ToogaInc / ToogaBooga

An open-source Realm of the Mad God Discord chat bot designed for advanced cross-verification, moderation, and raid management.
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proper subcommand (and more?) functionality #263

Open nyapat opened 1 year ago

nyapat commented 1 year ago

i think subcommands can clean up our code and UX

/editname /removename -> /name edit , /name remove /blacklist /blacklistguild (todo) -> /blacklist user , /blacklist guild /config... -> /config ...

  1. is this a good idea?
  2. currently, we use ICommandInfo when creating a command
    • can we just remove this? it doesn't seem that useful, and doesn't currently support subcommands, i don't think we should have to add another part to this every time discord adds something to commands (or a feature we missed). solution I have in mind is just pass a slashcommandbuilder through super as a required property (as well as whatever i don't want to change, such as the permission checks)
    • can we just remove the /help command since slash commands show all needed information when using it?
ewang2002 commented 1 year ago

Some other points of discussion:
