I met an error when use Jsystem to develop Automation with Selenium webdriver on FireFox browser (it works well with Chrome browser)
I write simple code as below, then build as Maven test on Eclipse.
After that I run Jsysyem runer and open project and run Test searchCheese, Jystem open Firefox browser but cannot opend URL and raise error: org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms . Please help to resolve this isssue
My systems:
Browser: Firefox Quantum version 62.0.3 (64 bit)
Selenium: 3.114.0
JSystem: 6.1.10
Junit: juint-4.10
gecko driver: geckodriver-v0.22.0-win64
IDE: eclipse
I init firefox browser and get URL= "http://www.google.com"
public void setUp() throws Exception {
String driverPath = "D:\Webautomation\web_tests\src\main\resources\geckodriver.exe";
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", driverPath);
WebDriver webDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
public void searchCheese() {
WebElement element = webDriver.findElement(By.name("q"));
public void tearDown() {
Best regards,
Khanh Pham
Email: khanh262@gmail.com
I met an error when use Jsystem to develop Automation with Selenium webdriver on FireFox browser (it works well with Chrome browser)
I write simple code as below, then build as Maven test on Eclipse. After that I run Jsysyem runer and open project and run Test searchCheese, Jystem open Firefox browser but cannot opend URL and raise error: org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms . Please help to resolve this isssue
My systems: Browser: Firefox Quantum version 62.0.3 (64 bit) Selenium: 3.114.0 JSystem: 6.1.10 Junit: juint-4.10 gecko driver: geckodriver-v0.22.0-win64 IDE: eclipse
I init firefox browser and get URL= "http://www.google.com" @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { String driverPath = "D:\Webautomation\web_tests\src\main\resources\geckodriver.exe"; System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", driverPath); WebDriver webDriver = new FirefoxDriver(); }
@Test public void searchCheese() { webDriver.get("http://www.google.com"); WebElement element = webDriver.findElement(By.name("q")); element.sendKeys("cheese!"); element.submit(); }
@After public void tearDown() { webDriver.close(); }
Best regards, Khanh Pham Email: khanh262@gmail.com