TornadoClientDev / Storm-Anticheat

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Stay off AAC's bug tracker forms #32

Closed Slimerblue22 closed 6 years ago

Slimerblue22 commented 6 years ago

IM A LOSER AND IM A AAC DEV BECAUSE I CANT GET A JOB OMGGG PLZ HELP ME TORNADO ^^^ here we see a really good forum owner lol

TornadoClientDev commented 6 years ago

hello salty

Slimerblue22 commented 6 years ago

Oh hey, how you doing, like the edit lol. Didn't know I was an AAC dev, wow!

TornadoClientDev commented 6 years ago

yo you there

Slimerblue22 commented 6 years ago

Sure, whats up. I get emails when someone reply's to this :P