From: Louie's Raid (992311474938728529) To: Lounge (660347818061332481) [6:56:11] βœ… stegoat (211231916173557763) has joined the raid VC. [6:56:20] πŸ‘€ stegoat (211231916173557763) has left the raid VC. [6:56:25] πŸ‘€ IlPizzalI (539264637724524545) has left the raid VC. [6:56:29] πŸ‘€ ZeHzYy (333733142877831189) has left the raid VC. [6:56:37] βœ… KylaOwen (245055820683935755) has joined the raid VC. [6:57:18] πŸ‘€ GodPandas (220690042182565890) has left the raid VC. [6:57:22] 🎧 QuteNxco (494560076678561802) is no longer deafened. [6:57:25] πŸ‘€ QuteNxco (494560076678561802) has left the raid VC. [6:57:27] πŸ‘€ Xdecadez (979946705741037599) has left the raid VC. [6:58:33] βœ… sismy (160553161881419776) has joined the raid VC. [6:58:44] βœ… MrSlushey (249931642330677248) has joined the raid VC. [6:59:01] πŸ‘€ Zethers (300465857006665729) has left the raid VC. [6:59:01] %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has ended the AFK check. [6:59:05] πŸ‘€ FortyBalls (337793753047629824) has left the raid VC. [6:59:06] %LouieπŸ₯‡ (391384233794338818) has ended the raid. ```

Note that all of the errors occurred between xx:32 and xx:33 (nothing significant in the raid logs), so this implies that the bot is unable to edit the control panel and AFK check embed for that period of time.

Additionally, in the error logs, the second-to-last error (the one referring to InteractionEvent.js) points to this line of code, which is weird since it's seemingly unrelated.

Finally, in the error logs, the lines of code referring to the first few error messages (specifically, for RaidInstance.hs) can be found in Issue 1 and Issue 2 of the original post.

nyapat commented 2 years ago

aborterror is a new one, generic response:

AbortError: The user aborted a request. A request took longer than the specified restRequestTimeout (15 seconds default), and was aborted to not lock up the request handler. β€’ This can be caused by an internal server error on Discord's side, or just a slow connection. β€’ In case of a slow connection, the restRequestTimeout option in ClientOptions can be increased to prevent future AbortErrors.

ewang2002 commented 2 years ago

Issue seems to mostly be resolved, so closing.