Total-RP / Total-RP-3

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Scanning/hovering over profiles with cyrillic text causes disconnection in the client #886

Open santernn opened 1 month ago

santernn commented 1 month ago

Describe the issue

Scanning/hovering over profiles with cyrillic text causes the session to disconnect. This seems to mostly occur while doing instanced content (Raids, BGs, Arena, M+ etc.)

Expected behaviour

The addon should be able to function as normal even with Russian players being present in groups.

Issue checklist

Please select any applicable options from the below list.

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Steps to reproduce

Give us a list of steps to reproduce the issue with.

  1. Have TRP3 enabled
  2. Enter any instanced content with a group that has Russian players
  3. Select or mouse over a player that has Cyrillic text in their character, guild name or TRP profile
  4. Client disconnects shortly after
  5. Issue ceases to reoccur once TRP3 is disabled and the UI is reloaded

Additional files

Will provide logs, was missing bugsack at the time this was happening Issue was reported and reposted by other players in the following threads:

Meorawr commented 1 month ago

It's an issue Blizzard are looking into. Not one that we can really fix on our end short of blacklisting an entire region worth of players from the addon.

For clarification - is it a total client crash (as in, straight to desktop) or just a disconnect? I've only seen the latter.

santernn commented 1 month ago

@Meorawr good point, it was disconnecting, not the client crashing. I edited accordingly Any clue based on previous cases how long does Blizz take to fix such issues? Or just a link where they acknowledged the problem so I can fwd the info to the forums

Meorawr commented 1 month ago

I'll see if I can coax an update out of someone later today. I suspect it's relatively high priority, but the server team were only made aware of the issue quite late yesterday so probably haven't had much chance to go trawling through server logs to figure out the cause.

santernn commented 1 month ago


Meorawr commented 1 month ago

The root cause of the issue has been worked out. They're going to try and take a look at fixing it today, with the tentative aim of getting it deployed in the next few days.

In the meantime - now that we also worked out what the issue is, we'll consider releasing a small update that avoids the disconnect just on the off chance the deployment of the server-side fix takes longer than the "few days".

Meorawr commented 1 month ago

We've stuck a temporary workaround into the just-released version 2.8.3 that should mitigate the disconnects until Blizzard resolve it. We didn't really want to be in a position where the deployment of their fix gets pushed into next week owing to the launch of timerunning and the general proximity to the weekend.

As a consequence of our workaround, transfers won't work cross-realm when requesting profiles from players whose combined character and realm names exceed a certain length. That workaround will disable itself in two weeks, which one would hope is plenty of time for the issue to be properly resolved by Blizzard. Also, you may still disconnect if other installed addons try to communicate with problematic players.

Meorawr commented 1 month ago

To also update here - I'd strongly recommend updating to 2.8.4 where we've made the "temporary" workaround more permanent.

When we'd made the temporary workaround we had expected the issue given its severity would have been resolved in either of the two previous weekly maintenance restarts, however the issue remains as yet unresolved on live servers.

When we released 2.8.3 we'd set it up the workaround such that it would disable itself on June 1st. The rationale behind this was mostly to deal with the problem where users may be a bit slow when it comes to updating addons, and us not wanting users on the 2.8.3 version to be left in a state where profile transfers to certain players were blocked for arbitrary and unclear reasons.

However, as the core issue remains unfixed on live servers and there's not really any guarantee on when that'll change we've more or less been forced to remove that timer completely. The net result is that 2.8.3 as of today may once again run into disconnects, but 2.8.4 onwards never will.