Torom / BotLi

Lichess Bot
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
44 stars 82 forks source link

Two instances of engine running at once?? #141

Closed EmptikBest closed 7 months ago

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Please read, understand and follow:

Describe the bug Randomly, during a game (mostly during the end), it gives me errors like:

ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 51 seldepth 44 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 269816599 nps 61644185 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4377 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g7 g3g2 g7h6 g2h2 h6g5 h2g3 g5f6 g3g2 f6g7 g2f2 g7g8 f2e2 g8f7 e2e3 f7f6 e3d2 f6g5 d2d3 g5h5 d3c3 h5h6 c3b3 h6g5 b3c4 g5g4 c4b5 g4h5 b5a4 h5g6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

During that time, it was using gaviota but it was there, and I was sleeping at the time... When I woke up, I am surprised to see a position analysed at depth 85 with hashfull 124?? I check Task Manager, 99% of my RAM is being used, even though I only allocated 12GB out of my 32GB to the engine (yes I know thats a lot for bullet)... I sort the processes by RAM, and there are two instances of SF using 50% CPU each! I end the task of one, and the other one uses 100% CPU, so I close BotLi altogether

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: I think this is how to reproduce:

  1. In your config.yml, set your Hash to a amount that when multiplied by 2 takes up your whole RAM..
  2. Open BotLi
  3. Play a few games
  4. Expected to happen

Expected behavior I expected, that for some reason, 2 instances of the same engine not be run on my PC?? This has been happening to me for the past 4 days, and is very annoying..


Config: Paste your config.yml here REMOVE YOUR TOKEN:

token: "xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX"         # Lichess OAuth2 Token.

  standard:                               # Engine used for standard chess and when no suitable special engine is configured.
    dir: "F:/EmptikBot/engines"           # Directory containing the engine.
    name: "stockfish.exe"                 # Binary name of the engine to use.
    ponder: true                          # Think on opponent's time.
    use_syzygy: true                      # Whether the engine should be configured to use syzygy.
    silence_stderr: false                 # Suppresses stderr output.
    uci_options:                          # Arbitrary UCI options passed to the engine. (Commenting allowed)
      Threads: 30                         # Max CPU threads the engine can use.
      Hash: 16384                         # Max memory (in megabytes) the engine can allocate.
      Move Overhead: 500                  # Increase if your bot flags games too often.
  variants:                               # Engine used for variants when no suitable special engine is configured.
    dir: "F:/EmptikBot/engines"           # Directory containing the engine.
    name: "fairy-stockfish.exe"           # Binary name of the engine to use.
    ponder: true                          # Think on opponent's time.
    use_syzygy: false                     # Whether the engine should be configured to use syzygy.
    silence_stderr: false                 # Suppresses stderr output.
    uci_options:                          # Arbitrary UCI options passed to the engine. (Commenting allowed)
      Threads: 30                         # Max CPU threads the engine can use.
      Hash: 16384                         # Max memory (in megabytes) the engine can allocate.
      Move Overhead: 500                  # Increase if your bot flags games too often.
      EvalFile: "3check.nnue;antichess.nnue;atomic.nnue;crazyhouse.nnue;horde.nnue;kingofthehill.nnue;racingkings.nnue"
  bullet:                                 # Bullet Engine
    dir: "F:/EmptikBot/engines"           # Directory containing the engine.
    name: "stockfish.exe"                 # Binary name of the engine to use.
    ponder: true                          # Think on opponent's time.
    use_syzygy: true                      # Whether the engine should be configured to use syzygy.
    silence_stderr: false                 # Suppresses stderr output.
    uci_options:                          # Arbitrary UCI options passed to the engine. (Commenting allowed)
      Threads: 30                         # Max CPU threads the engine can use.
      Hash: 12288                         # Max memory (in megabytes) the engine can allocate.
      Move Overhead: 500                  # Increase if your bot flags games too often.
  blitz:                                  # Blitz Engine
    dir: "F:/EmptikBot/engines"           # Directory containing the engine.
    name: "Eman.exe"                      # Binary name of the engine to use.
    ponder: true                          # Think on opponent's time.
    use_syzygy: true                      # Whether the engine should be configured to use syzygy.
    silence_stderr: false                 # Suppresses stderr output.
    uci_options:                          # Arbitrary UCI options passed to the engine. (Commenting allowed)
      Threads: 30                         # Max CPU threads the engine can use.
      Hash: 12288                         # Max memory (in megabytes) the engine can allocate.
      Move Overhead: 500                  # Increase if your bot flags games too often.
      Experience Book: true               # Emptik/Eman UCI engine tourney mode.
      Experience Book Min Depth: 39       # Otherwise bad moves have a chance to be played.
      Experience Book Max Moves: 255      # Infinite moves from book
      Experience MultiPV: false           # Really want your exp to be trash?
      Experience Book Eval Importance: 2  # Setting according to DeeDs :)
  rapid:                                  # Rapid Engine
    dir: "F:/EmptikBot/engines"           # Directory containing the engine.
    name: "BrainLearn.exe"                # Binary name of the engine to use.
    ponder: true                          # Think on opponent's time.
    use_syzygy: true                      # Whether the engine should be configured to use syzygy.
    silence_stderr: false                 # Suppresses stderr output.
    uci_options:                          # Arbitrary UCI options passed to the engine. (Commenting allowed)
      Threads: 30                         # Max CPU threads the engine can use.
      Hash: 16384                         # Max memory (in megabytes) the engine can allocate.
      Move Overhead: 500                  # Increase if your bot flags games too often.
  classical:                              # Classical Engine
    dir: "F:/EmptikBot/engines"           # Directory containing the engine.
    name: "BrainLearn.exe"                # Binary name of the engine to use.
    ponder: true                          # Think on opponent's time.
    use_syzygy: true                      # Whether the engine should be configured to use syzygy.
    silence_stderr: false                 # Suppresses stderr output.
    uci_options:                          # Arbitrary UCI options passed to the engine. (Commenting allowed)
      Threads: 30                         # Max CPU threads the engine can use.
      Hash: 16384                         # Max memory (in megabytes) the engine can allocate.
      Move Overhead: 500                  # Increase if your bot flags games too often.
# Use the same pattern for 'bullet', 'blitz', 'rapid', 'classical',
# 'antichess', 'atomic', 'chess960', 'crazyhouse', 'horde', 'kingofthehill', 'racingkings' and '3check' as well.
# Append '_white' or '_black' to use the engine only as the specific color.

