Open BRUNDA-MS opened 1 year ago
Sort of. Those transformations happen on the fly, but if you want to keep a file version on disk of the tensors after transformation, you can either modify to add a function saving the tensor within this block:
if msg_type == 'RequestTrainingSamples' or msg_type == 'RequestValidationSamples':
if meta_dataset is not None:
meta_dataset.train(msg_type == 'RequestTrainingSamples')
samples_id = tc.decode_ints(msg_data)
for id in samples_id:
tc.send_msg(app_socket, 'TensorData', tc.encode_torch_tensors(meta_dataset[id]))
That's the block that sends all the training and validation samples to the model training script. Or you can modify and retrieve all the transformed tensors here:
def add_sample(self, data=None):
if data:
if self.cache:
self.cache.write(len(data).to_bytes(4, 'little'))
if self.cache:
os.rename(self.filename+'.tmp', self.filename)
If you don't want to hack those python file, checking "Cache" next to the "Train" button in Model tabs. This will create a big file containing all transformed tensors on the training server (locally or remotelly depending on where your training happens). Those tensors are packed continuously in this file using fastnumpyio.pack/fastnumpyio.unpack:
endianness: 1 byte, value can be '<', '>', '|' type: 1 byte, value can be 'b', 'i', 'u', 'f', 'c' type size: 1 byte, value can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 number of dimensions: 1 byte, value can be 0-255 shape: 4 bytes per dimension raw samples data
Hi @divideconcept,
I tried the "Cache" approach; but with or without the cache option being checked, the training stops at 70% on its own. I could neither see any results on the Dashboard nor any big file in my local system.
Could you please help me resolve this?
Can I download the images after applying the transformation on custom data? If yes, how do i download with the local installation?