Torom / BotLi

Lichess Bot
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
44 stars 82 forks source link

The Bot does not reply #69

Closed FatFritz2 closed 1 year ago

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

Hey I did replace the original verson of you can take a look:

import os
import platform

import psutil

from api import API
from lichess_game import Lichess_Game

class Chat_Message:
    def __init__(self, chatLine_event: dict) -> None:
        self.username: str = chatLine_event['username']
        self.text: str = chatLine_event['text'] str = chatLine_event['room']

class Chatter:
    def __init__(self, api: API, config: dict, game_id: str) -> None:
        self.api = api
        self.game_id = game_id
        self.username = self.api.user['username']
        self.cpu_message = self._get_cpu()
        self.draw_message = self._get_draw_message(config)
        self.ram_message = self._get_ram()
        self.print_eval_rooms: set[str] = set()

    def handle_chat_message(self, chatLine_Event: dict, lichess_game: Lichess_Game) -> None:
        chat_message = Chat_Message(chatLine_Event)

        if chat_message.username == 'lichess':
            if == 'player':
                print(f'{chat_message.username}: {chat_message.text}')
        elif chat_message.username == self.username:

        print(f'{chat_message.username} ({}): {chat_message.text}')

        if chat_message.text.startswith('!'):
            if response := self._handle_command(chat_message, lichess_game):
                self.api.send_chat_message(self.game_id,, response)

    def print_eval(self, lichess_game: Lichess_Game) -> None:
        for room in self.print_eval_rooms:
            self.api.send_chat_message(self.game_id, room, lichess_game.last_message)

    def _handle_command(self, chat_message: Chat_Message, lichess_game: Lichess_Game) -> str | None:
        command = chat_message.text[1:].lower()
        if command == 'cpu':
            return self.cpu_message
        elif command == 'draw':
            return self.draw_message
        elif command == 'engine':
        elif command == 'eval':
            return lichess_game.last_message
        elif command == 'name':
            return f'{self.username} running {["name"]} (BotLi)'
        elif command == 'printeval':
            if not lichess_game.increment and lichess_game.initial_time < 180_000:
                return 'Time control is too fast for this function.'
            return lichess_game.last_message
        elif command == 'stopeval':
        elif command == 'ram':
            return self.ram_message
            return 'Supported commands: !cpu, !draw, !engine, !eval, !name, !printeval / !stopeval, !ram'

    def _get_cpu(self) -> str:
        cpu = ''
        if os.path.exists('/proc/cpuinfo'):
            with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as cpuinfo:
                while line := cpuinfo.readline():
                    if line.startswith('model name'):
                        cpu = line.split(': ')[1]
                        cpu = cpu.replace('(R)', '')
                        cpu = cpu.replace('(TM)', '')

                        if len(cpu.split()) > 1:
                            return cpu

        if processor := platform.processor():
            cpu = processor.split()[0]
            cpu = cpu.replace('GenuineIntel', 'Intel')

        cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
        threads = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)

            cpu_freq = psutil.cpu_freq().max / 1000
        except FileNotFoundError:
            cpu_freq = float('NaN')

        return f'{cpu} {cores}c/{threads}t @ {cpu_freq:.2f}GHz'

    def _get_ram(self) -> str:
        mem_bytes = psutil.virtual_memory().total
        mem_gib = mem_bytes/(1024.**3)

        return f'{mem_gib:.1f} GiB'

    def _get_draw_message(self, config: dict) -> str:
        draw_enabled = config['engine']['offer_draw']['enabled']

        if not draw_enabled:
            return 'This bot will neither accept nor offer draws.'

        min_game_length = config['engine']['offer_draw']['min_game_length']
        max_score = config['engine']['offer_draw']['score'] / 100
        consecutive_moves = config['engine']['offer_draw']['consecutive_moves']

        return f'The bot offers draw at move {min_game_length} or later ' \
            f'if the eval is within +{max_score:.2f} to -{max_score:.2f} for the last {consecutive_moves} moves.'

After that, the bot played normally but it cant chat any more idk why


Torom commented 1 year ago

It will be able to chat without any problems. I introduced with the !printeval / !stopeval commands that chat messages coming from the bot account itself are ignored. I did this so that the !printeval messages do not flood the output after each move. But you wrote with the same account as the bot account, so your chat messages were ignored.

I could change the behavior again, but I couldn't think of a good reason why you would send commands to the bot from the bot account itself.

Torom commented 1 year ago

Out of curiosity, may I ask what kind of book you use?

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

Uh oh I just use bestbook.bin, elo3300.bin and Perfect2021.bin ?

Torom commented 1 year ago

In 2796aa7 I have now changed it so that the bot responds to the commands from itself, but you won't see the messages in the output.

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

In 2796aa7 I have now changed it so that the bot responds to the commands from itself, but you won't see the messages in the output.

Oh the output is the chat room ?

FatFritz2 commented 1 year ago

Oh it replied thanks for the update :)