  enabled: true                           # Activate local syzygy endgame tablebases.
  paths:                                  # Paths to local syzygy endgame tablebases.
    - "C:/chess/Syzygy345"
    - "F:/Syzygy"
  max_pieces: 6                           # Count of max pieces in the local syzygy endgame tablebases.
  instant_play: true                      # Whether the bot should play directly from syzygy without engine if possible.

  enabled: true                           # Activate local gaviota endgame tablebases.
  paths:                                  # Paths to local gaviota endgame tablebases.
    - "F:/Gaviota"
  max_pieces: 5                           # Count of max pieces in the local gaviota endgame tablebases.

  enabled: true                           # Activate opening books.
  priority: 400                           # Priority with which this move source is used. Higher priority is used first.
#   bullet:
#     selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     names:                              # List of names of books to use in bullet.
#       - BulletBook
#       - DefaultBook
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16
      names:                              # List of names of books to use as black.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book18"
        - "Book20"
        - "Book8"
        - "Book10"
        - "Book13"
        - "Book1"
        - "Book5"
        - "Book19"
        - "Book21"
        - "Book14"
        - "Book22"
        - "Book6"
        - "Book16"
        - "Book4"
        - "Book15"
        - "Book3"
        - "Book7"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
        - "Book8"
        - "Book13"
        - "Book10"
        - "Book18"
        - "Book1"
        - "Book21"
        - "Book19"
        - "Book14"
        - "Book5"
        - "Book16"
        - "Book6"
        - "Book4"
        - "Book15"
        - "Book7"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
        - "Book3"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
      selection: weighted_random          # Move selection is one of "weighted_random", "uniform_random" or "best_move".
#     max_depth: 16                       # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
      names:                              # List of names of books to use if there is no specific book for the time control, white, black or chess960.
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Book20"
#   Use the same pattern for 'bullet', 'blitz', 'rapid', 'classical',
#   'antichess', 'atomic', 'chess960', 'crazyhouse', 'horde', 'kingofthehill', 'racingkings' and '3check' as well.
#   Append '_white' or '_black' to use the books only as the specific color.

    enabled: false                        # Activate online moves from Lichess opening explorer. The move that has performed best for this bot is played.
    priority: 300                         # Priority with which this move source is used. Higher priority is used first.
    use_for_variants: false               # Whether the Lichess opening explorer should be used for other variants than standard and chess960.
    min_time: 20                          # Time the bot must have at least to use the online move.
    timeout: 5                            # Time the server has to respond.
    min_games: 5                          # Minimum number of games in which the position must have occurred.
    only_with_wins: false                 # Whether to play only moves that have won before.
    selection: "performance"              # Move selection is "performance" or "win_rate".
    anti: false                           # Whether to play the moves in which the opponent performs the worst.
#   max_depth: 16                         # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
#   max_moves: 1                          # Max number of moves played from Lichess opening explorer. (Comment this line for max moves)
    enabled: true                         # Activate online moves from Lichess cloud eval.
    priority: 200                         # Priority with which this move source is used. Higher priority is used first.
    only_without_book: true               # Whether the cloud should only be used if there is no matching book.
    min_eval_depth: 50                    # Minimum evaluation depth.
    min_time: 30                          # Time the bot must have at least to use the online move.
    timeout: 1                            # Time the server has to respond.
#   max_depth: 16                         # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
#   max_moves: 1                          # Max number of moves played from Lichess cloud eval. (Comment this line for max moves)
    enabled: true                         # Activate online moves from
    priority: 300                         # Priority with which this move source is used. Higher priority is used first.
    min_eval_depth: 45                    # Minimum evaluation depth.
    min_time: 30                          # Time the bot must have at least to use the online move.
    timeout: 1                            # Time the server has to respond.
#   max_depth: 16                         # Half move max depth. (Comment this line for max depth)
#   max_moves: 1                          # Max number of moves played from chessdb. (Comment this line for max moves)
    enabled: true                         # Activate online endgame tablebases from Lichess.
    min_time: 20                          # Time the bot must have at least to use the online move.
    timeout: 1                            # Time the server has to respond.

  enabled: false                          # Activate whether the bot should offer draw.
  score: 10                               # If the absolute value of the score is less than or equal to this value, the bot offers/accepts draw (in cp)
  consecutive_moves: 10                   # How many moves in a row the absolute value of the score has to be below the draw value
  min_game_length: 35                     # Earliest move in which draw is offered.

  enabled: false                          # Activate whether the bot should resign games.
  score: -1000                            # If the score is less than or equal to this value, the bot resigns (in cp).
  consecutive_moves: 5                    # How many moves in a row the score has to be below the resign value.

move_overhead_multiplier: 1.0             # Increase if your bot flags games too often. Default move overhead is 1 second per 1 minute initital time.

