Topology / ALM-Compiler

A Java implementation of the ALM language that compiles to the SPARC variant of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
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CALM exception on (a possibly buggy) all-in-one-Monkey-Banana #31

Open zhangyuanlin opened 6 years ago

zhangyuanlin commented 6 years ago

CALM has an exception on the following all-in-one program (I din't further locate what causes the exception. An overleaf comparison of this version and the allInOne I sent you earlier may help.)

%A monkey is in a room. Suspended from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas,
%beyond the monkey’s reach. In the room there is also a box. The ceiling
%is just the right height so that a monkey standing on the box under the
%bananas can reach the bananas. The monkey can move around, carry other
%things around, climb on the box, and grasp the bananas. What is the best
%sequence of actions for the monkey to get the bananas?
% Monkey Bananabproblem from ALM paper. This version of based on some
% earlier test case by Tech.
% -- YL, Aug 2018

system description monkey_banana_problem
   theory monkey_banana_problem
      module moving
        sort declarations
            points, things :: universe
            agents :: things

            carriables :: things

            elevations :: things
                top: points

            move :: actions
                    actor : agents
                    origin : points
                    dest : points

        function declarations
                    symmetric_connectivity : booleans
                    transitive_connectivity : booleans
                    % connnected(P1, P2) - true if P1 and P2 are connected
                    connected : points * points -> booleans
                    % loca_in(T) - the point where thing T is at
                    total loc_in : things -> points
            dynamic causal laws
                % move action causes its actor to be at its destination
                occurs(X) causes loc_in(A) = D if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    dest(X) = D.
            state constraints
                connected(X, X).
                connected(X, Y) if connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                -connected(X, Y) if -connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                connected(X, Z) if
                    connected(X, Y),connected(Y, Z),transitive_connectivity.
                % NEW bug?

            executability conditions
                % move is not possible if its actor is not at its origin.
                % NEW - what if the origin of actor unknown?
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) != origin(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) != origin(X).

                % move is not possible if its actor is at its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) = dest(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) = dest(X).

                % move is not possible if the location of its actor is not
                % connected to its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    loc_in(A) = O,
                    dest(X) = D,
                    -connected(O, D).

    module carrying_things depends on moving
        sort declarations
            carriables :: things
            % carry <actor, origin, dest, carried_obj>
            %   actor carries carried_obj from origin to dest.
            carry :: move
                    carried_object : carriables
            % grasp <grasper, grasped_thing> - rasper grasps grasped_thing
            grasp :: actions
                    grasper : agents
                    grasped_thing : things
            % release <releaser, released_thing> -
            %   releaser releases released_thing
            release :: actions
                    releaser : agents
                    released_thing : things
        function declarations
                    % holding(A, T) - agent A holds thing T.
                    total holding : agents * things -> booleans
                    % is_held(T) - thign T is held (by some agent)
                    is_held : things -> booleans
                    % can_reach(A, T) - agent A can reach thing T
                    can_reach : agents * things -> booleans
                    % NEW: holdingCWA(A, T): A holds T with CWA on holding
                    holdingCWA: agents * things -> booleans
            dynamic causal laws
                % grasp causes its grasper to hold its grasped_thing
                occurs(A) causes holding(X,Y) if
                    instance(A,grasp), grasper(A) = X, grasped_thing(A) = Y.
                % release causes its releaser not to hold its grasped_thing.
                occurs(A) causes -holding(X,Y) if
                    instance(A,release), releaser(A) = X, released_thing(A) = Y.
            state constraints
                % If A holds T, then they have the same location.
                loc_in(T) = P if holding(A,T), loc_in(A) = P.
                loc_in(A) = P if holding(A,T), loc_in(T) = P.
                % An agent can hold only one thing
                -holding(X,Y2) if holding(X,Y1), Y1 != Y2.
                % NEW on default values of carry:
                %   its origin is where the agent is
                % general question - principles of where to
                % "set" values of attributes structure or state constraits?
                % there is a bug below: using fluent (loc_in/1) define attribute
                % origin(C) = P if
                %    instance(C, carry),
                %    loc_in(actor(C)) = P.
            function definitions
                is_held(X) if holding(T,X).
                % Agent M can reach O if they are in the same location
                can_reach(M,O) if loc_in(M) = loc_in(O).
                %% NEW holdingCWA(A, T) holds if holding(A, T) holds
                holdingCWA(A, T) if holding(A, T).

            executability conditions
                % grasp is not possible if its grasper already holds its grasped
                impossible occurs(A) if instance(A,grasp), grasper(A) = X, grasped_thing(A) = Y, holding(X,Y).
                % grasp is not possible if its grasper cannot reach its grasped
                impossible occurs(A) if
                    instance(A,grasp), grasper(A) = X,
                    grasped_thing(A) = Y, -can_reach(X,Y).
                % release is not possible if its releaser does not hold its grasped
                impossible occurs(A) if
                    instance(A,release), releaser(A) = X,
                    released_thing(A) = Y, -holding(X,Y).
                % move is not possible if its actor is held.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X,move), actor(X) = A, is_held(A).
                % carry is not possible if its actor does not hold its carried
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X,carry), actor(X) = A,
                    carried_object(X) = C, -holdingCWA(A,C).

