Topology / ALM-Compiler

A Java implementation of the ALM language that compiles to the SPARC variant of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
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Test results - using attribute to represent "constant with parameters - top(elevations)" #10

Closed zhangyuanlin closed 5 years ago

zhangyuanlin commented 6 years ago


             elevations :: things
                top: points

The instance

        box in elevations
            top = top(box) 

is translated into

elevations_top(box, T_) :- instance(top(box), points), elevations_top(box, TO), T_=TO.

top(box) in the instance is understood by CALM as applying function top to box. Can it be understood as a Herbrand term? in fact, we do have the following instance in the same program.

        top(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

In summary, what is the right understanding of a right-hand side term in instantiation? (If it is understood as an Herbrand term, then attributes seem (is conjectured) to be used to represent "constants with parameters as in ALM paper")

zhangyuanlin commented 6 years ago

Here is the whole testing program:

system description monkeyBanana
    theory basic_motion
      module moving
        sort declarations
            points, things :: universe
            agents :: things

            carriables :: things

            elevations :: things
                top: points

            move :: actions
                    actor : agents
                    origin : points
                    dest : points

            climb :: move
            elevation : elevations

        function declarations
                    symmetric_connectivity : booleans
                    transitive_connectivity : booleans
                    % connnected(P1, P2) - true if P1 and P2 are connected
                    connected : points * points -> booleans
                    % loca_in(T) - the point where thing T is at
                    total loc_in : things -> points
            dynamic causal laws
                % move action causes its actor to be at its destination
                occurs(X) causes loc_in(A) = D if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    dest(X) = D.
            state constraints
                % top(E) is the destination of climbing an elevation E
                dest(A) = C if elevation(A) = E, C = top(E).

                connected(X, X).
                connected(X, Y) if connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                -connected(X, Y) if -connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                connected(X, Z) if
                    connected(X, Y),connected(Y, Z),transitive_connectivity.
                % NEW bug?

            executability conditions
                % move is not possible if its actor is not at its origin.
                % NEW - what if the origin of actor unknown?
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) != origin(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) != origin(X).

                % move is not possible if its actor is at its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) = dest(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) = dest(X).

                % move is not possible if the location of its actor is not
                % connected to its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    loc_in(A) = O,
                    dest(X) = D,
                    -connected(O, D).

    module main depends on moving
        sort declarations
            floor_points, ceiling_points, movable_points :: points
        constant declarations
            monkey : agents
            box :  elevations
            %  top = top(box)
            % top(elevations): movable_points
            box, banana : carriables
        function declarations
                    % under(P, T) - point P is under thing T
                    under : floor_points * things -> booleans
                function definitions
                    % monkey can reach the banana if it is on top of the box
                    % which under the banana
                    %?? can_reach(monkey, banana) if
                    %    loc_in(box) = P, under(P,banana),loc_in(monkey) = top(box).
                state constraints
                        % top(E) is the destination of climbing an elevation E
                        % NEW ??
                        %dest(A) = C if instance(A, climb), elevation(A) = E, C = top(E).
                        % The location of the box is connected to the top of the box
                        connected(T,P) if
                            loc_in(box) = P, T= top(box), instance(P, floor_points).
                        % top of box is not connected to
                        % any points other than the box's location.
                        -connected(top(box),P) if
                            loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points).
                        % any two points on floor are connected
                        connected(P1,P2) if
                            instance(P1,floor_points), instance(P2, floor_points).
                        % any ceiling point is not connected to any other point
                        -connected(P1, P2) if
                            instance(P1, ceiling_points),
                            instance(P2,points), P1 != P2.
                executability conditions

    structure monkey_and_banana
        under_banana, initial_monkey, initial_box in floor_points
        initial_banana in ceiling_points
        box in elevations
            top = top(box)
            % top = t(box)

        top(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

        move(P) in move where instance(P, points)
            actor = monkey
            dest = P

        climb(box) in climb
            actor = monkey
            elevation = box
            dest = top(box)

    value of statics
        under(under_banana, banana).

temporal projection
max steps 7

    observed(loc_in(box), initial_box, 0).
    observed(loc_in(monkey), initial_monkey, 0).
    happened(move(initial_box), 0).
    %happened(grasp(box), 1).
    %happened(carry(box, under_banana), 2).
    %happened(release(box), 3).
    %happened(climb(box), 4).
    %happened(grasp(banana), 5).
Topology commented 6 years ago

This is a compiler bug.

 elevations_top(box, T_) :- instance(top(box), points), elevations_top(box, TO), T_=TO.

should be

 elevations_top(box, T_) :- instance(top(box), points), T_= top(box).

The problem is name collision. What is happening is that the top(box) in the correct case is resolved with the attribute function instead of the functor/constant. This makes me think that the translation of attribute functions to be prefixed by their sort does not happen until late in the game and may need to happen immediately. But there would still be ambiguity in term relations as to whether the instance was intended or the function was intended.

 foo(X) = top(box)

There is name ambiguity.