challenge:                                # Incoming challenges. (Commenting allowed)
  concurrency: 1                          # Number of games to play simultaneously.
  bullet_with_increment_only: false       # Whether bullet games against BOTs should only be accepted with increment.
# min_increment: 0                        # Minimum amount of increment to accept a challenge.
# max_increment: 180                      # Maximum amount of increment to accept a challenge.
# min_initial: 0                          # Minimum amount of initial time to accept a challenge.
# max_initial: 315360000                  # Maximum amount of initial time to accept a challenge.
  variants:                               # Chess variants to accept (
    - standard
#   - chess960
#   - fromPosition
#   - antichess 
#   - atomic
#   - crazyhouse
#   - horde
#   - kingOfTheHill
#   - racingKings
#   - threeCheck
  time_controls:                          # Speeds or time controls in initial_minutes+increment_seconds format to accept.
    - 1+0
    - 3+0
    - 8+0
#   - 25+0
  bot_modes:                              # Game modes to accept against BOTs.
#   - casual                              # Unrated games.
    - rated                               # Rated games
  human_modes:                            # Game modes to accept against humans.
#   - casual                              # Unrated games.
#   - rated                               # Rated games

  delay: 10                               # Time in seconds the bot must be idle before a new challenge is started.
  timeout: 30                             # Time until a challenge is canceled.
  types:                                  # Matchmaking types of which one is randomly selected before each game.
    bullet:                               # Arbitrary name of the matchmaking type. Names must be unique.
      tc: 1+0                             # Time control in initial_minutes+increment_seconds format.
      rated: true                         # Whether matchmaking should play rated games.
      variant: standard                   # Chess variant ( to challenge.
      weight: 50                         # Weight with which this type is selected. (Default: 100)
      multiplier: 20                      # Multiplier for calculating timeouts in matchmaking. Higher values lead to a wider range of opponents.
      max_rating_diff: 300                # Maximum rating distance to opponent.
    blitz:                               # Arbitrary name of the matchmaking type. Names must be unique.
      tc: 3+0                             # Time control in initial_minutes+increment_seconds format.
      rated: true                         # Whether matchmaking should play rated games.
      variant: standard                   # Chess variant ( to challenge.
      weight: 25                         # Weight with which this type is selected. (Default: 100)
      multiplier: 20                      # Multiplier for calculating timeouts in matchmaking. Higher values lead to a wider range of opponents.
      max_rating_diff: 300                # Maximum rating distance to opponent.
    rapid:                               # Arbitrary name of the matchmaking type. Names must be unique.
      tc: 8+0                             # Time control in initial_minutes+increment_seconds format.
      rated: true                         # Whether matchmaking should play rated games.
      variant: standard                   # Chess variant ( to challenge.
      weight: 25                         # Weight with which this type is selected. (Default: 100)
      multiplier: 20                      # Multiplier for calculating timeouts in matchmaking. Higher values lead to a wider range of opponents.
      max_rating_diff: 300                # Maximum rating distance to opponent.

  # Optional substitution keywords (include curly braces):
  #   {opponent} to insert the opponent's name
  #   {me} to insert our name
  #   {engine} to insert engine name
  #   {cpu} to insert CPU information
  #   {ram} to insert RAM size
  # Any other words in curly braces will be removed.
  greeting: "Hi, I'm {me}! I'm running {engine} on a AMD Ryzen 5950X! Good Luck, and type !help for a list of commands" # Message sent to the opponent at the beginning of a game.
  goodbye: "Thanks for playing with me"                                             # Message sent to the opponent after the end of a game.
  greeting_spectators: "Too lazy sorry" # Message sent to the spectators at the beginning of a game.
  goodbye_spectators: "Thanks for watching {me} vs {opponent}!"                                           # Message sent to the spectators after the end of a game.

whitelist:                              # List of users whose challenges are always accepted.
  - EmptikGod

blacklist:                              # List of users who are not challenged and whose challenges are declined.
  - ElmiChess
  - actual_magnus
  - Annie_archy
  - chessfyBOT
  - VariantsBot
  - AshNostromo
  - chat_bot
  - Zagreus_engine
  - caissa-test
  - caissa-ai
  - StreamerVSChat
  - zulu_bot
  - HistoryExplorer
  - bekbot
  - OldStockfish
  - dark_angel_777
  - EmptikBotLc0
  - ProteusSF
  - ProteusSF-Lite
  - ProteusSF-Open
  - ProteusSF-Turbo
  - ProteusSF-Godot
  - ProteusSF-Aureo
  - ReinforcementTrial
  - Mr_Chess_Berserk
  - FireFishBOT
  - FireFishBOT_v2
  - TasmanRevenge
  - ToromBot
  - MQBot
  - LazyBot
  - admete_bot
  - eubos
  - baby_eubos
  - BerserkRandomMover
  - AKS-Mantissa
  - RaspFish
  - ChessChildren
  - simpleEval
  - simplerEval
  - Nikitosik-ai

books:                                    # Names of the opening books (to be used above in the opening_books section) and paths to the opening books.
 sorry cant reveal this, but for sure problem is not related to this..

