Tookmund / Swapspace

A fork of Jeroen T. Vermeulen's excellent dynamic swap space manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
128 stars 12 forks source link

Not working in Elementary OS (based on Ubuntu Bionic) #26

Closed da0ist closed 3 years ago

da0ist commented 3 years ago


Tookmund commented 3 years ago

What version of swapspace are your running?

Could you stop the service and run swapspace in a terminal:

swapspace -v | tee swapspace.log

And attach the resulting swapspace.log to this bug report once it returns to the state you screenshotted.

For the future, I recommend installing swapspace.service instead of swapspace.lsbinit since you’re using systemd.

My current theory is that swapspace could be having trouble allocating new swapfiles and errors might not be logged correctly because the lsb init script daemonizes the program.


On Sep 4, 2020, at 19:37, da0ist wrote:

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da0ist commented 3 years ago

I do "sudo apt install swapspace". How do I specify service?

Tookmund commented 3 years ago

Ah you don't have the systemd service installed because Ubuntu Bionic has a version of swapspace (1.10) that is about 14 years old. Could you please run swapspace -V to confirm this?

Because the version you have is so old, you might be running into the /dev/shm issue fixed in 2014 with version 1.11. ( Could you also run df -h /dev/shm and attach the output?

In a more concise form, here's all the commands I'd like you to run to help me debug this issue. Please attach the output of all of them.

# Check your version of swapspace
swapspace -V

# check the memory allocated to /dev/shm
df -h /dev/shm

# stop the service
sudo systemctl stop swapspace

# run swapspace in verbose mode, with output both to the terminal and to swapspace.log
# Please run this until the situation you pictured above appears again, if possible
sudo swapspace -v | tee swapspace.log
da0ist commented 3 years ago

jeward@bionic:/var/log$ swapspace -V swapspace 1.10-4, Wed, 17 Sep 2008

Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Software Industry Promotion Agency of Thailand Written by Jeroen T. Vermeulen This program is free software, and is available for use under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

jeward@bionic:/var/log$ df -h /dev/shm Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 868M 391M 478M 45% /dev/shm


da0ist commented 3 years ago

It doesn't log anywhere that I can find. I'm assuming you'll advise me to compile from source, so I'll try that now.

da0ist commented 3 years ago

Looks like the current version works!


Tookmund commented 3 years ago

Based on that df output, you've definitely run into the /dev/shm bug so any version 1.11 or above should work. Glad it was just that.

That you're not seeing any log output is very strange. I'll have to take a look at the changes between 1.10 and now because swapspace should be very verbose with the -v flag.