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Maven dependency doesn't seem to work #13

Open TechnoVisionDev opened 2 years ago

TechnoVisionDev commented 2 years ago

Im getting a Unresolved dependency: com.github.DiscordBotList:DBL-Java-Library:jar:2.1.1 error from maven but my dependency xml structure follows what is on jitpack exactly. I also have the jitpack repository as well

TechnoVisionDev commented 2 years ago

I have also tried the following dependency tag and it doesn't work either

TechnoVisionDev commented 2 years ago

I have also now tried searching the repo in jitpack and get a third dependency tag that ALSO does not work. What is the real dependency?

Could not find artifact in

TechnoVisionDev commented 2 years ago

Found ANOTHER dependency tag that doesn't works! This time from maven central. How many different ones are there??

TechnoVisionDev commented 2 years ago

Found another dependency tag that doesn't work, this time from another jitpack page

Thibstars commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue. Seems like this PR is opened to address it: can anyone provide an update please?

Update: This one does seem to work.

Hopefuls commented 2 years ago

Resolved by