Additional context Using BotLi patch from August 31, 2023.. Whole CMD text:

ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 51 seldepth 44 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 269816599 nps 61644185 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4377 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g7 g3g2 g7h6 g2h2 h6g5 h2g3 g5f6 g3g2 f6g7 g2f2 g7g8 f2e2 g8f7 e2e3 f7f6 e3d2 f6g5 d2d3 g5h5 d3c3 h5h6 c3b3 h6g5 b3c4 g5g4 c4b5 g4h5 b5a4 h5g6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 52 seldepth 47 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 272392511 nps 61655163 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4418 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g6 g3g2 g6h6 g2f1 h6g7 f1f2 g7h8 f2e1 h8h7 e1d2 h7h6 d2c1 h6g7 c1b2 g7h7 b2c3 h7g6 c3b4 g6h6 b4a3 h6h5 a3b3 h5g5 b3a4 g5g4 a4b4 g4f4 b4a3 f4f3 a3b3 f3g4 b3a4 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
Gaviota: 120. Bxh1         draw
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 53 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 281499731 nps 62004346 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4540 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g6 g3g2 g6h6 g2f1 h6g7 f1f2 g7h8 f2e1 h8h7 e1d2 h7h6 d2c1 h6g7 c1b2 g7h7 b2c3 h7g6 c3b4 g6h6 b4a3 h6h5 a3b3 h5g5 b3b2 g5h4 b2c2 h4g4 c2d1 g4f5 d1e1 f5g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 54 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 282825212 nps 62063904 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4557 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g6 g3g2 g6h6 g2f1 h6g7 f1f2 g7h8 f2e1 h8h7 e1d2 h7h6 d2c1 h6g6 c1b2 g6h6 b2b1 h6h7 b1a1 h7g8 a1b2 g8f8 b2c3 f8g7 c3b4 g7h6 b4b3 h6g5 b3a3 g5f5 a3b2 f5g6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 55 seldepth 44 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 289259237 nps 62353791 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4639 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g6 g3g2 g6h6 g2f1 h6g7 f1f2 g7h8 f2e1 h8h7 e1d2 h7h6 d2c1 h6g6 c1b2 g6h6 b2b1 h6h7 b1a1 h7g8 a1b2 g8f8 b2c2 f8g7 c2c3 g7f6 c3d4 f6f5 d4c4 f5g4 c4d3 g4h4', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: I2IB3oNY     BOT Emptik-AI-2 (2974) ½ - ½ BOT Mate-AI (2947)     Game drawn due to insufficient material.
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 56 seldepth 53 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 305157012 nps 62867122 hashfull 25 tbhits 15 time 4854 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 d1h5 g5h5 e5f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g4 f6f7 g4g3 f7g6 g3g2 g6h6 g2f1 h6g7 f1f2 g7f6 f2g2 f6g6 g2g3 g6g5 g3f3 g5h4 f3e3 h4h5 e3d3 h5g5 d3c4 g5f6 c4c3 f6f5 c3b4 f5g6 b4a3 g6g7 a3b2 g7h6 b2c2 h6h7 c2b3 h7g8 b3b2 g8f8 b2c2 f8f7 c2b2 f7e8 b2a3 e8f8', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 57 seldepth 52 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 503412971 nps 64145383 hashfull 28 tbhits 15 time 7848 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4e3 g5f5 e3f3 f5e5 f3g4 e5d4 g4h4 d4e3 d1h5 e3f4 h4h3 f7f6 h3h2 f4g5 h5f3 g5h4 f3h1 h4g4 h1g2 g4f4 h2h3 f4e5 h3g4 e5d6 g2h1 d6e5 g4f3 e5e6 f3f4 e6d6 f4f5 d6c5 h1f3 c5b4 f3h5 b4a4 f5f6 a4b4 f6f5 b4a4', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 58 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 579787545 nps 64128696 hashfull 29 tbhits 15 time 9041 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4f3 g5f5 f3g2 f5f4 g2h3 f7f5 h3h4 f4e4 h4g3 e4e5 d1f3 e5d4 g3f4 d4d3 f4f5 d3e3 f5g4 e3d3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 59 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 590334780 nps 64118038 hashfull 29 tbhits 15 time 9207 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4f3 g5f5 f3g2 f5f4 g2h3 f7f5 h3h4 f4e4 h4g3 e4e5 d1f3 e5d4 g3f4 d4d3 f4f5 d3e3 f5g4 e3d3 f3h1 d3d4 g4f4 d4c5 h1g2 c5b6 g2h3 b6b7 f4f3 b7a8 f3e4 a8b7 e4d5 b7c7 h3g4 c7d8 d5d6 d8e8 d6e5 e8f7 g4h5 f7e7', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 60 seldepth 42 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 604890086 nps 64090918 hashfull 29 tbhits 15 time 9438 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4f3 g5f5 f3g2 f5f4 g2h3 f7f5 h3h4 f4e4 h4g3 e4e5 d1f3 e5d4 g3f4 d4d3 f4f5 d3e3 f5g4 e3d3 f3h1 d3d4 g4f4 d4c5 h1g2 c5b6 g2h3 b6b7 h3f5 b7c6 f4e4 c6b5 e4d5 b5b6 f5d7 b6c7', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 61 seldepth 54 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 650140654 nps 64046956 hashfull 29 tbhits 15 time 10151 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4f3 g5f5 f3g2 f5f4 g2h3 f7f5 h3h4 f4e4 h4g3 e4e5 d1f3 e5d4 g3f4 d4d3 f4f5 d3e3 f5g4 e3d3 f3h1 d3d4 g4g3 d4c4 h1f3 c4b3 f3d5 b3b2 g3g4 b2a3 g4f5 a3a4 d5f7 a4a5 f5e5 a5b5 e5d4 b5c6 f7e8 c6c7 d4d5 c7d8 e8a4 d8e7 d5e5 e7f7 a4b5 f7g7', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 62 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 776985298 nps 64097120 hashfull 29 tbhits 15 time 12122 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4f3 g5f5 f3g2 f5f4 g2h3 f7f5 h3h4 f4e4 h4g3 e4e5 d1f3 e5d4 g3f4 d4d3 f4f5 d3e3 f5g4 e3d3 f3h1 d3d4 g4f5 d4c5 f5e5 c5b4 h1g2 b4b3 e5d4 b3a2 g2d5 a2a1 d5h1 a1a2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 63 seldepth 42 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 936114306 nps 64064762 hashfull 31 tbhits 15 time 14612 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 h6h5 e5e4 h5h4 e4f3 g5f5 f3g2 f5f4 g2h3 f7f5 h3h4 f4e4 h4g3 e4e5 d1f3 e5d4 g3f4 d4d3 f4f5 d3e3 f5g4 e3d3 g4f4 d3c2 f3e4 c2d2 f4g4 d2c3 e4f5 c3b4 g4g5 b4a3 g5f4 a3a2 f4e5 a2b2 e5d4 b2a3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
Exception in thread Thread-165:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1859, in quit
    await asyncio.shield(self.returncode)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 456, in wait_for
    return fut.result()