I will look and see if there is an easy way to disambiguate in the step going from ALM to ASP{f}. The translation from ASP{f} to SPARC has less context sensitivity. I may need to add annotations/markers to ALMTerms to force resolution with "functors" instead of functions.

Alternatively we bail out and generate semantic errors if a functor and function have the same name.

zhangyuanlin commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I think here we need to decide if we want to allow people to use function to define an instance. For example, in

        box in elevations
            top = top(box) 

do we allow top(..) to be a function?

For now, one proposal is

1. all terms in right-hand side in an instantiation are understood as Herbrand terms. 
1.1 current CALM allows to define an instance using Herbrand term, e.g., top(box) in points 
2. in future, we can discuss if we allow function to be used in instantiation. 
2.1. This issue may be also related if we want to introduce "record sort" (e.g., we can declare 
                           top(elevations) :: points -- [you use a different syntax in the relevant discussion] 

Conclusion: With this understanding, attribute functions can be used to achieve "constants with parameters" (see program I posted in earlier comment) and we don't need to do any change of CALM for now. However, "record sort" might be still a better idea.

Topology commented 6 years ago

From Discussion

        box in elevations
            top = top(box)

        top(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

        -------------- BROKEN---------
        % Sort Instance [box] for sort [elevations].
        is_a(box, elevations) :- instance(elevations_top(box), points).

        % Sort Instance [elevations_top(X)] for sort [movable_points].
        is_a(elevations_top(X), movable_points) :- instance(X, elevations).

        % Definition of attribute [top] for instance [box] of sort [elevations].
        elevations_top(box, T_) :- instance(elevations_top(box), points), elevations_top(box, TO), T_=TO.

        ------------------  Attempted fix, but circular ----------------------

        % Sort Instance [box] for sort [elevations].
        is_a(box, elevations) :- instance(top(box), points).

        % Sort Instance [elevations_top(X)] for sort [movable_points].
        is_a(top(X), movable_points) :- instance(X, elevations).

        % Definition of attribute [top] for instance [box] of sort [elevations].
        elevations_top(box, T_) :- instance(top(box), points), T_=top(box).


        % Sort Instance [box] for sort [elevations].
        is_a(box, elevations) :- (where clauses).

        % Definition of attribute [top] for instance [box] of sort [elevations].
        elevations_top(box, T_) :- instance(top(box), points), T_=top(box), (where clauses).

        % Sort Instance [elevations_top(X)] for sort [movable_points].
        is_a(top(X), movable_points) :- instance(X, elevations).

        1. remove instance requirements on range of attribute functions for definition.  (when herbrand)
        2. RHS as herbrand, not function
Topology commented 6 years ago

Will likely need to add marker to herbrand terms in attribute function definition.

Skip type checking for now, do what needs to be done to get the string literal forward.

Topology commented 6 years ago

Latest calm.jar can now run these two programs that have herbrand terms assigned to attributes.

program 1:

system description monkeyBanana
    theory basic_motion
      module moving
        sort declarations
            points, things :: universe
            movable_points :: points

            % intended: the instances of movable_points
            %           are surface(X) where X is an elevation
            %           the instances of elevations are some objects
            %           whose attribute is an elment in points. 
            elevations :: things
                top: points

    structure monkey_and_banana
        box in elevations
            top = surface(box)

        surface(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

program 2:

system description test
    theory test
      module test
        sort declarations

            things :: universe
            locations :: universe
            elevations :: universe
                  top: locations

            things_with_elevations :: things

    structure attribute_test

            top2(X) in locations where instance(X, elevations)

            X in elevations where instance(X, things_with_elevations)
                top = top2(X)

            box in things_with_elevations

I do not consider these permanent solutions. We need to formally model herbrand terms in the compiler. I disabled several aspects of type checking and translation error checking to put these through quickly.

Program 2 did not have circularity in instance definitions. I had to disable the instance(surface(box), points) condition in program 1 to make it non-circular.

Topology commented 5 years ago

I just uploaded a distribution that I believe resolves this issue for now. Please verify. The program posted in this issues, however, has other issues. The compiler is now reporting name collisions. (See Below) I believe these name collision errors are correct for the posted program. I am closing this issue. If there are any further issues related to this, I believe the code base has migrated enough to warrant a new issue being created.

    ---- NO SYNTAX ERRORS ----

    ---- SEMANTIC ERRORS ----

    ErrorID: NAM003
    Message: Sort Instance [box at (test.alm:118:8)] cannot have the same name as element [box:elevations at (test.alm:79:3)].
    Explanation: The names of sort instances must be new and not collide with functions, constants or previously defined sort instances.
    Recommendation: Change the name of one of the elements to avoid name collision.

    ErrorID: NAM003
    Message: Sort Instance [top(X) at (test.alm:122:8)] cannot have the same name as element [top:points at (test.alm:12:16)].
    Explanation: The names of sort instances must be new and not collide with functions, constants or previously defined sort instances.
    Recommendation: Change the name of one of the elements to avoid name collision.