TopQuadrant / shacl

SHACL API in Java based on Apache Jena
Apache License 2.0
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SHACLPaths::getJenaPath returns wrong Path #145

Closed fp-smartlogic closed 9 months ago

fp-smartlogic commented 2 years ago

After upgrading to the more recent SHACL version, I've noticed a behavior change in SHACLPaths::getJenaPath method. I am attaching the simple code snippet to illustrate the issue.


import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import org.topbraid.shacl.arq.SHACLPaths;
import org.topbraid.shacl.vocabulary.SH;

public class SHACLPathsExample {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String modelStr = "" +
        "@prefix sh:    <> ." +
        "@prefix skos:  <> ." +
        "@prefix rdf:   <> ." +
        "" +
        "[] sh:resultPath [" +
        " sh:alternativePath [" +
        "   rdf:first skos:note;" +
        "   rdf:rest [" +
        "     rdf:first skos:editorialNote;" +
        "     rdf:rest [" +
        "       rdf:first skos:historyNote;" +
        "       rdf:rest rdf:nil" +
        "     ]" +
        "   ]" +
        "  ]" +

    Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().read(IOUtils.toInputStream(modelStr, "UTF-8"),
        null, "TTL");
    Resource resultPath = model.getRequiredProperty(null, SH.resultPath).getObject().asResource();

    // returns: (skos:note | skos:editorialNote | skos:historyNote)

    // returns:
    // <>|(<>/<>)

HolgerKnublauch commented 2 years ago

Thank you, this was indeed wrong and must have been wrong for a few years. I hope the fix addresses this issue.