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 90, in run
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 131, in end_game
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 101, in close
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 3016, in quit
    return future.result()
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 458, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 403, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 458, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError() from exc
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 64 seldepth 59 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 5076976032 nps 65733285 hashfull 42 tbhits 15 time 77236 pv f3e4 f7f6 e4f5 h5h4 f5f6 h4g3 f6e5 h6h5 c2d1 h5h4 e5e4 h4h3 d1f3 g3h2 e4f4 h2g1 f3e2 g1g2 e2f3 g2f2 f3e4 f2g1 f4e3 h3h2 e4h1 g1h1 e3f2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 65 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 5082382547 nps 65730096 hashfull 42 tbhits 15 time 77322 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h5f3 c5d4 h6g5 d4c5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 66 seldepth 43 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 5088013788 nps 65728120 hashfull 42 tbhits 15 time 77410 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h5f3 c5d4 h6g5 d4c5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 67 seldepth 44 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 5271770718 nps 65722968 hashfull 42 tbhits 15 time 80212 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h5f3 c5d4 h6g5 d4c3 f3h1 c3b3 g5h4 b3a2 h1f3 a2b1 f3e2 b1c2 h4g5 c2b1 g5f5 b1a2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 68 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 5377315996 nps 65775956 hashfull 42 tbhits 15 time 81752 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h5f3 c5d4 h6g6 d4e3 f3h5 e3e4 g6h6 e4e5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 69 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 5434810505 nps 65799127 hashfull 42 tbhits 15 time 82597 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h6g6 c5d6 g6f5 d6c7 f5f4 c7b7 h5f3 b7b6 f3e2 b6c6 e2f3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 70 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 6357465129 nps 65743530 hashfull 43 tbhits 15 time 96701 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h6g6 c5d6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 71 seldepth 51 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 6465004506 nps 65766764 hashfull 43 tbhits 15 time 98302 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h6g6 c5d6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 72 seldepth 50 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 13216707707 nps 65174356 hashfull 47 tbhits 15 time 202790 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6h6 d6c5 h6g6 c5d6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 73 seldepth 53 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 14260460859 nps 65123693 hashfull 48 tbhits 15 time 218975 pv f3e4 h5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4e5 g5g6 e5e4 g6f6 e4f4 f6e6 d1h5 f7f6 h5f3 e6d7 f4f5 d7d8 f5f6 d8c8 f3g4 c8b7 f6g6 b7b6 g4e2 b6c7 e2h5 c7d6 g6f7 d6c7 f7f6 c7b6 h5d1 b6a7 f6g6 a7b6 g6h6 b6a6 d1e2 a6b7 e2f3 b7a7 h6g6 a7b6 g6g5 b6c5 f3g4 c5c4 g4h5 c4b4 g5f5 b4b5 h5e2 b5c5 f5e5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: vdN38BmE     Challenger: BOT faith_bot (2842)     TC: 10+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Time control "rapid" is not allowed according to config.
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 74 seldepth 63 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 69366193852 nps 64807988 hashfull 59 tbhits 15 time 1070334 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 75 seldepth 38 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 69378889613 nps 64807377 hashfull 59 tbhits 15 time 1070540 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4f3 g5f5 d1c2 f5e5 f3g3 f6f5 g3h4 f5f4 h4g4 h6h5 g4f3 h5h4 f3g2 e5f6 g2f2 f4f3 c2d1 f6g7 d1f3 g7f8 f2e3 f8e7 e3f4 e7f7 f3d5 f7f8 d5g2 f8e7 g2f3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 76 seldepth 37 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 69578331532 nps 64795515 hashfull 59 tbhits 15 time 1073814 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 77 seldepth 43 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 75507976914 nps 64417917 hashfull 60 tbhits 15 time 1172158 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: oMHvNecJ     Challenger: BOT Weiawaga (2287)     TC: 40+0     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "classical" is not allowed according to config.
ID: t9dZFyY3     Challenger: BOT Spectral-AI (3005)     TC: 1+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenge added to queue.
Mate-AI will not be challenged to a new game pair before 2023-09-17 07:12:16.

