TopShelfCraft / Wordsmith

A plugin for Craft CMS 3.x to help you manage and manipulate text.
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Craft CMS 5 compatibility #60

Open vonscriptor opened 2 months ago

vonscriptor commented 2 months ago

Hello! Are there plans and a timeline for upgrading the plugin for Craft CMS 5 compatibility?


TUSAB-web commented 2 weeks ago

I wanted to ask the same question as above. If the answer is no, that would be fine. But I’d love to know ASAP since I will have to re-code some templates if this isn’t going to become Craft 5 compatible.

CreateSean commented 1 week ago

Any word on this?

michaelrog commented 1 week ago

It's on the docket! I'll post here when it's out!

(If anybody needs it on a specific timeline, sponsorship and PRs are most welcome!)