TopShelfCraft / Wordsmith

A plugin for Craft CMS to help you manage and manipulate text.
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Unable to add global "wordsmith" as the runtime or the extensions have already been initialized #6

Closed michaelrog closed 6 years ago

michaelrog commented 6 years ago

Error upon installation...

LogicException: Unable to add global "wordsmith" as the runtime or the extensions have already been initialized.

Craft CMS 3.0.15 PHP 7.0.30

arifje commented 6 years ago

Any plans on fixing? This is currently the only plugin for truncating text... cheers!

michaelrog commented 6 years ago

I'm currently unable to reproduce this issue using Wordsmith 3.0.2 on Craft

@skoften / @webmarks — Could yall make sure you're fully updated?

Assuming so, could you let us know what other plugins you have installed, and the order in which they appear in the plugins table in the db?

arifje commented 6 years ago

Sure, I got two installs on the same server that generate this error.

Site 1:

mysql> select id, handle, version from plugins;
| id | handle                        | version       |
| 11 | mobile-detect                 | 1.0.1         |
| 12 | similar                       | 1.0.2         |
| 13 | preview-button                | 1.0.2         |
| 14 | transcoder                    | 1.1.3         |
| 15 | logs                          | 3.0.0         |
| 17 | image-resizer                 | 2.0.2         |
| 18 | disqus                        | 1.0.7         |
| 19 | redactor                      | 2.1.2         |
| 20 | snitch                        | 2.0.2         |
| 21 | redirect                      | 1.0.17        |
| 22 | simplemap                     | 3.3.3         |
| 23 | video-embedder                | 1.0.9         |
| 24 | social                        | 2.0.0-beta.10 |
| 26 | cp-clearcache                 | 1.0.2         |
| 27 | campaign                      | 1.0.0-beta2   |
| 28 | telegram-notification-channel | 1.0.1         |
| 32 | content-stats                 | 2.1.0         |
| 37 | admin-bar                     | 3.1.5         |
| 38 | ansel                         | 2.0.0         |
| 40 | notifications                 | 1.1.1         |
| 41 | cp-element-count              | 1.0.1         |
| 42 | delete-account                | 1.0.1         |
| 43 | locate                        | 2.0.1         |
| 45 | embeddedassets                | 1.0.2         |
| 46 | gtmetrix                      | 1.1.4         |
| 47 | upvote                        | 2.0.3         |
| 48 | entry-count                   | 2.0.1         |
| 49 | uploadit                      | 1.0.2         |
| 50 | guest-entries                 | 2.1.3         |
| 51 | http2-server-push             | 1.0.0         |
| 52 | wheelform                     | 1.9.0         |
| 53 | seomatic                      | 3.1.3         |
| 54 | sidebar-themes                | 1.0.5         |

Site 2:

| id | handle                        | version       |
| 11 | mobile-detect                 | 1.0.1         |
| 12 | similar                       | 1.0.2         |
| 13 | preview-button                | 1.0.2         |
| 14 | transcoder                    | 1.1.3         |
| 15 | logs                          | 3.0.0         |
| 17 | image-resizer                 | 2.0.2         |
| 18 | disqus                        | 1.0.7         |
| 19 | redactor                      | 2.1.2         |
| 20 | snitch                        | 2.0.2         |
| 21 | redirect                      | 1.0.17        |
| 22 | simplemap                     | 3.3.3         |
| 23 | video-embedder                | 1.0.9         |
| 24 | social                        | 2.0.0-beta.10 |
| 26 | cp-clearcache                 | 1.0.2         |
| 27 | campaign                      | 1.0.0-beta2   |
| 28 | telegram-notification-channel | 1.0.1         |
| 32 | content-stats                 | 2.1.0         |
| 37 | admin-bar                     | 3.1.5         |
| 38 | ansel                         | 2.0.0         |
| 40 | notifications                 | 1.1.1         |
| 41 | cp-element-count              | 1.0.1         |
| 42 | delete-account                | 1.0.1         |
| 43 | locate                        | 2.0.1         |
| 45 | embeddedassets                | 1.0.2         |
| 46 | gtmetrix                      | 1.1.4         |
| 47 | upvote                        | 2.0.3         |
| 48 | entry-count                   | 2.0.1         |
| 49 | uploadit                      | 1.0.2         |
| 50 | guest-entries                 | 2.1.3         |
| 51 | http2-server-push             | 1.0.0         |
| 52 | wheelform                     | 1.9.0         |
| 53 | seomatic                      | 3.1.3         |
| 54 | sidebar-themes                | 1.0.5         |

Server info;

PHP 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (cli) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies

Linux testmachine 4.4.0-127-generic #153-Ubuntu SMP Sat May 19 10:58:46 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Both run Craft CMS

frankharrison-wj commented 6 years ago

I've also just hit this bug. I had Wordsmith installed and working fine, but then had to delete my vendor directory and rebuild from composer. I managed to reinstall everything apart from Wordsmith which gives the same error as this thread's title.

I'm on Craft CMS, running on PHP 7.2.1. Attached is a screenshot of my plugins table...

screen shot 2018-07-26 at 10 59 42
michaelrog commented 6 years ago

Fixed by b198c3d.
