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Items Tweak #200

Open tardisfromtornspace opened 5 years ago

tardisfromtornspace commented 5 years ago

Electromagnet should be able to reduce EMP effect on a 100 unit radius by 50% REASON: because it creates an ElectroMagnetic Forcefield that interferes with the ElectroMagnetic Pulse of the weapons? Also, we need something that helps against EMP.

Generators should also reduce EMP effect (by 5%) if you have several generators. REASON: because those Generators could be used as a backup? Also, we need something that helps against EMP.

On a side note, shielding should reduce EMP by a degree too (maybe reducing the EMP effect by 15%), for the same reason as the ones above.

Cloak should be modified so: OPTION A: This Item cloaks you for 5 seconds and cooldown is 5 seconds, but Energy tech multiplies both, so if you have 2.0 total energy tech, you can cloak for 10 seconds but cooldown is 10 seconds too. Ammo remains the same. OPTION B: It works as Turbo (but needing slightly more energy), so as long as you mantain pressed the button you are cloaked. Because of that you cannot fire cloaked, and because harmful C-Slot weapons such as the asteroid launcher and the lethal Spreadshot need you to stop using other weapons, you cannot use that to fire cloaked. As Turbo it has infinite ammo. REASON: to avoid the chance of being used as an offensive weapon without making the Item useless (being cloaked for 5 seconds with the catch of being unable to use any item for 24 seconds is too much).

Grav Bomb Add the function of increasing D4's black hole (or another black hole generated by another Bomb) when you fire a grav bomb at it so you can eventually engulf the sector for 10 seconds and all sectors around D4 have a slow gravitational pull like if there was a wormhole but towards D4 border (of course a warning will be displayed in the chat to warn about that event). Also add the feature of inverting the wormhole so if a gravity bomb collides with a wormhole the entry point becomes the exit and vice-versa. REASON: Giving it some other uses that justify the prize (the weapon is currently unused).

Buff Torpedo damage to 20, ammo to 25, and reload to 0.48 seconds. REASON: Standard Missile is already better than this torpedo, which cannot kill rank 1 bots due to the lack of ammo and damage. Also, since sectors are very small, having a greater range doesn't matter as much as before.

Buff Missile Swarm first torpedo damage to 20. REASON: to avoid people just willingly colliding with this torpedo because it deals only 1 damage, compared with the damage done by the full swarm (120).

To all torpedo weapons, give them a small damage radius (10 units) that deals a tenth of the damage done by the missile. REASON: More realistic missile.

Buff Turbo slightly so it multiplies by 1.55 instead of 1.44, and modify warp so recharge time is reduced to 5 seconds, energy needed is reduced to 90 (instead of 99) and the units you move is 650*RelativeSpeed (being relative speed the result of A/B (being A your current speed and B the the total thrust in stats). REASON FOR TURBO/WARP BUFF: The problem is not really with sectors being shrunk, but with ships being slower: when making ships far slower items that calculate depending on the speed are nerfed too (try to test a warp drive in a ship with 0.22 thrust). I believe that with reducing the speed (and the effectivity of those items) you should buff slightly those items (like reducing recharge or energy required, or increasing the effect in the bigger ships, because waiting 10 seconds without being able to use the slots for getting a 200 units jump (and yeah as far as I've seen the units you jump with Warp Drive are still determined by your speed, and 200 units is not even enough for escaping nowadays, specially if you cannot use mostly any items and you end with no energy left)... and also because turbo acts as a multiplier (it multiplies speed by 1.44), so in big ships it's less and less effective (take for example the rank 17, with 0.22 thrust, using turbo it becomes 0.31, but before with 0.25 it was 0.36. It doesn't seem so much, but if we compare with old ships like the rank 14 (with 0.4 using turbo increases the speed to 0.576, but with the old 0.5 thrust ship, turbo was far more effective (you reached 0.72 thrust), and if we count the very old rank 14 model, with 0.85, you reached 1.224 thrust)) the difference is significant). Now, with the part of ships being slower... now most of them cannot evade weapons since those have retained the original speed (and the big ships have a big hitbox, so you would need to juke several times to avoid just one hit). Also, with sectors being smaller... who needs a torpedo that has 10k range, when most missiles can reach the other corner of the sector, deal far more damage and (with the speed and agility nerf) they can easily hit any big target, and most smaller targets?

For guns and some Misc Items, make it so for each 10 seconds your energy is at max (5 if using supercharger) you gain 1 ammo. REASON: It seems logical that if some weapons are purely energy-based, you can get some of the energy of your ship to give it extra power.

For Hadron Beam, increase range to 200 units. REASON: For a weakening beam with high price and slow reload, range is just too small.

For Energy Leech, increase range to 22 units. REASON: to improve this item a bit, since most targets that can be affected by this can easiliy evade the beam and they'll stay 1 second at most in range.

Hull Nanobots: make hull nanobots give 50% of total hull, and reduce its cooldown from 7 seconds to 5 seconds, REASON: To avoid geting innefective in the long run to upgraded ships (In a not upgraded level 8 ship 150 is about 80% of the hull. However, in a 2.2 hull tech rank 17, it's slightly below 8,6% of it's total health, making the weapon almost useless even for repairing your hull after crossing a border, you would need to spend 2 of the three charges just to cross a border with your health at full. And without seeing planets... it gets almost useless.

Make the Hypno Ray rechargeable (2-3 ammo) and the price 50,000. Also make it into hacking device that allows you to control an enemy bot (it makes it switch teams) if it's of 2 levels below your rank and if it's at less than 30 units from you. As an extra, make it so hypnoed bots give the money, xp and ore they get to the one who hypnoed them. REASON: There are bots which don't obey the ray, so losing money for nothing... also this weapon has potential if transformed into a multiple-use item or a hacking item. For the other part, because people have been asking for being able to get xp from a hypnoed fleet, since they hypnoed the bot to help them, while not "stealing kills".

Submachine Gun should only use 10 energy per shot (with that we mean per each time we click, not per bullet), and each shot should spend only 1 ammo, not 5. After that, reduce ammo to 300. REASON: Both to buff slightly the weapon and to avoid ammo-related bugs.

Turret should be cheaper, 300k $ aprox. REASON: turrets' usefulness-durability-price ratio indicates that they are not very durable for their price.

tardisfromtornspace commented 5 years ago

24sans24 gave me the idea, this or something similar a a new shield barrier. RR19Shielddisplayvw fw

DamienVesper commented 3 years ago

@tardisfromtornspace Are any of these change still applicable?

tardisfromtornspace commented 3 years ago

A few of them, basically the ones I'm gonna list, because the rest either already got implemented or got completely scrapped: Electromagnet should be able to reduce EMP effect on a 100 unit radius by 50% REASON: because it creates an ElectroMagnetic Forcefield that interferes with the ElectroMagnetic Pulse of the weapons? Also, we need something that helps against EMP. On a side note, shielding should reduce EMP by a degree too (maybe reducing the EMP effect by 15%), for the same reason as the ones above. For guns and some Misc Items, make it so for each 10 seconds your energy is at max (5 if using supercharger) you gain 1 ammo. REASON: It seems logical that if some weapons are purely energy-based, you can get some of the energy of your ship to give it extra power. For Hadron Beam, increase range to 200 units. REASON: For a weakening beam with high price and slow reload, range is just too small.

MAYBE: Buff Torpedo damage to 20, ammo to 25, and reload to 0.48 seconds. REASON: Standard Missile is already better than this torpedo, which cannot kill rank 1 bots due to the lack of ammo and damage. Also, since sectors are very small, having a greater range doesn't matter as much as before. To all torpedo weapons, give them a small damage radius (10 units) that deals a tenth of the damage done by the missile. REASON: More realistic missile. Make the Hypno Ray rechargeable (2-3 ammo) and the price 50,000. Also make it into hacking device that allows you to control an enemy bot (it makes it switch teams) if it's of 2 levels below your rank and if it's at less than 30 units from you. As an extra, make it so hypnoed bots give the money, xp and ore they get to the one who hypnoed them. REASON: There are bots which don't obey the ray, so losing money for nothing... also this weapon has potential if transformed into a multiple-use item or a hacking item. For the other part, because people have been asking for being able to get xp from a hypnoed fleet, since they hypnoed the bot to help them, while not "stealing kills"

tardisfromtornspace commented 3 years ago

I already checked, if you can make a turret change teams, and players can change teams, I see no problem with maybe allowing Hypno ray to make lower range hypnoed bots change teams.