Torom / BotLi

Lichess Bot
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Reformat !eval and !printeval command #142

Closed FatFritz2 closed 1 year ago

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Torom I want to reformat the !eval and !printeval format from Old format: 0.05 33/39 Nodes: 6.3 M NPS: 1.5 M MT: 00:04.3 Hash: 4.0 % PV: 53. Rh8 Rc2 54. b7 Nc6 55. Rc8 Ra2+ 56. Kb5 Nxe5 To this lichess-bot format: Source: Engine, Evaluation: -0.08, Winrate: 49.8%, Depth: 20, Nodes: 669.5K, Speed: 1.0Mnps, Pv: 26...Bxc5 27. Be1 Nb4 28. Bxb4 Rxb4 29. a5 In my opinion, I think the lichess-bot format is clearly better for me since it supports UCI_WDL feature, clear expressions and If you reformat it i really hope you add the hash info right after the Speed and I think you can put the Move time to the very last just before the PV

Thats my idea Thanks

Torom commented 1 year ago

I am leaving the issue open to allow others to comment.

I am strongly against it right now:

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

If you dont want to do it, I suggest you adjust the NPS: ...M to Speed: ...Mnps format

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

I personally think that the current BotLi eval is much better than lichess-bot..

If you want all these features from lichess-bot added, then just go use lichess-bot??

@Torom, correct me if I'm right, but I see 49 of the 104 issues are opened by @FatFritz2..

@FatFritz2, if you want all these features so badly, then instead go to lichess-bot and ask them to add BotLi features instead..

In fact, in lichess-bot, you already requested multiple features from BotLi:

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

I've already asked them about that features and

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Didnt I say just that in the post??

EDIT: Torom mark these as off topic if you want as they are not on topic at all

Torom commented 1 year ago

Let's focus on the issue here. The Discord server is better suited for such discussions.

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I think that the current eval is just fine, and even better than lichess-bot eval.. and I think that many people will agree with me... Also, just my thought, we can improve one tiny detail, if it doesnt take too much space, and that we add Evaluation: <score> rather than <score> at the beginning..

But I think that the addition of Winrate is just unecessary as Torom pointed out that there is no way that there is a 50% winning chance in a 0.00 eval.. But if more people want it you can make it toggleable, but I think its just stupid as 50% chance in basically 0.0 is not at all normal.

Torom commented 1 year ago

But the !eval output is already: Evaluation: 63. Kg3 +0.09 45/37 Nodes: 8.5 M NPS: 6.9 M MT: 00:01.2 Hash: 3.7 % TB: 12.6 k PV: 63... Ra1 64. Rb2 Ra6 65. Rb5 Ra2 66. Kh3 Ra6

I guess you mean that Evaluation: comes before the score and not at the beginning. That makes sense. But the advantage at the moment is that BotLi simply saves the last message that was printed to the user, only the PV may be appended. And for the user Engine: must be at the beginning. But let's see, I will probably generate a private and a public part of the message soon. Then also the book name or similar will not be sent into the chat.

EmptikBest commented 1 year ago

But the !eval output is already: Evaluation: 63. Kg3 +0.09 45/37 Nodes: 8.5 M NPS: 6.9 M MT: 00:01.2 Hash: 3.7 % TB: 12.6 k PV: 63... Ra1 64. Rb2 Ra6 65. Rb5 Ra2 66. Kh3 Ra6

I guess you mean that Evaluation: comes before the score and not at the beginning. That makes sense. But the advantage at the moment is that BotLi simply saves the last message that was printed to the user, only the PV may be appended. And for the user Engine: must be at the beginning. But let's see, I will probably generate a private and a public part of the message soon. Then also the book name or similar will not be sent into the chat.

I'm sorry, I didnt exactly remember properly..

Yes you are correct, but in @FatFritz2's post it is not written Evaluation:..

I dont think BotLi eval messages needs changes

EDIT: Yeah that would be great dont send book names in chat eval or printeval

IbaiBuR commented 1 year ago

In my opinion there is no need to change the eval/printeval output either, it is already fine as it is. now

As Torom said, if you like the lichess-bot output either you try to implement it yourself in BotLi for your private use or just use lichess-bot!

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

I guess you guys're right I will close the issue right now