ID: t9dZFyY3     BOT Spectral-AI (3005)   -   BOT Emptik-AI-2 (2974)     TC: 1+0     Rated     Variant: Standard
Exception in thread Thread-167:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1852, in analysis
    return await self.communicate(UciAnalysisCommand)
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1133, in communicate
    return await command.result

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 456, in wait_for
    return fut.result()

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 46, in run
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 128, in start_pondering
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 92, in start_pondering
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 3004, in analysis
    return SimpleAnalysisResult(self, future.result())
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 458, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 403, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 458, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError() from exc
ERROR:asyncio:Exception in callback Protocol._line_received('readyok')
handle: <Handle Protocol._line_received('readyok')>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 80, in _run, *self._args)
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1093, in _line_received
    self.command._line_received(self, line)
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1386, in _line_received
    self.line_received(engine, line)
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1820, in line_received
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 1833, in _readyok
asyncio.exceptions.InvalidStateError: invalid state
ID: BgaRdjpO     Challenger: BOT ReinforcementTrial (2937)     TC: 1+1     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: mwJZjano     Challenger: BOT RaspFish (2843)     TC: 1+1     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: bzc1tSE8     Challenger: BOT ReinforcementTrial (2935)     TC: 1+1     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: iBsup2bl     Challenger: BOT RaspFish (2865)     TC: 3+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 78 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 182473030941 nps 36375179 hashfull 71 tbhits 15 time 5016416 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4f3 g5f5 d1c2 f5e5 f3g3 f6f5 g3h4 f5f4 h4g4 h6h5 g4f3 h5h4 f3f2 h4h3 c2d1 h3h2 d1f3 h2h1q f3h1 e5d4 f2f3 d4c3 f3g4 c3b3 h1f3 b3c2 f3e4 c2b2 g4f4 b2b3 e4h1 b3a4 h1c6 a4a5 c6f3 a5b6 f3e2 b6c6 e2g4 c6c7 f4e4 c7c6 g4h5 c6b5 h5f3 b5a5 f3h5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 79 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 182531994204 nps 36372671 hashfull 71 tbhits 15 time 5018383 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4f3 g5f5 d1c2 f5e5 f3g3 f6f5 g3f2 f5f4 f2e1 e5d6 e1f1 d6d5 c2b3 d5d4 f1f2 d4e4 f2g2 e4e3 b3d5 e3d4 d5f3 d4e3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 80 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 186986741577 nps 36172252 hashfull 71 tbhits 15 time 5169342 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4f3 g5f5 d1c2 f5e5 f3g3 f6f5 g3f2 f5f4 f2e1 e5d6 e1f1 d6d5 c2b3 d5d4 f1f2 d4e4 f2g2 e4e3 b3d5 e3d4 d5f3 d4e3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: Rc3xlOGw     Challenger: BOT camel_bot (2115)     TC: 5+1     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 81 seldepth 63 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 266083091035 nps 33245089 hashfull 80 tbhits 15 time 8003681 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4f3 g5f5 d1c2 f5e5 f3g3 f6f5 g3f2 f5f4 f2e1 e5d6 e1f1 d6d5 c2b3 d5d4 f1f2 d4e4 f2g2 e4e3 b3d5 e3d4 d5f3 d4e3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 82 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 328091987405 nps 32207637 hashfull 84 tbhits 15 time 10186776 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5 e4f3 g5f5 d1c2 f5e5 f3g3 f6f5 g3f2 f5f4 f2e1 e5d6 e1f1 d6d5 c2b3 d5d4 f1f2 d4e4 f2e2 f4f3 e2f2 e4d3 b3d5 d3d2 d5e4 d2c3 e4f3 c3d4 f2g3 d4e3 f3h5 e3d2 g3f2 d2c3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: bjkDwkAu     Challenger: BOT FrozenightEngine (2624)     TC: 5+1     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: Se7YOik0     Challenger: BOT FrozenightEngine (2657)     TC: 15+1     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "rapid" is not allowed according to config.
ID: JmQCclJM     Challenger: BOT FrozenightEngine (2657)     TC: 15+1     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "rapid" is not allowed according to config.
ID: AzzLesUY     Challenger: BOT FireFishBOT_v2 (2932)     TC: 3+1     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: hydrWLjb     Challenger: BOT halcyonbot (2223)     TC: 2+2     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: CMQ6szbu     Challenger: BOT halcyonbot (2223)     TC: 2+5     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: hECp8g03     Challenger: BOT ReinforcementTrial (2942)     TC: 1+1     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: DEcm3NG6     Challenger: BOT Weiawaga (2283)     TC: 40+0     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "classical" is not allowed according to config.
ID: 40k6r0JJ     Challenger: BOT FrozenightEngine (2627)     TC: 5+1     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: saFNJxAG     Challenger: BOT StockFish16_2023 (2952?)     TC: ¼+10     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: KEyRZ6Sm     Challenger: BOT blundar_bot (2818)     TC: ½+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Time control "bullet" is not allowed according to config.
ID: B1pNDQsL     Challenger: BOT StockFish16_2023 (2952?)     TC: ¾+5     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: KtxP1jOz     Challenger: BOT FrozenightEngine (2627)     TC: 5+1     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 83 seldepth 60 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 737461080392 nps 29928109 hashfull 98 tbhits 15 time 24641085 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 84 seldepth 35 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 851807290851 nps 29687724 hashfull 99 tbhits 15 time 28692239 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: kLKf52PY     Challenger: BOT ToromBot (2922)     TC: 3+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: C7IahSdw     Challenger: BOT blundar_bot (2842)     TC: ½+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Time control "bullet" is not allowed according to config.
ID: oX97UaVm     Challenger: BOT Weiawaga (2514)     TC: 5+0     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: FzmNs2o6     Challenger: BOT RaspFish (2855)     TC: 1+1     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
ID: teM8cq8Q     Challenger: BOT halcyonbot (2232)     TC: 3+2     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Time control "blitz" is not allowed according to config.
ID: zYibPYWM     Challenger: BOT OpeningsBot (2481)     TC: 3+0     Rated     Color: Random     Variant: Standard
Challenge added to queue.

