TopQuadrant / shacl

SHACL API in Java based on Apache Jena
Apache License 2.0
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Modified Graph export for SHACL-Advanced Feature's: SHACL-SPARQL #178

Closed HendrikBorgelt closed 2 months ago

HendrikBorgelt commented 2 months ago

Hello TopBraid SHACL API Developers and Community,

I am currently working on implementing closed-world logic on knowledge graphs based on an ontology where the owl2 semantics and its reasoning run into computational challenges.

I thus hope to use SHACL-advanced features in order to perform SPARQL queries with the "CONSTRUCT" keyword inside a SHACL shape, to have transferable and storageable semantic artifacts. (I try to "save" and store complex SHACL-SPARQL queries as .ttl files so that can reuse them whenever they deem suitable)

As such I also hope to have access to the diff between the source graph and the modified graph or the inferred axioms generated by the SHACL-SPARQL validation. The "CONSTRUCT" keyword should generate some new relations which I hope to extract and not only have the return SHACL-Validation conforms: TRUE.

For more in-depth detail on what I intend to do please check this issue posted on the pyshacl GitHub repo. (due to some issues in the SPARQL engine of rdflib, i can currently not use pyshacl for my intended queries.)

Is there any possibility of doing so with the TopBraid SHACL API or is the API only intended as a validator?

Thanks for any help in advance, I even appreciate it if I just get to know whether this would be intended or not.

HendrikBorgelt commented 2 months ago

Sorry for posting this Issue, i have already found the intended solution.