Tool-Kid / express-query-adapter

:mag_right: :dizzy: Transfrom automatically Express.js req.query into your favourite query tool
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Filtering by date between #392

Closed vladimirantos closed 1 year ago

vladimirantos commented 1 year ago

Hey, filtering by a range of two dates isn't working. I have a column 'date' in my database and I would like to create a SQL query select * from table where date between '2022-09-01 and '2022-09-30''. In the URL I have this: ?date__between=2022-09-01, 2022-09-30 but when I look in the TypeORM log, it generates this query: WHERE (dateBETWEEN ? AND ?) -- PARAMETERS: [null,null] and error Unknown column 'NaN' in 'where clause'. How to filter with between two dates? Thanks

rjlopezdev commented 1 year ago

Hi @vladimirantos Currently is not supported, but I will add it Thanks for your suggestion ❤️

rjlopezdev commented 1 year ago

Hi @vladimirantos Date filtering is now supported since v1.7.0 Thanks for your suggestion!

vladimirantos commented 1 year ago

@rjlopezdev Good job, I'll try it. Thank you