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HebTrans crashes preferences page #14

Closed yair closed 7 years ago

yair commented 7 years ago

web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] method=GET path=/about/more format=html controller=AboutController action=more status=500 error='ActionView::Template::Error: can not load translations from /mastodon/config/locales/devise.he.yml: #<Psych::SyntaxError: (/mastodon/config/locales/devise.he.yml): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 11 column 16>' duration=367.60 view=0.00 db=0.00 web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] ActionView::Template::Error (can not load translations from /mastodon/config/locales/devise.he.yml: #<Psych::SyntaxError: (/mastodon/config/locales/devise.he.yml): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 11 column 16>): web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 12: web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 13: .information-board web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 14: .section web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 15: %span= t 'about.user_count_before' web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 16: %strong= number_with_delimiter @instance_presenter.user_count web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 17: %span= t 'about.user_count_after' web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] 18: .section web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] app/views/about/more.html.haml:15:in _app_views_about_more_html_haml___956688094725007340_46972347411720' web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] app/controllers/concerns/localized.rb:24:inblock in set_locale' web_1 | [7b36adec-f45b-42d0-963c-fdeaf7944277] app/controllers/concerns/localized.rb:23:in `set_locale'

seefood commented 7 years ago

a. which branch? b. why in discussion and not mastodon? c. works for me.

please close this