TorbenK / ViewFlipper

Flips two Views around X or Y axis
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Android & iOS Renderer #1

Open TravyDale opened 8 years ago

TravyDale commented 8 years ago

I am still learning Xamarin so please be patient. How do I get this control to work with Android and iOS renderers? I am getting casting exceptions when I try to use your control when it is within another control that has a platform specific renderer. I see you started a renderer for your control but it doesnt look finished. What do I need to do to get it to work?

TorbenK commented 8 years ago

The renderers are actually not needed. Can you give me a repro project or something?

TravyDale commented 8 years ago

Yea let me get one setup. My current one is a mess. I will have a simple example showing what I am trying to do and explain the error I am getting. Just a heads up, I am trying to place your control within another "custom" control ( Basically, I want each "view" in his control to be able to be flipped so I can see the backside of it.

TorbenK commented 8 years ago

I will look at it as soon as I find some time.

TravyDale commented 8 years ago

Hey, so I dunno what I did wrong in my previous project but when I was creating a new project to send to you, I noticed it was working as expect. Sorry for the confusion.

I will say that if I set a background color to one of the views, the tap doesn't register (hence not flipping). I literally just noticed this so I will look into it and see what I find. Unless you know what I am doing wrong.

TravyDale commented 8 years ago

No clue why this isn't working. I am not 100% familiar with GestureRecognizers. I basically have a Grid within one of the Flipper Views. The OnTapped method never fires for that view. Any idea?

TorbenK commented 8 years ago

It is probably consumed by another control. You probably want to listen to that tap and force the flip manually.

LuAngelValencia commented 7 years ago

Hi!, how can i flip to the backview with a button? Something like this