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Allow user name changes / nickname system #29

Closed johnnyapol closed 4 years ago

johnnyapol commented 5 years ago

Users have requested the ability to change names / have a nickname on the game.

This issue will be blocked until #15 & #16 are resolved due to the risk of people locking themselves out of accounts and also because we want to avoid making more changes to the account system while we're transitioning it.

Personally, I'm in favor of a username and a visible display name, where the username cannot be changed but the display name can be.

tardisfromtornspace commented 5 years ago

I agree too. Maybe adding something like Nickname (username) in chat?

chrisj1 commented 5 years ago

I am working on separating usernames from display names. I am working on migrating much of the player system to sqllite. I am should a working prototype done by next week.

chrisj1 commented 5 years ago

Another issue should we enforce that display names must be unique? I think so but would like some input.

johnnyapol commented 5 years ago

Maybe something like a UUID so players can "verify" themselves if we allow duplicates. We could follow the minecraft model where once you change your name the new name is "yours" and the old one is freed up for someone to reclaim after a small period of time.

chrisj1 commented 5 years ago

@johnnyapol Sounds like a good idea. Might be more of a long term goal though.

DamienVesper commented 5 years ago

Display names don't have to be unique (if the usernames are unique then just distinguish players by username). Similar to Discord, a player's display name (Discord user's username) doesn't have to be unique, but the username (Discord user's 4 digit discriminator) does.

As for changing usernames, that wouldn't do good on the database, you can already change your password, and having an object that can change every aspect of itself (especially when storing with SQL) is not good, and there always has to be some uneditable part that stays the same to identify which user the object belongs to, otherwise then there's no point of having a username, you wouldn't have an identity, technically.

tardisfromtornspace commented 5 years ago

Also, could there be an option of adding spaces in a name/nickname? It's because some innocent names can become non-family-friendly names without spaces (example: "Pen Island Trooper" become penislandtrooper which people tend to read as "Penis Land Trooper")

johnnyapol commented 4 years ago

We already have the technology to do this (see tags). Closing this out