ID: zYibPYWM     BOT Emptik-AI-2 (2465?)   -   BOT OpeningsBot (2481)     TC: 3+0     Rated     Variant: Standard
UCI option "Move Overhead" ignored as it is not supported by the engine.
Book:    1.   e4           75 %     Earthquake
info string Could not allocate 12.00 GB for Transposition table
Exception in thread Thread-169:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 44, in run
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 97, in _make_move
    uci_move, offer_draw, resign = self.lichess_game.make_move()
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 74, in make_move
  File "F:\Emptik-AI\", line 92, in start_pondering
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 3004, in analysis
    return SimpleAnalysisResult(self, future.result())
  File "C:\Users\Vinay Kumar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 456, in result
    raise CancelledError()
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 85 seldepth 21 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 967821477595 nps 30038317 hashfull 124 tbhits 15 time 32219563 pv f3e4 h5g5 e4e5 f7f6 e5e4 g5g4 c2d1 g4g5', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ID: GIqbA1a9     Challenger: BOT RaspFish (2876)     TC: 3+0     Rated     Color: White     Variant: Standard
Challenger is blacklisted.
Torom commented 1 year ago

You say the error has already occurred several times?

Can you confirm that it is an unmodified variant of Stockfish?

I'll explain how far I understand the error so far: BotLi doesn't let the engine continue pondering when it starts using syzygy or gaviota. The idea is that the engine doesn't continue pondering unnecessarily when it's not being used anyway. This is of course not so important in a bullet game, but in longer games it can be several minutes. To do this BotLi lets the engine analyze the start position for 1 ms without pondering. And this is where the error seems to happen. That's why python-chess expects an answer to the analysis of the start position, but in your case it gets the analysis of a completely different position.

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Yep, it is a unmodified variant of Stockfish, git cloned from and compiled by the following commands:

cd Stockfish/src
make -j profile-build ARCH=x86-64-bmi2 COMP=mingw
Torom commented 1 year ago

You say the error has already occurred several times?


EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Yes... For the past 4 days I have kept either of my bots (EmptikBot, Emptik-AI, Emptik-AI-2) online overnight, and in the morning same thing..

Torom commented 1 year ago

At the moment I have no idea why this is happening to you. My wild guess is maybe it has something to do with Windows and that's why it's not happening to me. On the other hand, you are probably not the only one using BotLi on Windows.

ttBOT-on-Lichess commented 1 year ago

Yes I use BotLi on Windows and it didn't happen to me...

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Happened again, seems to only happen when Syzygy starts being used...

Engine:  39.  Re7       +199.57     75/34      Nodes:  12.6 M     NPS:  38.4 M     MT: 00:00.3     Hash:   0.3 %     TB: 252.2 k
Engine:  40.  Rxg7      +199.71     41/46      Nodes:   8.8 M     NPS:  25.3 M     MT: 00:00.3     Hash:   0.4 %     TB: 437.1 k
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=1)
Engine:  41.  Re7       +199.87     43/50      Nodes:   9.9 M     NPS:  29.9 M     MT: 00:00.3     Hash:   0.7 %     TB: 588.9 k
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=1)
Engine:  42.  Kf2       +199.89     43/16      Nodes:  48.9 M     NPS:  29.1 M     MT: 00:01.7     Hash:   1.8 %     TB:   3.0 M
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=1)
Engine:  43.  Ra7       +199.91     47/43      Nodes:  10.5 M     NPS:  29.7 M     MT: 00:00.4     Hash:   0.6 %     TB: 701.6 k
EGTB:    44.  Ke2           win     DTZ: 4
EGTB:    45.  Ke1           win     DTZ: 2
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=1)
Engine:  46.  Rxa6      +199.99     41/39      Nodes:   3.3 M     NPS:  36.2 M     MT: 00:00.1     Hash:   0.5 %     TB: 189.1 k
Syzygy:  47.  Rd6           win     DTZ: 8
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 28 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 20000 nodes 45327926 nps 45282643 hashfull 13 tbhits 20 time 1001 pv a6a5 b1c3 e1d2 c3e4 d2d3 e4c5 d3c3 b5b4 c3b4 c5e6 a5a2 f4g4 c2c3 e6c7 c3c4 g4h3 a2a5 h3g4 a5a7 c7e6 a7a6 e6f4 a6d6 g4f5 c4c5 f5e5 d6d2 f4g6 d2d7 e5f4 d7d4 f4f3 d4d6 g6e7', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 29 seldepth 37 multipv 1 score cp 20000 nodes 46525504 nps 45346495 hashfull 13 tbhits 20 time 1026 pv a6a5 b1c3 e1d2 c3e4 d2d3 e4c5 d3c3 b5b4 c3b4 c5e6 a5a2 f4g4 c2c3 e6c7 c3c4 g4h3 a2a5 h3g4 a5a7 c7e6 a7e7 e6d8 e7d7 d8c6 b4b5 c6e5 d7d5 e5f3 d5d6 f3h2 c4c5 g4f5 c5c6', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 30 seldepth 43 multipv 1 score cp 20000 nodes 47034631 nps 45400222 hashfull 13 tbhits 20 time 1036 pv a6a5 b1c3 e1d2 c3e4 d2d3 e4c5 d3c3 b5b4 c3b4 c5e6 a5a2 f4g4 c2c3 e6c7 c3c4 g4h3 a2a5 h3g4 a5a7 c7e6 a7d7 g4g3 d7d6 e6c7 c4c5 g3f3 b4c4 c7e8 d6d7 f3g4 d7b7 g4f3', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
Syzygy:  48.  Rd3           win     DTZ: 6
Syzygy:  49.  Ke2           win     DTZ: 4

Could be that 6-man Syzygy takes up too much ram (I have 32GB) and the engine crashes due to that?

At this point, the position is at Depth 113, engine is still running..

ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 106 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 359539108165 nps 103850426 hashfull 962 tbhits 20 time 3462086 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 c2c3 c7d6 c3c4 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 b6b7 d8e7 c4c5 e7e6 c5c6 e6f5 c6c7 f5e4 b7c6 e4e3 c7c8q e3f4 c6d5 f4e3 c8g4 e3d2 g4d4 d2e1 d5e4 e1f1 d4d2 f1g1 e4f3 g1f1 d2c1', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 107 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 444580671239 nps 104318169 hashfull 971 tbhits 20 time 4261776 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 c2c3 c7d6 c3c4 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 b6b7 d8e7 c4c5 e7e6 c5c6 e6f5 c6c7 f5e4 b7c6 e4e3 c7c8q e3f4 c6d5 f4e3 c8g4 e3d2 g4d4 d2e1 d5e4 e1f1 d4d2 f1g1 e4f3 g1f1 d2c1', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 108 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 464238123944 nps 104414706 hashfull 973 tbhits 20 time 4446099 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 c2c4 d8d7 c4c5 d7c8 b6c6 c8d8 c6b7 d8d7 c5c6 d7e6 c6c7 e6d5 c7c8q d5e4 b7c6 e4e3 c8g4 e3f2 c6d5 f2e3 d5c4 e3d2 g4f4 d2d1 c4d3 d1e1 f4f6 e1d1 f6f1', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 109 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 626411721313 nps 105145383 hashfull 984 tbhits 20 time 5957577 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 c2c4 d8d7 c4c5 d7c8 b6c6 c8d8 c6b7 d8d7 c5c6 d7e6 c6c7 e6d5 c7c8q d5e4 b7c6 e4e3 c8g4 e3f2 c6d5 f2e3 d5c4 e3d2 g4f4 d2d1 c4d3 d1e1 f4f6 e1d1 f6f1', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 110 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 626721677683 nps 105146687 hashfull 984 tbhits 20 time 5960451 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 c2c4 d8d7 c4c5 d7c8 b6c6 c8d8 c6b7 d8d7 c5c6 d7e7 c6c7 e7f6 c7c8q f6g5 c8f8 g5g4 b7c6 g4g3 c6d5 g3g2 d5e4 g2g3 f8f3 g3h2 f3g4 h2h1 e4f3 h1h2 g4g2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 111 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 726725467562 nps 105822858 hashfull 986 tbhits 20 time 6867377 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 c2c4 d8d7 c4c5 d7c8 b6c6 c8d8 c6b7 d8d7 c5c6 d7e7 c6c7 e7f6 c7c8q f6g5 c8f8 g5g4 b7c6 g4g3 c6d5 g3g2 d5e4 g2g3 f8f3 g3h2 f3g4 h2h1 e4f3 h1h2 g4g2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 112 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 750673541412 nps 105889022 hashfull 987 tbhits 20 time 7089248 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 c2c4 d8d7 c4c5 d7c8 b6c6 c8d8 c6b7 d8d7 c5c6 d7e7 c6c7 e7f6 c7c8q f6g5 c8f8 g5g4 b7c6 g4g3 c6d5 g3g2 d5e4 g2g3 f8f3 g3h2 f3g4 h2h1 e4f3 h1h2 g4g2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
ERROR:chess.engine:Exception parsing pv from info: 'depth 113 seldepth 58 multipv 1 score mate 29 nodes 863234907412 nps 105880289 hashfull 990 tbhits 20 time 8152933 pv a6a1 b1c3 e1d2 c3d5 a1b1 d5c7 d2c3 f4e5 c3b4 e5d5 b1h1 d5c6 h1h6 c6d5 h6h7 c7e8 h7e7 e8d6 e7d7 d5e5 d7d6 e5d6 b4b5 d6c7 b5c5 c7d7 c5b6 d7d8 c2c4 d8d7 c4c5 d7c8 b6c6 c8d8 c6b7 d8d7 c5c6 d7e7 c6c7 e7f6 c7c8q f6g5 c8f8 g5g4 b7c6 g4g3 c6d5 g3g2 d5e4 g2g3 f8f3 g3h2 f3g4 h2h1 e4f3 h1h2 g4g2', position at root: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

Any idea on why this could be happening? Does my PC (32GB) not have enough RAM to handle 6 Man Syzygy or anything? Seems to be only recently happening after I implemented 6 man..

Torom commented 1 year ago

Seems to be only recently happening after I implemented 6 man..

That's an interesting information. Maybe you don't have all 6 men tablebases and I don't handle that correctly in BotLi? That's something I will check when I'm back home.

It has nothing to do with the hash, the engine isn't crashing it is just not in sync with python-chess.

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Seems to be only recently happening after I implemented 6 man..

That's an interesting information. Maybe you don't have all 6 men tablebases and I don't handle that correctly in BotLi? That's something I will check when I'm back home.

It has nothing to do with the hash, the engine isn't crashing it is just not in sync with python-chess.


I have all the 6 man tablebases.. image My 5 man is in another directory also linked.. image image

Torom commented 1 year ago

You could check the correctness of the files with the md5sum file.

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

I did, and the Syzygy works too..

IbaiBuR commented 1 year ago

At this point if 6 man is giving such problems you can try with 5 man and check if the problem persists. I use BotLi both on Linux and Windows and never had a similar problem...

Actually there is not even a 1 elo benefit since NNUE era to use 6 man, thats why I make this suggestion...

Instead of 150 GB, 5 man are only 1 GB and you can use online 7 man syzygy....

EmptikBest commented 7 months ago

I will close this issue as not planned now, as the issue has not occured to me for months now after removing six man syzygy and using online EGTB instead..

Thanks everybody for your help