ToothlessGear / node-gcm

A NodeJS wrapper library port to send data to Android devices via Google Cloud Messaging
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Disparity with message formats, unable to get "notification" to show up in recipient #281

Closed GeoffreyPlitt closed 7 years ago

GeoffreyPlitt commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to use this library to send PN's to a phone that receives them via I'm testing on a real device, and I've got some GCM connection working, because I can see received message in my logs, but the notifications do not show in the UI (device's notification area), and I think it's because of a disparity in the documentation regarding the message schema.

I've tried several different example messages, pulled from your docs, their docs, or other places, and I'm showing the resulting message received. I'm pretty confused, and I can't find a way that seems to allow both "notification" and "data" parts through. In fact, it seems like "data" is the only part that goes through, which may explain my issue. As a side note, part of the problem seems to be that the data is sometimes collapsed from JSON to string, is that happening in your lib for some reason? As another side note, is this related to FCM vs GCM?

Each of the example messages below is sent to sender.send(message, { registrationTokens: tokens }, ...)

const example1 = {
    collapseKey: 'demo',
    priority: 'high',
    contentAvailable: true,
    timeToLive: 3,
    data: {
        key1: 'message1',
        key2: 'message2'
    notification: {
        title: "Hello, World",
        icon: "ic_launcher",
        body: "This is a notification that will be displayed ASAP."

// {
//   collapse_key: "com.stardust"
//   foreground: true
//   google.message_id: "0:1484096257740237%7ee359d17ee359d1"
//   google.sent_time: 1484096257734
//   id:"-1643774423"
//   key1:"message1"
//   key2:"message2"
//   userInteraction:false
// }

const example2 = {
  time_to_live: 86400,
  collapse_key: "new_message",
  delay_while_idle: false,
  notification: {
    title: "title",
    body: "this is a noisy test",
    tag: "new_message",
    icon: "new_message",
    color: "#18d821",
    sound: "default"

// {
//   collapse_key:"com.stardust"
//   foreground:true
//   google.message_id:"0:1484096278293346%7ee359d17ee359d1"
//   google.sent_time:1484096278289
//   id:"-762117123"
//   userInteraction:false
// }

const example3 = {
  data: {
    info: {
      subject: "Hello GCM2",
      message: "Hello from the server side!"

// {
//   collapse_key: "do_not_collapse"
//   foreground: true
//   google.message_id:"0:1484096309107031%7ee359d1f9fd7ecd"
//   google.sent_time:1484096309103
//   id:"-1292255135"
//   info:"{\"subject\":\"Hello GCM2\",\"message\":\"Hello from the server side!\"}"
//   userInteraction:false
// }
eladnava commented 7 years ago

Try setting the notification fields within the data payload e.g.:

data: {
    title: "Hello, World",
    icon: "ic_launcher",
    body: "This is a notification that will be displayed ASAP."

Ionic/Cordova had a bug that required this. Might be the same with React Native.

GeoffreyPlitt commented 7 years ago

Solved. If anyone else has these issues, here's what fixed it for me:

      collapseKey: 'demo',
      priority: 'high',
      contentAvailable: true,
      timeToLive: 3,
      data: {
          key1: 'message1',
          key2: 'message2'
      notification: {
          title: "Hello, World",
          icon: "ic_launcher",
          body: "This is a notification that will be displayed ASAP."
eladnava commented 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing the solution @GeoffreyPlitt!

hypesystem commented 7 years ago

It seems to me that what was missing from the docs was something about the app having to be in background for notifications to autotrigger. We could add this! :smile: