Topology / ALM-Compiler

A Java implementation of the ALM language that compiles to the SPARC variant of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
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attribute function applied to a constant in the head of a state constraint #27

Open zhangyuanlin opened 6 years ago

zhangyuanlin commented 6 years ago

We have the following pieces of a program

            elevations :: things
                top: points
          box :  elevations
          connected : points * points -> booleans
      -connected(top(box),P) if
        loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points).

The state constraint above is translated into

-connected(elevations_top(box), P, TS) :- loc_in(box, LO, TS), #floor_points(P), LO!=P, 
          instance(P, floor_points).

causing an exception

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: SPARC  V2.54
: argument number 1 of predicate connected/3, "elevations_top(box)", 
at line 595 [above], column 1 violates definition of sort "#points"

So, CALM has some mistake in this translation?

Full program is

system description monkeyBanana
    theory basic_motion
      module moving
        sort declarations
            points, things :: universe
            agents :: things

            carriables :: things

            elevations :: things
                top: points

            move :: actions
                    actor : agents
                    origin : points
                    dest : points

            climb :: move
                elevation : elevations

        function declarations
                    symmetric_connectivity : booleans
                    transitive_connectivity : booleans
                    % connnected(P1, P2) - true if P1 and P2 are connected
                    connected : points * points -> booleans
                    % loca_in(T) - the point where thing T is at
                    total loc_in : things -> points
            dynamic causal laws
                % move action causes its actor to be at its destination
                occurs(X) causes loc_in(A) = D if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    dest(X) = D.
            state constraints
                % top(E) is the destination of climbing an elevation E
                dest(A) = C if elevation(A) = E, C = top(E).

                connected(X, X).
                connected(X, Y) if connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                -connected(X, Y) if -connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                connected(X, Z) if
                    connected(X, Y),connected(Y, Z),transitive_connectivity.
                % NEW bug?

            executability conditions
                % move is not possible if its actor is not at its origin.
                % NEW - what if the origin of actor unknown?
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) != origin(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) != origin(X).

                % move is not possible if its actor is at its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) = dest(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) = dest(X).

                % move is not possible if the location of its actor is not
                % connected to its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    loc_in(A) = O,
                    dest(X) = D,
                    -connected(O, D).

    module main depends on moving
        sort declarations
            floor_points, ceiling_points, movable_points :: points
        constant declarations
            monkey : agents
            box :  elevations
            %  top = top(box)
            % top(elevations): movable_points
            box, banana : carriables
        function declarations
                    % under(P, T) - point P is under thing T
                    under : floor_points * things -> booleans
                function definitions
                    % monkey can reach the banana if it is on top of the box
                    % which under the banana
                    %?? can_reach(monkey, banana) if
                    %    loc_in(box) = P, under(P,banana),loc_in(monkey) = top(box).
                state constraints
                        % top(E) is the destination of climbing an elevation E
                        % NEW ??
                        %dest(A) = C if instance(A, climb), elevation(A) = E, C = top(E).
                        % The location of the box is connected to the top of the box
                        connected(T,P) if
                            loc_in(box) = P, T= top(box), instance(P, floor_points).
                        % top of box is not connected to
                        % any points other than the box's location.
                        -connected(top(box),P) if
                            loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points).
                        % any two points on floor are connected
                        connected(P1,P2) if
                            instance(P1,floor_points), instance(P2, floor_points).
                        % any ceiling point is not connected to any other point
                        -connected(P1, P2) if
                            instance(P1, ceiling_points),
                            instance(P2,points), P1 != P2.
                executability conditions

    structure monkey_and_banana
        under_banana, initial_monkey, initial_box in floor_points
        initial_banana in ceiling_points
        box in elevations
            % top = top(box)
            % top = t(box)

        t(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

        move(P) in move where instance(P, points)
            actor = monkey
            dest = P

        climb(box) in climb
            actor = monkey
            elevation = box
            dest = t(box)

    value of statics
        under(under_banana, banana).

temporal projection
max steps 7

    observed(loc_in(box), initial_box, 0).
    observed(loc_in(monkey), initial_monkey, 0).
    happened(move(initial_box), 0).
    %happened(grasp(box), 1).
    %happened(carry(box, under_banana), 2).
    %happened(release(box), 3).
    %happened(climb(box), 4).
    %happened(grasp(banana), 5).
Topology commented 5 years ago

Just want to make sure that we are seeing the same issue. The issue here is not that top(box) is interpreted as an attribute function. That is correct, it is an attribute function. The issue here is that the attribute function was not normalized out of the head of the state constraint during translation. The translation should be:

-connected(E, P, TS) :- loc_in(box, LO, TS), #floor_points(P), LO!=P, 
      instance(P, floor_points), E = elevations_top(box).

This is the problem I'm seeing and this is what I can fix without further clarification.

zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago

You are right. In the distributable version, I used an workaround to achieve the normalization at ALM level.