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On instance defined for non-source sort -- current ALM definitions #36

Open zhangyuanlin opened 5 years ago

zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago

Several pre-model will be produced. Proposition 1 can be generalized (to non-complete situation) with P_M defined as below

Description of P_M: 
For any link from o to N (non-source node), o not linking to anything below N, 
Let L1 to Lk be leaves of node N, add to PM 

is_a(o, L1) or ... or is_a(o, Lk).
zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago

A letter to michael to clarify instance and is_a


This is about our earlier discussion on the understand of instance definition in ALM structure.

The ALM structure is to define a pre-model. We tried to make this definition explicit.

Here is your proposal (using example):

for any instance definition

  a in S

we have

  instance(a, S).              ---------------------(1)

Then the BAT embedded axioms (equation (8) in ALM paper) can be changed to define is_a using instance:

  is_a(X, S1) :- instance(X, S1), source(S1).  ------------------------ (2)

(You mentioned is_a might not be a very interesting relation.)

There seems to be some discrepancy between this new understanding and an example in ALM.

Consider the professor example in the ALM.

Let the example be P1.




sorts declarations

    professor :: person

    assistant; associate; full :: professor



 alice in professor


By the  new understanding (1) and (2), the structure of P1 specifies one

premodel: professor = {alice}, assistant = {}, associate = {}, full = {}.

However, the ALM paper says the structure specifies three interpretations:

professor = {alice}, assistant = { alice }, associate = {}, full = {}.

professor = {alice}, assistant = {}, associate = { alice }, full = {}.

professor = {alice}, assistant = {}, associate = {}, full = { alice }.

If (1) and (2) does not work, we can discard (2) but just follow original "requirement of" is_a in the definition of interpretation. 

In fact, by following (1) and is_a in definition of interpretation, our understanding 

of professor and alice example will coincide with that in the paper. 

What do you think? 
