Player cannot pay themselves anymore. This caused client and server to go out of sync, and cause crashes. Also it created money out of thin air.
All Numbers are now formatted #,##0
Fixed KeyAlreadyAddedException in Econ Top. 2 Players with same SteamID but different SerialID could break it. Assumption that it has something to do with perma death. The server I saw it on had 2 identities for that person too. One alive one dead.
!econ check can now also check for offline players.
!econ pay shows the correct playername in noticiation now instead of the MyPlayer toString()
!econ give/set/take/reset now inform that the player might be offline.
The last four commands should also work with offline players. But this optimization is not "important" enough. So I didn't bother.
The last four commands should also work with offline players. But this optimization is not "important" enough. So I didn't bother.