Tossy0423 / yolov4-for-darknet_ros

This is the environment in which YOLO V4 is ported to darknet_ros.
MIT License
108 stars 53 forks source link

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [darknet_ros/darknet_ros] #20

Open mazik1496 opened 1 year ago

mazik1496 commented 1 year ago

스크린샷, 2022-11-05 11-28-44 I am currently using ubuntu 20.04 noetic and I am trying to use yolo using the camera in the gazebo environment I am studying, but when I run roslaunch darknet_ros yolo_v4.launch, the following error occurs.

스크린샷, 2022-11-07 13-27-26 So, I tried to enter the path and chmod +x, but there is no node file and only the package folder name of the same name exists. I thought I didn't do devel/setup.bash, but I'm very embarrassed because I've already done it several times and reinstalled the package several times. Does anyone know a solution for this????