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Remove info tooltip size setting #916

Closed Meorawr closed 1 week ago

Meorawr commented 1 week ago

The "Info tooltip size" setting was used to change the size of informational help tooltips shown in the UI.

This setting has a few issues; firstly, the default size is wrong. Compared to tooltips around the rest of the game interface, the size is 11 compared to what should be 12 - so by default our tooltips are less readable for people with bad eyesight.

The more important issue however is that the default value assumes that font heights across different languages are uniform, which they're not. Many game fonts in asian languages - particularly Korean - have their sizes specifically increased to make glyphs clearer.

The adjustment to fonts isn't something that's particularly uniform. At larger sizes these per-alphabet adjustments eventually stop, but at smaller sizes they tend to be greater.

As such, we've elected to remove the setting for now and to see who complains. It should be noted that the game client itself supports DPI scaling in addition to the UI scaling feature - so users on 4k monitors and the like already have plenty of knobs they can tune that work across the entire game, instead of needing to tweak those and our weird setting.