Topology / ALM-Compiler

A Java implementation of the ALM language that compiles to the SPARC variant of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
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constant and its attribute function (instantiation) #39

Open zhangyuanlin opened 5 years ago

zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago

This is related to #10.

The question is: how to instantiate the attribute of a constant with a non-constant?

In theory I declare box as a constant

   box :  elevations

in structure, I have

   box in elevations
            % top = top(box)
            top = t(box)

The problem here: 1) I cannot define attribute top in theory because it refers to an instance object "t(box)."

An alternative is to define constant box as a new instance mybox. Then when defining instance mybox, we define its attribute top. This causes no error, but an exception.

What may be a solution for the above question?

Here I attach the program with constant definition.

%A monkey is in a room. Suspended from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas,
%beyond the monkey’s reach. In the room there is also a box. The ceiling
%is just the right height so that a monkey standing on the box under the
%bananas can reach the bananas. The monkey can move around, carry other
%things around, climb on the box, and grasp the bananas. What is the best
%sequence of actions for the monkey to get the bananas?
% Monkey Bananabproblem from ALM paper. This version of based on some
% earlier test case by Tech.
%% assumption: no parallel actions!
% -- Anu, YL, Aug 2018

system description monkey_banana_problem
   theory monkey_banana_problem
      module moving
        sort declarations
            points, things :: universe
            agents :: things

            move :: actions
                    actor : agents
                    origin : points
                    dest : points

        function declarations
                    symmetric_connectivity : booleans
                    transitive_connectivity : booleans
                    % connnected(P1, P2) - true if P1 and P2 are connected
                    connected : points * points -> booleans
                    % loca_in(T) - the point where thing T is at
                    total loc_in : things -> points
            dynamic causal laws
                % move action causes its actor to be at its destination
                occurs(X) causes loc_in(A) = D if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    dest(X) = D.
            state constraints
                connected(X, X).
                connected(X, Y) if connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                -connected(X, Y) if -connected(Y, X),symmetric_connectivity.
                connected(X, Z) if
                    connected(X, Y),connected(Y, Z),transitive_connectivity.
                % NEW bug?

            executability conditions
                % move is not possible if its actor is not at its origin.
                % NEW - what if the origin of actor unknown?
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) != origin(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) != origin(X).

                % move is not possible if its actor is at its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),actor(X) = A,loc_in(A) = dest(X).
                    % instance(X, move), loc_in(actor(X)) = dest(X).

                % move is not possible if the location of its actor is not
                % connected to its dest.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, move),
                    actor(X) = A,
                    loc_in(A) = O,
                    dest(X) = D,
                    -connected(O, D).

    module carrying_things depends on moving
        sort declarations
            carriables :: things
            % carry <actor, origin, dest, carried_obj>
            %   actor carries carried_obj from origin to dest.
            carry :: move
                    carried_object : carriables
            % grasp <grasper, grasped_thing> - rasper grasps grasped_thing
            grasp :: actions
                    grasper : agents
                    grasped_thing : things
            % release <releaser, released_thing> -
            %   releaser releases released_thing
            release :: actions
                    releaser : agents
                    released_thing : things
        function declarations
                    % holding(A, T) - agent A holds thing T.
                    total holding : agents * things -> booleans
                    % is_held(T) - thign T is held (by some agent)
                    is_held : things -> booleans
                    % can_reach(A, T) - agent A can reach thing T
                    can_reach : agents * things -> booleans
                    % NEW: holdingCWA(A, T): A holds T with CWA on holding
                    holdingCWA: agents * things -> booleans
            dynamic causal laws
                % grasp causes its grasper to hold its grasped_thing
                occurs(A) causes holding(X,Y) if
                    instance(A,grasp), grasper(A) = X, grasped_thing(A) = Y.
                % release causes its releaser not to hold its grasped_thing.
                occurs(A) causes -holding(X,Y) if
                    instance(A,release), releaser(A) = X, released_thing(A) = Y.
            state constraints
                % If A holds T, then they have the same location.
                loc_in(T) = P if holding(A,T), loc_in(A) = P.
                loc_in(A) = P if holding(A,T), loc_in(T) = P.
                % An agent can hold only one thing
                -holding(X,Y2) if holding(X,Y1), Y1 != Y2.
                % NEW on default values of carry:
                %   its origin is where the agent is
                % general question - principles of where to
                % "set" values of attributes structure or state constraits?
                % there is a bug below: using fluent (loc_in/1) define attribute
                % origin(C) = P if
                %    instance(C, carry),
                %    loc_in(actor(C)) = P.
            function definitions
                is_held(X) if holding(T,X).
                % Agent M can reach O if they are in the same location
                can_reach(M,O) if loc_in(M) = loc_in(O).
                %% NEW holdingCWA(A, T) holds if holding(A, T) holds
                holdingCWA(A, T) if holding(A, T).

