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Dev breadcrumb spinner layout #89

Closed bkensey closed 10 years ago

bkensey commented 11 years ago

Fixes layout issues with the breadcrumb pager

bkensey commented 11 years ago

Remember how the arrow part of the spinners used to be aligned with the right side of the spinner text? And how it had minWidth behavior? These changes should reinstate that. I would suggest comparing the Alpha from the market with a debug build from this code. That should help you distinguish the visual behaviors and determine whether the debug version is behaving properly.

BrandoCommando commented 11 years ago

That makes sense. It does look better than Alpha.

BrandoCommando commented 11 years ago

Part of me thinks we should still set the minimum width off the dropdown to something wider than the spinner view. Like how Hangouts uses like 80% of the screen width, and it's basically centered on the screen. It just feels off to me that the spinner view corner icon seems to be pointing down-right, but tapping it doesn't always show something down-right from it. Thoughts?

bkensey commented 11 years ago

I think there are two behaviors at play when dealing with spinners. The first behavior is that spinner dropdown standard behavior is to derive width from the main spinner widget. The second behavior, where the dropdown has a fixed width that is wider than the main spinner width, is something that has emerged as a convention when the dropdown items are more than just a line of text. This is true for the email apps, for hangouts, and for others as well.

The key consideration for us is this: in the final form of the app, what kind of content should the dropdown display? How rich should it be? Do we just list the heirarchy of folder names? Do we use folder icons? File sizes? Add extra buttons like history and sort options?

If the answer is that we do want a richer dropdown, we should consider using a fixed width dropdown in order to allow us to create a predictable layout. Note that this would mean a comparatively wider dropdown for narrow spinners and a narrower dropdown for wider spinners.

Otherwise, we should stick with the default spinner behavior. Thoughts?

bkensey commented 10 years ago

90 should be merged first, and the changes will need to be merged into this branch.