    module climbing depends on moving
%    module climbing depends on carrying_things
        sort declarations

            % climb <actor, origin, destination, elevation>
            %    -- actor climbs the elevation (to its top)
            %       (from its origin)
            climb :: move
                elevation : elevations

        constant declarations
            monkey : agents
            box :  elevations
            box, banana : carriables

            state constraints
                % top(E) is the destination of climbing an elevation E
                % dest(A) = top(E) if elevation(A) = E.
                dest(A) = C if elevation(A) = E, C = top(E).
                % Any thing T cannot locate on top of T
                false if loc_in(T) = top(T).
            executability conditions
                % climb is not possible if its elevation is not in the same
                % location of its actor. 
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X,climb), actor(X) = A,
                    elevation(X) = O, loc_in(O) != loc_in(A).
                % NEW climb a box is not possible if it is held by some agent
                %impossible occurs(X) if
                %  instance(X,climb),
                %  elevation(X) = box,
                %  is_held(box).
        module main depends on carrying_things, climbing
            sort declarations
                floor_points, ceiling_points, movable_points :: points
            constant declarations
                monkey : agents
                box :  elevations
                box, banana : carriables
            function declarations
                        % under(P, T) - point P is under thing T
                        under : floor_points * things -> booleans
                function definitions
                    % monkey can reach the banana if it is on top of the box
                    % which under the banana
                    can_reach(monkey, banana) if
                      loc_in(box) = P, under(P,banana),loc_in(monkey) = top(box).

            state constraints
                % The location of the box is connected to the top of the box
                connected(T,P) if
                    loc_in(box) = P, T= top(box), instance(P, floor_points).
                % top of box is not connected to
                % any points other than the box's location.
                %-connected(top(box),P) if
                %   loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points).
                % workaround of the above
                -connected(TE,P) if
                  loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points), TE = top(box).
                % any two points on floor are connected
                connected(P1,P2) if
                    instance(P1,floor_points), instance(P2, floor_points).
                % any ceiling point is not connected to any other point
                -connected(P1, P2) if
                    instance(P1, ceiling_points),
                    instance(P2,points), P1 != P2.

structure monkey_and_banana
        under_banana, initial_monkey, initial_box in floor_points
        initial_banana in ceiling_points
        box in elevations
            % top = top(box)
            top = t(box)

        t(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

        move(P) in move where instance(P, points)
            actor = monkey
            dest = P

        carry(box, P) in carry where instance(P, floor_points)
            actor = monkey
            carried_object = box
            dest = P
        grasp(C) in grasp where instance(C, carriables)
            grasper = monkey
            grasped_thing = C
        release(C) in release where instance(C, carriables)
            releaser = monkey
            released_thing = C

        climb(box) in climb
            actor = monkey
            elevation = box
            % dest = t(box)

    value of statics
        under(under_banana, banana).

temporal projection
max steps 7
    %% construct a temporal project problem or planning problem
    %% loc_in(box) = initial_box
    %% loc_in(monkey) = initial_monkey
    observed(loc_in(box), initial_box, 0).
    observed(loc_in(monkey), initial_monkey, 0).

    % monkey does not hold anything.
    % -holding(monkey, T): holding is a total function.
    % Closed world assumption is used.
    % Initially, we assume no agents hold anything and thus
    % no observation on holding.

    % a sequence of actions for monkey to get the banana
    % monkey moves to the box location, grasp the box, move to below banana
    % release the box, climb the box and grasp the banana
    happened(move(initial_box), 0).
    happened(grasp(box), 1).
    happened(carry(box, under_banana), 2).
    % What if we don't release?
    % NEW - an agent cannot climb a box that is held by the agent
    %       we can test without release
    %       the program from paper allows this.
    happened(release(box), 3).
    happened(climb(box), 4).
    happened(grasp(banana), 5).
    % NEW - can we add in CALM to control
    %       what to show in planning problem/temporal projection
    %       by default?
    % SPARC has a display section for this. For example
    %       display
    %           -q. % a predicate with 0 arity
    %           -p(f(X)).
    %           p(X).
    %           #s. % can display sorts
zhangyuanlin commented 6 years ago

We can work on this together if needed. It may take a few minutes to locate the problem (ALM program).

Topology commented 5 years ago

Also not receiving an exception here. Let me know if this is still a problem.

zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago

For previously workable all-in-one Monkey banana program, the new calm.jar reports errors on assigning Herbrand term as before. For

        box in elevations
            % top = top(box)
            top = t(box)

The error message is

ErrorID: FND003
Message: Function [t(box) at (/Users/yuazhang/Desktop/CALM/examples/] 
has not been declared prior to use.
Explanation: All functions must be declared prior to use.
Recommendation: Either create a function declaration for the function to 
change it to the correct function name.
Topology commented 5 years ago

verified still a problem.