            executability conditions
                % grasp is not possible if its grasper already holds its grasped
                impossible occurs(A) if instance(A,grasp), grasper(A) = X, grasped_thing(A) = Y, holding(X,Y).
                % grasp is not possible if its grasper cannot reach its grasped
                impossible occurs(A) if
                    instance(A,grasp), grasper(A) = X,
                    grasped_thing(A) = Y, -can_reach(X,Y).
                % release is not possible if its releaser does not hold its grasped
                impossible occurs(A) if
                    instance(A,release), releaser(A) = X,
                    released_thing(A) = Y, -holding(X,Y).
                % move is not possible if its actor is held.
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X,move), actor(X) = A, is_held(A).
                % carry is not possible if its actor does not hold its carried
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X,carry), actor(X) = A,
                    carried_object(X) = C, -holdingCWA(A,C).

    module climbing depends on moving
%    module climbing depends on carrying_things
        sort declarations
            elevations :: things
                top: points

            % climb <actor, origin, destination, elevation>
            %    -- actor climbs the elevation (to its top)
            %       (from its origin)
            climb :: move
                elevation : elevations
            state constraints
                % top(E) is the destination of climbing an elevation E
                % dest(A) = top(E) if elevation(A) = E.
                dest(A) = C if elevation(A) = E, C = top(E).
                % Any thing T cannot locate on top of T
                false if loc_in(T) = top(T).
            executability conditions
                % climb is not possible if its elevation is not in the same
                % location of its actor. 
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X,climb), actor(X) = A,
                    elevation(X) = O, loc_in(O) != loc_in(A).
                % NEW climb a box is not possible if it is held by some agent
                %impossible occurs(X) if
                %  instance(X,climb),
                %  elevation(X) = box,
                %  is_held(box).
    module main depends on carrying_things, climbing
        sort declarations
            floor_points, ceiling_points, movable_points :: points
        constant declarations
            monkey : agents
            box :  elevations
            box, banana : carriables
        function declarations
                    % under(P, T) - point P is under thing T
                    under : floor_points * things -> booleans
            function definitions
                % monkey can reach the banana if it is on top of the box
                % which under the banana
                can_reach(monkey, banana) if
                  loc_in(box) = P, under(P,banana),loc_in(monkey) = top(box).

            state constraints
                % The location of the box is connected to the top of the box
                connected(T,P) if
                    loc_in(box) = P, T= top(box), instance(P, floor_points).
                % top of box is not connected to
                % any points other than the box's location.
                %-connected(top(box),P) if
                %   loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points).
                % workaround of the above
                -connected(TE,P) if
                  loc_in(box) != P, instance(P,floor_points), TE = top(box).
                % any two points on floor are connected
                connected(P1,P2) if
                    instance(P1,floor_points), instance(P2, floor_points).
                % any ceiling point is not connected to any other point
                -connected(P1, P2) if
                    instance(P1, ceiling_points),
                    instance(P2,points), P1 != P2.
            executability conditions
                impossible occurs(X) if
                    instance(X, actions),
                    instance(Y, actions),

structure monkey_and_banana
    constant definitions
       box =  mybox
        under_banana, initial_monkey, initial_box in floor_points
        initial_banana in ceiling_points

        move(P) in move where instance(P, points)
            actor = monkey
            dest = P

        carry(box, P) in carry where instance(P, floor_points)
            actor = monkey
            carried_object = box
            dest = P
        grasp(C) in grasp where instance(C, carriables)
            grasper = monkey
            grasped_thing = C
        release(C) in release where instance(C, carriables)
            releaser = monkey
            released_thing = C

        mybox in elevations
            % top = top(box)
            top = t(mybox)

        t(X) in movable_points where instance(X, elevations)

        climb(box) in climb
            actor = monkey
            elevation = box
            % dest = t(box)

    value of statics
        under(under_banana, banana).
temporal projection
max steps 7
    %% construct a temporal project problem or planning problem
    %% loc_in(box) = initial_box
    %% loc_in(monkey) = initial_monkey
    observed(loc_in(box), initial_box, 0).
    observed(loc_in(monkey), initial_monkey, 0).

