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Move floating save button to top because of problems on mobile #240

Open karol-depka opened 4 years ago

karol-depka commented 4 years ago

Problems: floating save buttons gets misaligned/disappears when scrolling on mobile. Attaching video from @noviodelangel .

Note: floating save button, when placed on top of the screen, needs proper margin at the top, to not obscure elements.

karol-depka commented 4 years ago

@noviodelangel what is Your Android version and device model?

karol-depka commented 4 years ago

@MartaNiemiec can You review the future layout?

MartaNiemiec commented 4 years ago

Screenshot It's just a problem with a "top" property on mobile. When we disable it then the save button is in the correct position. In the future layout I will change responsiveness.