    % monkey does not hold anything.
    % -holding(monkey, T): holding is a total function.
    % Closed world assumption is used.
    % Initially, we assume no agents hold anything and thus
    % no observation on holding.

    % a sequence of actions for monkey to get the banana
    % monkey moves to the box location, grasp the box, move to below banana
    % release the box, climb the box and grasp the banana
    happened(move(initial_box), 0).
    happened(grasp(box), 1).
    happened(carry(box, under_banana), 2).
    % What if we don't release?
    % NEW - an agent cannot climb a box that is held by the agent
    %       we can test without release
    %       the program from paper allows this.
    happened(release(box), 3).
    happened(climb(box), 4).
    happened(grasp(banana), 5).
    % NEW - can we add in CALM to control
    %       what to show in planning problem/temporal projection
    %       by default?
    % SPARC has a display section for this. For example
    %       display
    %           -q. % a predicate with 0 arity
    %           -p(f(X)).
    %           p(X).
    %           #s. % can display sorts

Here is the compiler complaint:

Exception in thread "main" edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMCompilerPermanentFailure: PROGRAM FAILURE: [Get Narrowest Sort Of Term] Unexpected case for term: mybox
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMCompiler.IMPLEMENTATION_FAILURE(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.datastruct.type.TypeChecker.getNarrowestSortType(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.datastruct.ALMTerm.getSort(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMTranslator.PreModelSortHierarchy(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMTranslator.PreModelSortHierarchy(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMTranslator.PreModelSortHierarchy(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMTranslator.PreModelSortHierarchy(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMTranslator.PreModelCreateSortsSection(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMTranslator.ConstructPreModelProgram(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMCompiler.Translate(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMCompiler.Compile(
    at edu.ttu.krlab.alm.ALMCompiler.main(
Topology commented 5 years ago

Fixing this is going to require a more unified and consistent treatment of Herbrand Terms throughout the compiler. There is not a common framework for the treatment of constants and sort instances.

I can do a micro-patch for this, but all these micro-patches are creating a Frankenstein solution to a larger problem.

Topology commented 5 years ago

To the original problem, I replied in email but my reply did not get forwarded here. I've included it below. To the work around, I will need to fix as I stated in the last comment.


I believe we added the capability of defining attributes of constants in the theory, same grammar as sort instances but without the where clause. In my mind, sort instances definitions are always new entities being introduced. A constant definition in the structure would need to be used to subsume the named constant. But since constants are interpreted by themselves by default, using a same named entity for implicit constant definition is a potential pitfall.

Consider the scenario where there is deep hierarchy, multiple nesting of module imports. In one of those deep modules a constant is declared. The programmer is unaware of it. One of the purposes of modularity is to not have to reason about deep module imports. The programmer in the structure creates a sort instance with the same name as the constant. Should this be reported as an error? If it was the programmers intent to perform subsumption of the constant with a sort instance, shouldn't they be forced to do that explicitly through a constant definition?


zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago
  1. My intuition is to use constant definition too. The current calm might have problem with constant definition. Here are my proposals (P1 or P2. Both if time allows. I would say reasoning tasks, paper writing, your prep of talk@phoenix have higher priority. Maybe, we need to have minimal constant def before the submission of the paper. Fully ignoring constant definition does not sound like a justifiable idea for paper publication/dissertation work.) P1: when there is a name collision, just send a warning info, but calm still produce the sparc file. Programmer should take the risk for ignoring the warning. P2: Make calm work for "minimal" constant definition. I don't know the current state of calm on constant definition.

What do u think?

zhangyuanlin commented 5 years ago

Fixing this is going to require a more unified and consistent treatment of Herbrand Terms throughout the compiler. There is not a common framework for the treatment of constants and sort instances.

I can do a micro-patch for this, but all these micro-patches are creating a Frankenstein solution to a larger problem.

My memory is that CALM doesn't support constant definition, right?